
Chapter 162

"Bliss?" A curious pat on my arm made me look to Blissey who was giving me a concerned look.

"Ah, sorry," I forced a laugh, "Just got caught up in my thoughts, come on." I pushed the door open and headed inside the training room.

I'll need to think on it a little bit. I need to stop by Sinnoh anyway so I can capture that wild shiny Metagross. And a certain troll of a Gible.

While it was true I'd had a bit of an epiphany with Surge and decided to slow down on the catching a little bit, that was just in general. There were still the plans I'd already made for quite a few pokemon to catch.

Like paying a visit to Fennel Valley before I leave Kanto. A place actually not that far away and is in between Viridian City and the Indigo Plateau. There is a wild Tyranitar I plan to catch over there after all.

Well, it didn't specifically have to be that Tyranitar. I know where a few are, like a wild one in Alola. But it would save me time to go after the one at Fennel Valley.

"Alright, ready to meet Altaria?" I grinned at Blissey.

"Bliss!" she nodded happily.

I reached for my belt where the gleaming black and gold luxury balls shone dazzlingly and grabbed Altaria's.

A moment later there was a burst of bright light from the expensive pokeball as I released the pokemon within.

I almost whistled when the light solidified into a gorgeous, massive bird of sea blue feathers and soft, fluffy white cloud like wings.

I already knew from the listing of her weight and size under my trainer profile, that Altaria was much bigger than average, which was to be expected she was trained by Lance after all.

It was another thing to see it though.

Altaria cocked her long neck and head to the side and regarded me silently, looking down into my eyes from where she towered over a foot above me.

"Aren't you a beautiful one, huh?" I laughed, making her tilt her head up just a little bit more and preen, "Hey, I'm Jord and I guess I'm your new trainer, it's amazing to meet you."

"Blissey Bliss!" Blissey at my side happily waved up to the large draconic bird pokemon and greeted her.

"Al Altaria." Altaria trilled back, inclining her long neck to me and Blissey in greeting She looked around us, before giving a questioning trill, "Taria?"

"Were you expecting someone else as well?" I blinked. I've only just met her, so I'm not really sure what she's looking for.

"Blissey bliss bliss." Blissey caught my attention and I looked to her curiously. She nodded at me, before reaching out and patting one of the luxury balls on my belt.


I blinked again, "You want to meet Aerodactyl already?" I asked, getting a prompt nod from her, "Well okay. I was gonna give you time to get settled in first, and see if you were fine with it in the first place."

"Taria?" Altaria eyed me oddly.

I shrugged, "I mean I did ask Lance for you specifically for this purpose yeah, but well you're my pokemon now…assuming you want to stick around," I replied, "I'm not gonna force you to do anything you don't want, especially something like this."

In return, Altaria rolled her eyes and a harumphing snort left her beak, "Taria, al altaria." she shrugged her wings, before swiping her wing almost dismissively at the pokeballs on my waist.

I just stared for a moment. I mean, she seems completely uncaring about the fact she was picked to breed with Aerodactyl.

I mean Lance did say he'd already bred her before with a Sceptile that belonged to one of his clansmen. So I suppose this isn't her first rodeo?

"Alright, fair enough I'll bring him out." I shrugged lamely, grabbing Aerodactyl's ball from my belt and with a press of a button, the shiny black and gold capture sphere clicked open and released a burst of shiny bright light that formed into Aerodactyl.

"AEERRRRRROOOOO!" he roared as he appeared, as he always did. A leer on his face and maw open wide in a macabre saw like grin that was supposed to be intimidating.

But just made him look like an idiot.

I snorted.

Blissey smiled pleasantly.

Altaria yawned.

With his grand entrance taken care of, Aerodactyl finally actually began paying attention to us.

Only to blink as he caught sight of Altaria and his eyes flew wide open as he goggled at her, massive mouth dropping wide open.

"Aero!?" he spluttered for just a moment, before he recovered.

I watched in utter bemusement as he practically bounced over towards her, spreading his wings wide-

And thrust his wings out to the side over his head….looking like he was dabbing. And then he did it to the other side.

And then the hands atop his wings curled into fists as he curled them up above his head-

As if he was a bodybuilder trying to flex his muscles and show off.

'Well, he's confident if nothing else.' I thought and it took great willpower not to burst out laughing.

There was an awkward silence as he waited for Altaria to respond.

She didn't.

She just stared at him for what felt like an eternity. Completely silent.

And completely unimpressed.

Finally, she turned her beak up at him and looked away, "Taria." she snorted simply.

"Aero!?" Aerodactyl staggered back as if physically struck by her, eyes wide in horror.

Before falling to his knees as she turned her attention to me and Blissey and completely ignored him.

"Taria altaria, al al altaria." she sighed.

And I got the feeling she was saying something along the lines of, 'Just my luck to have to be around an ugly fool like this.'

"That's rough buddy." I said comfortingly to Aerodactyl.

That was not at all conveyed with the smirk on my face. He turned to look at me pitifully, the wind completely taken from his sails and all the confident bravado he'd been displaying since I first ran into him, completely gone.

…Funny to think that was just earlier today.

"Virgin." I snorted at him.

And Aerodactyl died.

Or so one would have thought with how he dramatically collapsed on his back as if shot, at my simple statement.

Well, not that he'd ever even probably interacted with a female he was capable of mating with before. So his ineptitude is somewhat understandable.

It didn't stop me from bullying him though.


Updated for here, yay. Also posted a few more chapters ahead on my Pa--at----reon among other stories of mine. It's roughly around 7-8 chapters of the ones I post on here ahead right now. Hmm, I should update something else on here as well. Beyond Critical maybe? Or Seaside System?

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts