

"So why did you suddenly retire as a pokemon trainer Ms. Tammy?" Joseph asked while wiping some displayed pokeballs to make sure it's dust free and shiny.

"About that, it's a personal decision." Tammy was looking at the pokemons and her brother. "What about you Mr. Joseph?"

"Well, I'm still a registered Trainer but I want to lay low and live a quiet and peaceful time with these little guys after a lot of battles and adventures." Joseph said his bullshit then noticed that someone is tugging his pants. He looked down and saw Bonsly.


"Are you hungry?" Joseph bent his knees.

"Bonsly!" Bonsly rapidly nodded his head. Joseph smile at Bonly then he took a bowl and a box of opened pokemon food then Joseph poured the pokemon food on the bowl.

Tammy whose silently looking at the interaction of Bonsly and Joseph felt that her decision to retire and release her pokemon is too rash and did it based on her emotions.

Tammy inwardly sighed, what she had done is irreversible unless she can meet those pokemons she released and reregister as pokemon trainer again.

Bonsly happily ate his food like there's no tommorow.

"Bonsly eat slowly, there's no one trying to steal your food." Joseph shook his head and smiled. The little rock type pokemon glanced at Joseph then he slowed down his eating.

"Based on the typings of the pokemons you owned, I can say that you really like steel types." Joseph patted the head of Bonsly.

"When I was a young trainer that visits other regions and aiming to be a champion I met Ms. Jasmine, that time she was just a newly appointed gym leader of Olivine City in Johto. I challenged her and I was impressed by the power of steel types after that day I found my first steel type pokemon, Beldum and bonded with it untill today as a Metagross because it doesn't want to leave me." Tammy smiled at Joseph.

"Jasmine." Joseph muttered, actually Joseph can't remember about that gym leader even he tried to but her name is familiar. 'It's not like I can remember everything about pokemon.'


The bell ring above the glass door indicating that there's a potential customer.

Joseph turned his head and saw a young boy wearing a very familiar outfit with Pikachu on his shoulder then he curiously looked at the pokemons that happily playing with each other.

Not so long after the boy entered the store there is a young girl also entered.

The girl have a short brown hair that tied in high ponytail, she's wearing blue shirt, white shorts and gray colored leggings under it. The girl was being followed by a blue penguin pokemon, Piplup, one of the starter from Sinnoh region.

Joseph was shocked but he didn't show it, a sudden realization struck his head, he finally know what pokemon world he's currently at after he saw the girl and remembered the green loving kid that owns a Lucario.

'I'm in the parallel universe of pokemon, the movie I choose you.' Joseph thought.

Joseph can tell the the two aren't friends yet and the Entei sighting event will happen sooner.

"Woah!! So many cute pokemons!" Verity said like Ronny did when he first saw Joseph's pokemon.

Ash is also having the same expression of amazement as surprise, he hurriedly took his pokedex and recorded all of Joseph's pokemon that playing in the indoor playground.

"Hello, welcome to Jojo's Pokemon Goods and Training Center." Joseph smiled at the two kids. Verity and Ash turned their attention to Joseph.

"I'm sorry, I cant help my self to suppress my curiosity and amazement." Ash scratched his cheek.

"Haha it's fine, kid your Pikachu looks like he have an outstanding potential you should cherish him and train with care." Joseph stared at the Pikachu on Ash's shoulder then he turned his gaze to Verity.

Verity was shocked, she was standing in her place like a tree with wide opened eyes.

"Are you okay?" Joseph went near beside the stunned girl.

"I-I... I'm fine." Verity calmed herself then she adverted her gaze and stealthy glanced at Joseph but Joseph caught her. Joseph was confused on the girl's actions but he decided to ignore it first.

"Uhm Mr. Shopkeeper, may I know your name and age?" Verity suddenly asked.

'Is this girl interested in me?' Joseph thought then he answered the girl. "My name is Joseph Johnson, you guys can call me big brother Jojo if you like. About my age, I'm 17. Girl if you are interested in me, you should grow up first like this lady over here and maybe I can consider."

"Tsk tsk, is this your true colors?" Tammy shook her head.

"Hey, I'm just being honest here." Joseph rebutted Tammy after that he waited for Verity's reply.

"I-I don't have such intentions, you just reminded me of someone." Verity shook her head then she looks at Joseph with mixed emotions that she's trying to hide. "Big brother Jojo can I ask you another question?"

"Sure, as long as it was not too personal." Joseph said then her went to the counter.

"Have you been in Sinnoh region before? If yes, what's your first Sinnoh pokemon?" Verity asked with expectation on her eyes.

"For the first question my answer is yes, and the second is, my first Sinnoh pokemon is a Chimchar he's one of my favorite but I separated with him after our adventures because of some reasons." Joseph said then he shook his head, he remembered his first DS lost in a park after finishing the Pokemon League in Pokemon Pearl.

Verity lowered her head then a tear suddenly falls out of her eyes 'I actually found him, mother.' she thought.

"Girl why are you suddenly tearing up?!" Joseph didn't know what's wrong with this girl.

"Your story is so sad." Verity said then she wiped out her tears.

"Yeah your story is so sad." Ash also cried.

'The hell is wrong with you two?' Joseph smiled awkwardly while looking at the two kids.

"Me too I feel like I'm going to cry." Tammy said then her brother, Ronny sniffed his snot because he was already crying.

"I'm fine, I'm really fine now even if I lost a friend he will be always in my heart and cherish our friendship." Joseph said to make them at eased. "Again, Welcome to Jojo's Pokemon Goods and Training Center."

"Big brother Jojo I would like to buy poke balls!" Ash said.

"My store have a promo for the customers today since this is the first day of opening my shop. You can buy 10 poke balls and there will be free Ultra ball." Joseph took the rolled poster with a size of A3 paper and pinned it on the bulletin board.

"Whoa! How much for the poke balls?" Ash asked with full of enthusiasm.

Joseph already researched about the prices of poke balls in this world, and it was 5 times more expensive than the game.

"The current suggested retail price of Poke balls is 1,000 poke dollars but in this store you can get it for 800, if you are thinking that the balls are defective you can go to the nearest official Pokeball Testing Office to ensure the product's authenticity, If my goods here are fakes I'll immediately close down my business." Joseph said like a scammer you can encounter on the streets.

"Awesome! 8,000 for 10 and I can get a free Ultra ball! I would like to buy 2 poke balls." Ash said then he took his wallet to pay.

All of the expressions of the people inside the store is weird while looking at Ash especially Joseph.

Joseph's corner of his mouth is twitching and veins popped out of his temples.

"Pika pikapi." Ash's Pikachu face palmed.