In the viridian forest their was stare down battle going on between two pokemon before they started battling as they were gauging each other strength , they were none other mankey and machop who were about to battle and brock was standing behind mankey to provide him instruction if he see mankey in trouble as mankey was still not his official pokemon .
Machop and mankey both were staring each other when machop used leer on mankey and mankey also used leer on machop at the same time looks like both were thinking same thing both sneered at each other as their defense was decreased , machop used focus energy and mankey used scratch on machop but machop dodged and used low kick and hit mankey with it and mankey backed down at this time brock stepped up and and ordered mankey to go behind machop fast and use furry swipes and mankey did as told and machop used revenge , As mankey used furry swipes hitting machop and inflicting a heavy damage and machop used revenge on mankey inflicting heavy damage on machop .
As both pokemon were tired but still wanted to show which showed their fighting spirit and brock was impressed with it and he wanted to use this fighting spirit to make them a very strong pokemon even greater than the champion level , but right now it necessary to defeat machop and make him his own pokemon so he told mankey to use low kick than furry swipes as mankey used low kick, machop dodged but he was hit by the furry swipes and was defeated by mankey and he lost his consciousness ,seeing this brock called chansey and asked her to heal him and chansey happily agreed to him as they liked helping pokemon and she was not happy seeing them so she hoped that this match can end faster so she can heal them fast .
Now after getting healed by chansey both were standing in front of brock and watching him as he was busy making them some food with the berries as brock knew many types of pokemon food and their liking after making food for both mankey and machop he gave them their share and then he gave chansey her food also and he ate his own food, after both brock and pokemon were done eating their food brock asked machop if he is willing now to come with him and he happily agreed to come with and brock took out his pokeball and machop pressed the red button and he was sucked in the pokeball and after shaking some time the ball settled and machop was his pokemon so he released machop and told him that he will not regret becoming his pokemon , after some time resting brock decided to set his tent as he wanted to live in wilderness for this month to get adjusted in living in the forest as he will be traveling a lot now and he personally loved living in nature , after setting his tent with the help of his pokemon he decided to look for some berries and mushroom and had mankey with him to protect him and machop to guard the tent and chansey was in pokeball as she was little tired and wanted to rest , after collecting the berries and mushroom he returned to tent to find machop doing some push up and he was impressed with it as how hard working machop was and how polite and quite type of personality he has exact opposite how he his in battlefield , he believe himself as really luck to be able to catch such a good pokemon and really excited about how he will shake the league with its machop ,mankey and its other pokemon that he yet to catch but he has them in his mind to who will he catch so he was really excited that he was smiling from ear to ear and seeing him smile suddenly mankey was confused why he was smiling in this creepy way and thought that it was just some human thing and let it be , after reaching tent brock started to cook food for him and pokemon after eating food brock started to go in his tent and got ready to sleep and asked machop and mankey to guard him by taking turns and mankey also agreed as he was also happy by eating brocks food and he wanted to thank him somehow so he choose to guard him and machop was his pokemon so he happily agreed to guard him .
After waking up in the morning brock came out to of the tent to find that both mankey and machop were sleeping beside each other as they thought that after midnight no pokemon will attack them so they decided to sleep , so brock decided to wake them up and start training , so first he took out chansey ball and released her ,after being released chansey came and hugged him and started to wake the other pokemon by hugging them ,after being hugged by chansey both mankey and machop woke up and started to warm up little .
After everybody woke up brock started his training regime by making both mankey and machop run until they are exhausted and he asked chansey to start practicing its gravity move as they will use it a lot and he also started to run alongside his pokemon to train himself as well as he also wanted become fit and able to protect itself himself from other pokemon as he didn't wanted to get killed like the original brock after getting hit by pokemon and blood loss .
After getting exhausted from all the running brock decided to rest after 5 minute both mankey and were also exhausted and decided to rest by sitting beside brock after 20 min rest both brock and pokemon were ready for the exercise and then they all started doing pushups until exhausted , after getting exhausted from the push-up they for 20 minutes and brock asked chansey to heal them , after getting healed and feeling strength all started to do squats and then the same cycle followed 20 min rest, chansey heal ,exercise until there mental power was exhausted so they decided to end the exercise regime for today and brock started preparing them food from the berries and boiled the egg the chansey gave him as this egg were very nutritious and healthy for the body , after preparing the food he asked chansey to arrange the plate on the table after serving the food everybody ate the food and after eating the food and cleaning the plate , brock started to roam in the forest to find some good match for his pokemon to spar with, after searching he heard some voice from the north direction so started going there and when he reached there he saw ....