
I Want That B1tch

But even with the haziness, Rogue could see the thick ass of the red hair girl he wanted to fuck, and he made chase after her, determined not to let her slip away again. With his Boots of Swiftness, his speed was much faster than the thick assed girl, and he closed in on her! 

With each step, Rogue could feel his heart race faster and faster as he closed in on Jessie. His vision, which had been blurred and fuzzy only moments before, was now sharpening with each step, allowing him to see the path ahead with increasing clarity.

And unaffected by the high decibel of the flashbang, he could hear her panting and see her long red hair whipping behind her as she ran for dear life. He grinned widely, imagining all the things he would do to that voluptuous body once he finally caught up with her.

On the other hand, Lopunny bounced to Meowth who was desperately trying to escape with Jessie and James. With a playful smirk, Lopunny pounced towards the small cat Pokemon, using its agility and speed to easily catch up to it. 

With its foot outstretched in a graceful arch, Lopunny gracefully sent a precise kick down towards the unsuspecting Meowth.

The impact was fierce and deliberate, causing the poor feline to be thrown forward and crash onto the hard ground with a resounding thud.

As he tumbled through the air, Meowth desperately tried to regain his footing, but it was too late. He landed on his stomach with a pained groan, his fur ruffled and disheveled from the impact.

"Help me, Jessie!! James!!" Meowth cried out, but it landed onto the temporary deaf ears of his teammates. 

Despite Meowth's cries for help, Jessie and James were too preoccupied with their own escape to pay any attention to him. They ran as fast as they could, not even trying to look back to see if their Pokemon was following because they couldn't see!

Rogue saw this and laughed inwardly. 

It was almost comical to see this usually agile and nimble Pokemon now sprawled out helplessly on the ground. But perhaps it was because he had been standing on two feet, forgetting to utilize his front paws for balance, that caused him to lose his grace and land in such an undignified manner.

Either way, Lopunny stood triumphant over her fallen opponent, her poise and elegance remained as she continued to give continuous kicks onto Meowth to restrain him. 

Like a predator honing in on its prey, Rogue lunged forward with his Honedge sword. The glint of the blade caught the sunlight as he aimed for Jessie's thigh, hoping to inflict injury and disable her. His eyes burned with malice, not caring about the harm he could cause to his opponent. For him, it was just another step towards achieving his goals.

As their senses started to return, Jessie and James turned to see Rogue charging at them with a twisted, malevolent expression. They could feel a shiver run down their spines as they realized the true nature of their enemy. It was a face that oozed with evil and promised nothing but destruction. 

This was the thing they despised as devout vegans – these ruthless, carnivorous beasts who showed no mercy in their hunt for prey. 

They could also now somewhat hear Meowth's cry for help, but they couldn't do anything because they're also in a bad position! 

"Keep running, Jessie!!" James cried out as he turned around to kick Honedge with his foot! 


Honedge was kicked away from Jessie's thigh, but this didn't stop Rogue. 

Instead of holding onto Honedge, he let the sword Pokemon go free and summoned the Diamond Pickaxe onto his other hand after storing Lopunny's Pokeball away. 

With determination in his eyes, Rogue swung the pickaxe towards James from above, aiming for his right shoulder with all his might. 

It was clear that Rogue meant business and would stop at nothing to defeat his opponent.

"Noo, James!!" Jessie's eyes finally cleared, and she watched with wide, fearful eyes as the intense situation unfolded behind her. Her heart raced in her chest, her body trembling with fear.

She knew that the attack would be a lethal one if it hits James! She didn't know what she would do if James was harmed! 

Cherubi also snapped back to reality, but it was powerless at this moment. Its Solar Beam attack took too long to charge up and they were running out of time.

As Rogue's Diamond Pickaxe slowly descended towards James' shoulder, every second felt like an eternity. The air was thick with tension as they all braced for the impact that could change everything in an instant. 

But just as all seemed lost, a small voice pierced the chaos and a sudden bolt of lightning shot down towards Rogue! 

The sound of electricity crackled through the air, like a storm brewing in an instant. It was then that a flash of yellow appeared from behind a nearby bush - a small rat-like creature with bright red cheeks.

With a determined cry of "Pichuuu!" The Pokemon had unleashed a powerful bolt of electricity towards Rogue. 

Knowing that its electric powers were not yet fully developed, the little Pokemon still had confidence in its ability to give Rogue quite the shock. The sound of Ziiiii!!!!! filled the air as the bolt surged forward.

Rogue was shocked by the sneak attack, quite literally and figuratively. He didn't expect a third party to appear! 

But it was too late to do anything because his muscles became tense, and his muscles immediately tensed up and he became paralyzed for a brief moment.

He fell from his lunge and also dropped his Diamond Pickaxe onto the ground. 

Honedge realized what was happening and immediately flew back in to block Jessie and James from counter attacking. It also warned the third party from attacking its trainer. 

"Pichu! Pichu!" The little yellow rat waved its little paws at Jessie and James and urged them to quickly flee from the demon. 

James hesitated for a moment, torn between staying to help Meowth or to run… 

But Jessie didn't hesitate. She knew that their safety was more important than helping Meowth at the moment. She pulled Jame's hand and quickly ran towards Pichu. 

Meanwhile, Cherubi began to charge its Solar Beam again, absorbing the photons that were coming through the forest. It now has time to charge up, and it would blast Rogue when given the chance. 

"God damn," Rogue cursed as he cracked his neck as he became free from the paralyzation. He then summoned the grenade from his system storage and stared at the running figures of Jessie, James, Chrubi, and Pichu. 

He was very tempted to throw it because he knew that it was a bad idea to chase when Solar Beam is already being charged. However, he could still take them down with the hand grenade! 


He didn't throw it. 

The loss was just too huge for him. The hand grenade is one of his current trump cards, and he wanted to save it. 

Even if he throws it and kills all of them, he won't gain much – only the bodies of the damned Pichu, Cheribi, and also perhaps the mutilated body of Jessie. 

Hence, he just held it and gritted his teeth, acknowledging his loss. 

Remember to vote on Patreon if you want this ff to be a focused release!! It's currently losing behind two other ff at 15%! If it loses, the amount of chapters will be lessened.

AzureRaven69creators' thoughts