
Pokemon: Darren's Path

The story centers around Darren Park, who finds himself reborn in a world of Pokemon, where Pokemon are portrayed in a more realistic way. Beginning in the Hoenn Region, Darren sets out on a journey of discovery that takes him to Sinnoh and beyond. Along the way, he gains strength and experiences the world of Pokemon in a whole new light. Breeder / Coordinator / Trainer Disclaimer: I'm not the Author of this Fan Fiction, I'm merely the translator. Translated from a Chinese fan fiction. Alternative Titles: The Garden Tree, Pokemon Garden, Pokemon Court Author - A gentle stream flows with resonant sound Link of the original - https://book.qidian.com/info/1009720842/

Rookni · Cómic
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68 Chs

Applying for Leave

On this day, Darren went to collect food for his Pokemon as usual. On his way there, he met with Teacher Theresa, a skilled breeder with excellent abilities in making food for Pokemon.

Although Theresa was young, she had her own style of doing things. She would humbly listen to everyone's opinions and choose the suitable ones. In the eyes of some of her students, she was a gentle teacher who could blend in well with them due to her young age.

Darren liked this teacher a lot, as did most of the students. She was helpful, gentle in personality, and had a bit of a cute contrast due to her anxiety and slight impatience. Compared to the strict teacher like Mr. Umura who taught the breeding class, Darren preferred to ask Theresa for advice on Pokemon food-related matters, and what's more, she was very pretty.

Theresa had brown hair twisted into braids on top of her head, emerald green eyes, and was dressed in a normal white dress with gold embroidery and a shattered glass pattern in blue. She wore white stockings and a silver ring on her neck with a black line running through it, emitting a sense of intellectual beauty.

"Little one, are you busy recently? Are you interested in participating in a training session?" Theresa always spoke with a smile. She not only had excellent insights in breeding, but also occasionally went to coordinate classes to teach trainers some knowledge.

"Training session..." The training sessions in the academy were conducted within Mt. Coronet, which was very large and could not be compared to the area of one or two cities. The Pokemon living inside were also of various types, making it the largest gathering place for Pokemon in the region.

At the same time, many powerful Pokemon lived there, and some of them would stand out.

The so-called training was to go to the wild and battle against wild Pokemon, or capture one's desired Pokemon to enhance the team's strength. However, due to the danger of Mt. Coronet, most of the training sessions were regularly organized by the academy and carried out by a team of several students.

And depending on the students' performance, a certain amount of academic credits would be awarded.

"No, I have something else to do," Darren refused.

"That's a shame, breeders are quite popular in the training teams..." Theresa expressed regret.

Darren smiled but did not answer.

"Oh, by the way, Teacher Theresa, do you know where I can find Rawst Berries and fruits?"

"Rawst Berries and fruits?"

"Well, I wanted to apply to the academy using my academic credits, but I found that these two types of berries are no longer in the storage." Darren said.

In order to boost the memory of his Swablu, Darren temporarily changed its diet.

Milk, dairy products, beans...

And berries, fruits, all of which are rich in nutrition and can greatly enhance memory and restore energy. They are of great help in supplementing brain energy and regulating physical health.

"If the academy doesn't have them, you might be able to find them in Veilstone City or Hearthome City."

"But... unless there are special circumstances, you can't leave Mt. Coronet alone during your time at the academy," Theresa said.

"So what can I do?" Darren asked with a bitter expression.

"Please help me..."

Darren had a pleading expression, but in fact, he had already made up his mind. These two types of berries were carefully chosen by him. He had been in the academy for two months and was already getting tired of it. He had to find an opportunity to go out and explore.

Even when he was in the orphanage, he couldn't sit still. If it weren't for the need to remember all the breeding knowledge, he would not have been able to fully devote himself to it.

"This is quite troublesome," Theresa tilted her head and made a thoughtful expression.

Darren held his breath...

"Well, okay..."

Darren breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll apply for you to be my assistant and help me purchase some things. As for whether you can succeed or not, don't get your hopes up, the chances are not high," Theresa said.

"I understand, thank you," Darren made a victory sign in his heart.

Next, Darren continued to train his Nosepass, Swablu, and Beautifly. He designed several attack trajectory plans based on the floor plan and computer graphics, which can help Nosepass and the others to cooperate well, but at the same time, the pressure on Swablu suddenly increased.

This training lasted only one day, and to Darren's surprise, the application proposed by Professor Theresa was immediately approved.

This speed was incredibly efficient in Darren's impression.


Not only did Darren want to go out to relieve his stress, but he also hoped to catch another Pokemon. Although he had a lot of work to do, a trainer who couldn't even gather the basic six Pokemon was not a qualified trainer.

Life at the Crown Academy was very comfortable. Darren only focused on his two Pokemon, Beautifly and Swablu. He felt that he could handle it, even while studying the knowledge of a breeder. There was no sense of pressure even though he didn't have a full team like he should.

Although he could catch Pokemon while following the Academy's training, traveling with a team would inevitably encounter some disputes. Darren still preferred to act alone.

After getting accurate permission to go out, Darren happily exchanged for a high-grade Pokemon ball produced by Silph Company, the "Ultra Ball," which he had prepared for his new partner.

After getting permission to go out, Darren also went to say goodbye to Mr. Umura. After all, he was his class teacher, and out of courtesy, he had to notify him.

In addition, he brought six Pokemon, including Beautifly, Swablu, and four Nosepass that needed his care.

During the trip, training may pause for a while, but this was inevitable. Appropriate relaxation also had great benefits for the Pokemon.

Downstairs in the dormitory.

Darren held the food for Ralts today. It was something that Professor Theresa asked him to bring for Ralts.

These days, Ralts was undergoing the same training as Darren's Pokemon. Darren could see that Ralts enjoyed it very much. It yearned to stand on the same stage with other Pokemon to prove that it was not defective.

However, Ralts, who could only use Teleport, was destined not to be valued by many trainers.

After all, in a battle, the key was the attack and defend.

"I'm leaving now, Ralts. Cruz will bring you food for the next few days, and you should cooperate with the teacher's research. Maybe you can figure out why you can't learn new moves soon. So, when I'm not around, don't neglect your training."


Smiling, Darren put his finger on Ralts's hand, stood up, stretched lazily, and prepared to pack up. He had a busy day today and needed to prepare for tomorrow's departure!