
Pokemon Darkverse

Have you ever wondered of what it feels like to travel around with a pokemon? Our MC, Shiro Hikari is your typical otaku and a game geek. He is one of the very top gamers out there but no one knew, as he hid his information. But he never stopped playing his favorite game of all. Pokemon. He always wondered what it feels like to have a companion Pokemon and fight all kinds of trainers. He researched a lot on Pokemons and their traits. Today is another typical day for Shiro D Hikari. As he proceed to the game store to buy the newly released version of Pokemon called Pokemon Darkverse Atlas. New region, but only four new Pokemon, which left a lot confused. All which is Legendary. Just as our MC bought his game and celebrating over and over while walking home. He heard a screeching noise of rubber. And one name passed through his mind.... Truck-kun... That was all he remembered before he felt as if he was struck by a bulldozer and blacked out.

Fumuyoshi · Cómic
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5 Chs

Journey Starts! (Part 1)

3rd POV

Next thing in the morning, Shiro went out to find some berries and make Riolu's favorite food. As he was searching some, he pondered over what happened last night.

'Me and Riolu is still weak, and now that Elgyem is joining us as well. We must get stronger!' Shiro thought to himself as he looked at Elgyem floating around him, scanning and looking around the scenery.

"Shiro." Riolu then suddenly called out to Shiro who was still thinking about a lot of things.

"What's wrong bud?" He asked, in which Riolu then pointed into a direction.

"Eh??" Shiro curiously followed the direction Riolu is pointing at, and found out that it was that nice person yesterday, the one that he fought with, and lost.

'I wonder what he is doing?? And why does he look familiar to me?" He wondered as he watched Ash and Pikachu looking around the place.

"Is he looking for what I think he is looking for? What do you think Riolu?" Shiro got into his signature pose, wherein his right hand is gently caressing his chin, while thinking thoughtfully.

Elgyem who is watching him, tilted it's head curiously. Then suddenly tried to imitate Shiro, but of course it couldn't do so, since it's arms is too short.

Shiro saw that and chuckled silently, as he patted it's head. He then looked to Riolu who was using his signature pose as well.

"I think he IS trying to find Royalty Pokemon like me..." Riolu told Shiro through the use of Aura and nodded sagely. Shiro did so as well, when he saw how Ash keeps on overturning rocks, climbing trees, or whatever just to find one.

"He won't find any Royalty Pokemon that way. Only normal ones, probably some shiny." Shiro remarked as he shakes his head helplessly, Riolu being like his master/partner a lot, does the same. Elgyem on the other hand just tilted it's head at them.

Shiro sighed as he went to Ash thinking of how to help the desperate man to find one Royalty pokemon.

If Ash knew how Shiro labeled him as, he would probably be dumbfounded and embarrassed. But alas, he will never know that, as Shiro won't ever say it, nope! Never!

"Hey mister, you won't find Royalty Pokemons that way you know?" Shiro said as he acted innocently enough, as he approached Ash.

"Ah? Then, how can I find one??" Ash was surprised when he saw Shiro again so soon. Well, not really since they are both staying in the same town, but you get the point.

"Pikaa??" Pikachu got down from Ash's shoulder as he circled around Riolu. Shiro and Ash saw Riolu's flustered expression and couldn't help but laugh.

"M-master! Help!!" Riolu then proceeded to run around Shiro trying to get away from Pikachu, Pikachu found it fun so he also proceeded to chase after him. Elgyem on the other hand just looked at them curiously.

"Hehe, if mister can use Aura, then all you need to do is to project it outside and hope for the best. I suppose?" Shiro carefully deduced and went a few meters from Ash.

"Like this!" He then closed his eyes as he put his hands on a very familiar hand seal to all Naruto otakus or any kind of otakus out there (The end seal for every fireball jutsu). Of course Ash doesn't know this and only thought that it's some kind of mystical seal or something.

What Ash saw after that, shocked him. After all, he, himself is a master at using Aura, but for such control to come from a child? For all his adventured and mischief, he never saw this happening to a child, ever.

Now let's describe what he saw. All he saw after Shiro made that hand seal is a regal violet aura suddenly surrounded his frame. Then, it took shape behind him. It shows behind him is a rather fierce yet majestic silhoutte of a Lucario. Although this Lucario looks different from any other. Not the normal ones nor the Mega evolved ones. After that, he saw glimpse of gold on the corner of his eyes, turning around, he saw Riolu producing the same amount of Aura surrounding him. This one took shape of a rather silhoutte of a young man. Looking at Riolu and then at Shiro, he deduced that every person has their own designated Royalty Pokemon.

'So if that's the case, then wouldn't it be a waste or something if I even found one, but it's the one that is right for me?' Ash thought as Shiro and Riolu stopped doing their light show.

"See now mister? Why don't you give it a try? After all, your Pikachu who has been with a lot of times now can also be a Royalty Pokemon after all. Because I know for a fact that there are some Royalty Pokemon outside Atlas." Shiro said to Ash as he looked at him expectantly.

"Why do you think there are Royalty Pokemon outside Atlas?" Shiro thought for a bit, trying to form a simple explanation. He then smiled brightly after finding it.

"You remember that Auntie Lilith said that Atlas is in the very middle of the pokemon world right?" Ash nodded in confirmation.

"If so, then those times before even the four Legendaries of Atlas came into, there are already traces of Royalty Pokemons even older those four, after all, Auntie's great great great grandpa, noted that there are pokemons that looked exactly like their counter parts but somehow different as well." Shiro sagefully explained and tried to mature, but it isn't working from Ash's opinion, but the young boy has a point. After all, Lilith said that the four only came into being is because her grandpa touched the orb itself.

"I understand, so that means that some Pokemons might have transmigrated to other regions like Hoenn and Kanto, right? But why didn't it show up or something?" Ash nodded but still asked a crucial point. After all, if there really are some out there, then why didn't anyone noticed or why didn't it even used King Sense?

"That's because they need to be exposed to specific energy from Atlas first, like baptism. That energy is what we call Royal Energy. Which was used to derive the name for Royalty Pokemons. Since Pikachu here is already exposed to it, their might be a chance for him to be one." Shiro carefully explained every detail, properly as they are now both sitting on the ground.

Ash nodded in understanding, but he couldn't help feel incredulous. After all, a child no older than just lectured him. Who wouldn't?!

"Thank you for that Shiro." Ash smiled brightly at Shiro and patted his head. Shiro didn't bother stopping him, since he liked that feeling as well. Hey, even in his past life, Shiro is very fond of head past, either he receives or he gives the head pats. Sometimes Shiro wonder if his spirit animal is a cat or any feline. It might be a dog or canine too. But those thoughts was pushed into the back of his mind rather quickly.

"Ne mister, what's your name by the way?" Shiro asked as he looked at Ash's face, since he really, really found it familiar for some reason.

"Aha! Looks like I forgot to introduce myself haven't I? Clumsy me. Anyway, my name is Ash Ketchum kid, if you ever got outside your region, then you'll know that I'm pretty famous out there." Ash bragged shamelessly for a bit, but then remembered that he was takling to a kid, who probably didn't even know. But if Ash ever hear what's Shiro is thinking right now, he will probably take back his words.

'HOLY SHIT! I've been talking to Ash all this time!?!?! I even fought with his Pikachu last night! Whoaaa!! He didn't even need to command Pikachu. Wait! The old grandpa with him, it can't be that he's Prof. Oak right?! Uwahhh!! I met two famous characters from Pokemon just in one day! Well three, if you consider Pikachu. But that is out of the question. So that's why he looks so familiar. Man, Ash changed a lot! The last recollection I know Ash is from Alola. D***** did a bad job if I might be frank. But seriously, he changed so much. He is more mature than ever now, and even taller too!' Those we're Shiro's thoughts but all he showed is curiosity about Ash, and tilted his head.

"Well nice to meet you mister Ketchum? Can I call you Big bro Ash?" Shiro used a very powerful technique called puppy eyes. And what do you expect? It's super effective!

"U-ugh! Y-yes, you can call me that!" Ash smiled rather cheerfully at that. After all, it has been a long while since someone called him that.

"Yay! I got a big bro now. Awesome." Shiro jumped and ran around Ash, trying to hide his excitedness deep inside him. Hey, even though Ash only won his league championship in Alola, and only once, that doesn't mean he is a trash Pokemon Trainer. After all, if look at it, Ash is probably one of the characters that met the most Legendaries in the whole series, except for Red. He is an exception.

"Oh well, Big bro Ash. I gotta go now, I gotta pack my stuff and go on a very first journey! Bye bye! Come on Rio, Elgy! Let's go home!" Shiro stopped running around and said his goodbyes to Ash, he then ran back towards his home, with Riolu and Elgyem following him.

"Haha, what a energetic kid. Right Pikachu" Ash shook his head at the sight of Shiro tripping on his feet and bouncing right back up. He looked at his partner, Pikachu, and saw a face full of determination. He smiled and then proceeded to copy what Shiro did earlier. The one used for finding your very own Royalty Pokemon.

And done! Right! What do guys think about the cover? Is it appropriate to the story it self? Hahahaha, give me your opinion, bad or good.. hehe

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