
Pokemon Darkverse

Have you ever wondered of what it feels like to travel around with a pokemon? Our MC, Shiro Hikari is your typical otaku and a game geek. He is one of the very top gamers out there but no one knew, as he hid his information. But he never stopped playing his favorite game of all. Pokemon. He always wondered what it feels like to have a companion Pokemon and fight all kinds of trainers. He researched a lot on Pokemons and their traits. Today is another typical day for Shiro D Hikari. As he proceed to the game store to buy the newly released version of Pokemon called Pokemon Darkverse Atlas. New region, but only four new Pokemon, which left a lot confused. All which is Legendary. Just as our MC bought his game and celebrating over and over while walking home. He heard a screeching noise of rubber. And one name passed through his mind.... Truck-kun... That was all he remembered before he felt as if he was struck by a bulldozer and blacked out.

Fumuyoshi · Cómic
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5 Chs

Fight and The Four Legendaries

3rd POV

"Fight!" Ash declared.

"Riolu use Howl and Bone Rush after!" Shiro said as Riolu howled and it's attack went up and then two long bones appeared on each paws then dashed quickly to Pikachu.

Pikachu on the other hand used Quick Attack plus Iron Tail to retaliate. The two clashed and Riolu was sent flying and flipped mid air to land properly.

Seeing that Riolu got sent flying by just one attack from Pikachu, Shiro realised that Pikachu was strong, stronger than them. So he said to Riolu.

"Riolu we can't fight head on, use Agility and run around Pikachu, then throw the bones from two different directions!" Riolu complied and used Agility and his speed went up, he then ran around Pikachu, threw the bones from two sides.

Pikachu looked from left and right and then jumped dodging the bones in the process. Shiro saw this as a opportunity and quickly said to Riolu.

"Use Aura Sphere now!" Ash was surprised by this and looked at Riolu as a golden ball of aura starts to converge on top of it's paws. Pikachu saw this and lightning starts to discharge from it's cheeks and used Thunder Bolt.

Ash readied Serperior to rescue the two Pokemons.

A small booming sound was generated when the two collided and a small cloud of smoke as well. Shiro gripped his hands tight and stared at the cloud of smoke, while Ash only stared at it.

When the smoke cloud was cleared Shiro as shocked as he saw that Pikachu was still standing properly without any wounds while Riolu was lying on the ground and trying to get up, only in the end to lie down.

"Pikachu wins!" Ash declared as he saw Pikachu run towards him and leapt to his shoulders. Ash already anticipated this out come and was about to comfort Shiro.

When he saw Shiro run towards Riolu and smiled.

"Looks like we're still weak partner... But, that doesn't mean we won't get stronger. Remember our promise? Haha! We'll go on an adventure, meet many friends and Pokemons, and we will fight toe to toe against those Legendaries one day! So let's not let this defeat back us down, let's treat this as a lesson and get stronger until we defeat those legendaries!" Shiro said as he helped Riolu up and fed him a very rare berry. Ash was surprised to hear those words from a child no older than ten. He watched and saw the resolve and determination in the eyes of Shiro and Riolu, he then wondered.

'Is this the day of a new legendary trainer being born?'

Shiro then faced Ash and bowed deeply. Riolu also did the same.

"Thank you, for the fight. Even though we lost, one day! Me and my partner Riolu will beat you and your Pikachu!" Shiro smiled widely and said those words which put a smile on Ash's face.

"Alright little kid, but you gotta train a lot harder than that, and you gotta face a lot of trainer before you can get to my league. But! I'll be waiting kid." Ash rubbed Shiro's head and laughed.

"My name's Shiro! Shiro Hikari! Remember that!" Shiro said and ran off with Riolu following closely behind him. Ash stared at Shiro's back and smiled.

"Shiro huh, I'll remember that." As Ash was smiling, Pikachu who was looking at Riolu pulled Ash's shirt.

"Pikaaa." Ash looked at Pikachu curiously and then spotted something on Pikachu. Pikachu showed it to him and was shocked.

"You got injured?" Ash was shocked about the fact that, that Riolu actually was able to injure Pikachu although it's only a scratch.

"Also... Based on how he fought and gave instructions to Riolu. It's as if he was a experienced trainer who fought for a long time now." Ash touched his chin as tend to Pikachu. He then returned Serperior back to it's pokeball and walked back to Lavender Town. When he got there he saw Prof. Oak talking to a young lady about his age.

"Ah Ash you're back, so how was the kid?" Prof. Oak, seeing Ash come back asked about Shiro. While the young lady looked at Ash as well.

"Well... When Pikachu and I followed him, we found out that he is surrounded by a lot of Pokemon and was playing with him. I even saw a Tyranitar watching over them play. But what I am curious is the Riolu who is always following him. How come it's color scheme is a bit different than the usual? And it's eyes too is different!" Ash was really curious about what's different about this Riolu and if there are kinds like that out there.

"Oh you mean Shiro's Riolu? Well that Riolu is a very rare type of variation in a million of Riolus out here at Atlas.

We call them, Royalty Pokemons. Because of whenever they fight, they tend to release a majestic and king like aura around them. They are very strong like Shiny type Pokemons. But they all have one common move they all know. It's called King Sense. Whenever using this move, they will somehow, evolve if I had to say, only for a short amount of time. All of their stats will double and their attacks will strengthen. Shiro's Riolu is like that. To spot a Royalty Pokemon, you can either look at their eyes, or if they had a crown like tattoo on their foreheads." The young lady explained to them both and Ash was curious who is this lady.

"My name's Lilith Atlas by the way. Just call me Prof. Atlas or Lilith. I'm in charge of studying Royalty Type Pokemons and Shiro's Riolu is one of them." Lilith introduced herself to Ash and nodded to him.

"Well nice to meet'ya! I'm Ash, in the past, I used to go and fight every regions league champion. But now, I just help out Prof. Oak on his studies on various Pokemons." Ash said as he scratched his head and remembered how he go around regions fighting various trainers and meeting all kinds of Pokemons and Legendaries.

"So you're Ash, and this is your Pikachu huh." Lilith nodded and studied Pikachu who was on Ash's shoulder.

"Pika pikaa" Pikachu introduced himself like Ash. Which Lilith found amusing.

"Anyway, it seems like you guys are curious about the legendaries of our region right? Ill tell you about, come inside my Lab." Lilith then invited Ash and Prof. Oak inside and then they saw Shiro wearing a lab coat too big for him.

"Shiro, what are you doing here?" Lilith asked as it seems like Shiro doesn't usually visit.

"Hm? I found this Pokemon on the way home and it followed me, then it won't go away." Shiro said and a Pokemon floated up behind him.

When Ash saw it, he remembered the time when he was in Unova region and saw a Elgyem like that one too.

"Elgyemmm...." Elgyem looked at them and suddenly darted to Shiro's chest and Shiro hugged it. Shiro tilted his head and stared at it for a bit.

"Auntie Lilith can I have a pokeball?" Then Shiro looked at Lilith and asked.

Lilith looked at Shiro who was tilting his head in a cute way. She couldn't help but think of who is the father of this child.

"Alright, but make sure to take of Riolu and this Elgyem alright?" Lilith said and hands a pokeball to Shiro, who nodded his head and stared at Elgyem again.

"Can I ask you to accompany me and travel the world with me? We will face a lot of dangers, so are you gonna be my Pokemon?" Shiro asked sincerely and solemnly the Elgyem who is staring at him ever since.

"Elgyemmm..." Elgyem nodded and Shiro smiled while he pushed the pokeball on Elgyem's forehead, and captured him in a few moments.

"Ill be going now Auntie! Bye bye!" Shiro went out the Lab to go home and waved them goodbye.

"Mhm." Lilith nodded and closed the door.

"How come that kid at times feels like a matured person, then in the second not?" Prof. Oak asked Lilith as she was more familiar with Shiro than them.

"Well, it's kinda like this. When it comes to Pokemon, he is very excited and childish. But whenever he goes and studies them or the subject not pertaining Pokemons, he gives the vibe of a adult. Which I found amusing and funny." Lilith answered and made some tea for Ash and Prof. Oak.

"So about the legendaries of Atlas. There are four of them. The one most commonly seen is, the one you guys tried to get close to. Its what we call the mini sun or region Pokemon. Because of how huge that guy is, the name of that guy is Regiodon. It actually has three types, Ground, Fire, and Flying. The next one is a bird, a very big bird because of it's wingspan. Right now it's under the oceans of Atlas. Once a decade it will come out of the water to bring rain to a certain island here at Atlas. We called this Pokemon a underwater emperor, as no other Pokemon underwater tried to angry this Pokemon. We named this one as Azurellion, Azurellion's types are Water, Ice, and Flying. Next up is the second most powerful legendary Atlas has, it's Arkhos. A tiger like Pokemon that has a black body, red lightning stripes patterns, and two huge wings. It lives at the east, in a mountain range we call Dark Thunder Mountain Range. Be careful of this one, unlike the other two's gentle personality. This one has a temper. It's types are Dark, Electric and Flying.

The last but not the least, and probably the most powerful one. Argunov. This Pokemon can be considered to be powerful enough... To go toe to toe against Arceus. But, it's only in the myths and rumors. It lives in the west, in an island surrounded by volcanoes, in the middle of the island stands a lonely white volcano. We people of Atlas call it, Argunov's Vulcan. She lives deep in the volcano, sleeping and waiting for something. Argunov is a white dragon looking Pokemon, she is always covered in pinkish white flames. It's type is Psychic, Fire, Dragon, and Flying. It's probably one of the Pokemons that has a lot of types."

Lilith explained everything about the four legendaries of the North, East, West, and South of Atlas.

Prof. Oak and Ash was shocked by this revelation, they have never thought there was a Pokemon capable of standing toe to toe against Arceus. How come they have never known this?

"You're probably thinking, how come you didn't know this don't you?" Ash and Prof. Oak scratched their head in unison after hearing this.

"Hahaha! Don't mind it, the reason is because of the fight between Arkhos and Argunov. In the history books, Atlas used to be in the middle of the world, but all of that changed when these four legendaries was born. Regiodon and Azurellion didn't fight as they are both gentle Pokemons and love peace. But that can't be said the same against Arkhos, he wanted to rule over Atlas. But Argunov, who is a peaceful and righteous Pokemon didn't let him. They fought for four days and four nights. When eventually they both used their ultimate moves which caused Regiodon and Azurellion to make their moves. They both helped Argunov in stopping Arkhos and made him stay in Dark Thunder Mountain range. Then seeing how devastated Atlas region is, Azurellion used his powers to cover Atlas in a huge bubble and Regiodon helped by making mist cover the whole bubble, while Argunov used his psychic powers to put illusions on those mist. Azurellion then pulled Atlas region out of the middle of the world to the side of Hoenn. And stayed there for decades until now." Lilith's explanation caused another shock to the two as they couldn't believe it. They never thought that there was actually a whole region in the middle of the world.

"How come you know a lot regarding Atlas's history Prof. Lilith?" Ash asked.

"Ah, you will know why if you ponder over my surname." Lilith answered as she combed her Espeon's fur.

"Lilith Atlas... Atlas? Wait, how come your surname is the same as the region?!" Prof. Oak asked shocked, while Ash too is shocked.

"Well... My great great great grandfather Winston Atlas was the one who discovered this place. When he came here, he stumbled upon a ancient palace, where four glowing orbs are placed. Red on top, Blue on the bottom, and Black and White respectively on east and west. In the middle there, was another orb. It has words under it, it said that." Whoever holds this orb, shall rule over this whole region. But beware of the Pokemon sealed in the black orb from the east. It will try and take this orb from you, with whatever it has...". And my great great great grandfather named the region, Atlas." Lilith said as she stares outside the Lab. Even though it's night time in Atlas, it's still bright because of the glow Regiodon was exuding.

"We never thought that Atlas has such history..." Ash muttered.

"By the way, Shiro's Riolu. Can I see it tomorrow?" Prof. Oak asked as he was curious to see a Royalty Pokemon.

"As long as Shiro allows it, sure. But let me remind you, Ash, and everyone not part of Atlas. Don't you dare try take Royalty Pokemons out of this region. That is... If you don't want to get chased by Azurellion and Regiodon. Those two protects the Pokemons and people of Atlas. Unless those Royalty Pokemon really likes you and Regiodon gave you it's permission. Don't try. Just don't." Lilith warned them. As she was a bit scared about Regiodon and Azurellion wrecking havoc just to prevent Royalty Pokemons from going out of the region.

"We'll keep that in mind and tell the others too. Well, we're going to rest now as it's night already. Tomorrow then Prof. Lilith." Ash said as he pulled Prof. Oak out of the Lab.

Lilith only watched them and then turned her head to Shiro's house.

"My little nephew, I'm afraid it's time for you to go out and adventure on your own. You need to find Argunov, you have to convince him. I'm afraid that, Arceus is having trouble, big trouble." Lilith muttered as she went back to her Lab and sleep.

Unknown to Lilith, Ash or everyone. Argunov who is lying asleep in Argunov's Vulcan opened it's eyes abruptly and lifts her head up. She then stared at the east, specifically Shiro's house. Reflected in her eyes is Shiro's figure sleeping and hugging Riolu, while Elgyem floated on top of his bed.

When suddenly, a violet crown adorned in gold jewels tattoo surfaced on Shiro's head and glowed brightly. Shiro then frowned as if he was in pain.

Argunov eyes suddenly shone and she focused on Shiro. Shiro then had a smile and his furrowed brows eased up. Argunov seeing this, release a small sigh of relief.

"It's about time for you to write your own destiny. Shiro D. Hikari..."