
Pokemon Darkverse

Have you ever wondered of what it feels like to travel around with a pokemon? Our MC, Shiro Hikari is your typical otaku and a game geek. He is one of the very top gamers out there but no one knew, as he hid his information. But he never stopped playing his favorite game of all. Pokemon. He always wondered what it feels like to have a companion Pokemon and fight all kinds of trainers. He researched a lot on Pokemons and their traits. Today is another typical day for Shiro D Hikari. As he proceed to the game store to buy the newly released version of Pokemon called Pokemon Darkverse Atlas. New region, but only four new Pokemon, which left a lot confused. All which is Legendary. Just as our MC bought his game and celebrating over and over while walking home. He heard a screeching noise of rubber. And one name passed through his mind.... Truck-kun... That was all he remembered before he felt as if he was struck by a bulldozer and blacked out.

Fumuyoshi · Cómic
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5 Chs

A New Start

3rd POV

"Child... I'm very sorry for causing your sudden death and bringing you here," A ancient voice sounded throughout the void as a young man with slight handsome looks stared in front of him.

In front of him is none other than the Creator of Pokemons Arceus. He couldn't believe it and pinch his thigh. Which he regretted.

"Ouch!" He winced in pain.

"Child, I'm running out of time and I can't stay for too long... I only had one request, and that is to banish and defeat my Shadow, and don't let it succeed in destroying the world. That's all, and Ill give you a gift as well. You can only discover this gift yourself and use it properly. Farewell my child. Good luck..." Arceus said and the void suddenly starts to crumble apart little by little as our MC, Shiro was surrounded with a blinding light and vanished.

Moments later, a shadow started to converge and looked around the crumbling void.

"Tsk! Escaping again? Grrr!! Arceus!!! I will find you and capture you. Once I do, I will let you watch how I destroy your creations and beloved world!" Strangely though is that, that shadow perfectly looks like Arceus himself, but more vicious looking and evil like.

..... Meanwhile.......

A sudden tremor went across the whole world of Pokemon, which caused a whole new commotion as a new region popped out and the so called endless mist of illusions near Hoenn was lifted and showed a forgotten region called, Atlas.

When it did, four resounding roars, rung out the whole region. One under the waters of Atlas, while the other came from a brightly lit ball of fire up the skies of Atlas which looked like a second mini sun. The one from the east came from a mountain range every person in Atlas called Dark Thunder Mountain Range. While the last one came from the mysterious depths of a white volcano that is surrounded by mini volcanoes. Most people call this volcano the Argunov's Vulcan.

As the inhabitants of other regions are curious about this region called Atlas, the inhabitants of Atlas is curious of the world outside the mist as well. A lot of powerful trainers wanted to find out more about this region and sought out for Atlas. Like Cynthia, Prof Oak, Ash, Red, and many more. While all of this is happening, in a little grass plain near a small town called Lavender Town in Atlas. A boy was playing around with a bunch of wild pokemons. By his side is a rather odd looking Riolu, unlike other Riolu's, his blue color is much more darker than the usual. Same goes for its eyes as it was golden not red.

The young boy was of course, Shiro who has reincarnated in this world of Pokemon. At first he was excited because he is finally going to see real life Pokemons which is his dream. But when he was still inside the womb of his mother, he was suddenly attacked by his fear of closed space and couldn't calm down until he was finally born.

Unlike other kids, Shiro was fearless and he even approached the majestic and terrifying Arcanine that is guarding their town. At first, his mother was horrified and ran towards him but only to be stupefied on sight. She saw her son touching his chin and walking around the Arcanine and caressing it's fur.

The Arcanine on the other hand was laying down and letting Shiro caress it's fur. Unknown to Shiro and his mother, a young man wearing a cap accompanied by a cute Pikachu was curiously looking at Shiro.

"Hey Pikachu... You see that kid there?" He said.

"Pika??" Pikachu tilted his head and looked as well.

"Yeah him... Why do I have the feeling that this kid will be a great trainer?" The young man said as he scratched his head. Pikachu on the other hand was feeling the same as well.

"Hey Ash, what are you two doing there?" Ash turned his head towards the voice and there stood an old gramps with grey hair and wearing a lab coat.

"Ah, I'm just curious about that kid. After all, he gives the vibe you were talking about." Ash said as he turned to look at Shiro again only to be dumbfounded.

What Ash saw scared the shit out of him, as he saw Shiro opening Arcanine's mouth and inserting his head to look at the teeth of it.

"Eh? Woah! That kid has some guts!" The old gramps was surprised too as he watch as Shiro touched his chin again and looked at Arcanine.

"Hmm... Strong teeth enough to crush Onix's body at the level 30, and delicate yet strong fur probably enough to defend against a heavy blow from a Tyranitar who is at level 40. This Arcanine should be at the level 40-50? Hmm..." Shiro muttered under his breath as he pets the Arcanine's head.

Ash and they old gramps who heard it was shocked as they looked at Shiro like they saw a legendary pokemon.

"How can he deduce that much information from just touching and looking the Arcanine, Prof. Oak?" Ash asked Prof. Oak.

"I don't know as well. This is my first time ever meeting such a child who know so much about Pokemons." Prof. Oak said as he looked at Shiro, then up the sky. There he stared at the two suns, particularly to the smaller one. Ash too looked up.

"That thing... How powerful is it?" Ash muttered as he remembered the time that they went close to that thing to find out what it is...

And when they did, they were terrified. It was a humongous Pokemon, much bigger than the biggest Wailord they recorded. It's like a whole region itself.

It was turtle looking Pokemon which is surrounded by invisible tornados and never ending flames. They can only see it's shell and can't see its head, neither the other parts of it's body. As if, it was hibernating.

"Pika pika!" Ash went out of his trance as he heard Pikachu's call. He turned and saw Shiro sneakily running towards a grass plain.

"Ill go follow that kid and protect him if something went wrong." Ash said to Prof. Oak as he ran off to follow Shiro.

Prof. Oak can only shake his head  as he stared at Ash's back.

"You grew up but you're still the same Ash everyone knows." Prof. Oak muttered and then walked towards the laboratory looking building.

On the way there, he saw a rather young looking lady in front of the door, with a Espeon sitting on her shoulders.

"You came professor. I can see that you took a liking towards that kid. Haha! Pardon me, my name is Lilith Atlas. Just like you, I'm a professor as well." The young lady introduced herself and invited professor Oak inside.

"Ah, nice to meet you. I'm Prof. Oak and I want to know the myths and legendaries of this region your. Miss Atlas." Prof. Oak said.

"That's easy... How bout we have some tea and talk for a while."


"What. In. The. World?" Ash can only say this words as he looked at the scene playing out in front of him. Pikachu also has the same expression as Ash.

Why? Because in front of them, Shiro is being surrounded by all kinds of Pokemon and playing with him. While a eye catching Riolu follows him around. Black and deep blue body, and golden eyes. Ash has never seen a Riolu like that.

Ash watched from afar as he made Pikachu ready to go and save Shiro if something bad ever happened. But that something bad never came. Ash just watched until evening when every Pokemon around Shiro go home except for one. It's the Riolu who was always following Shiro earlier.

Ash watched as Shiro faced the Riolu and sat down in front of it crossed legged. The he saw something that shocked him.

"Alright Riolu, let's train your aura control more." Shiro said as he meditated and Riolu imitated and followed him closely.

Five minutes passed and suddenly, two colorful aura coated Shiro and Riolu itself. Around Shiro and covering him is violet colored aura filled royalty and grandness, while a golden aura filled majesty and kingliness covered the Riolu. The two blended with each other and painted a majestic sight.

Ash watched this in shock and delight as he stared at the two covered in king like aura. Pikachu also watched this scene like how Ash did. When suddenly, both Shiro and Riolu opened their eyes and stared straight at where Ash and Pikachu are.

"Who's there?!" Shiro shouted and backed up, while Riolu took a fighting stance in front.

Ash was surprised that they noticed him and Pikachu. He can only smile bitterly and walked out of his cover.

He smiled and waved at Shiro, while Pikachu stood on his shoulders while looking at Riolu.

"Hey there kid, sorry for interrupting your training with your Riolu there." Ash said as he walked towards them. He saw that Shiro relaxed and same goes for Riolu. Just as he was about to say something again, Shiro got ahead of him first.

"Ne ne, you're a trainer right?! Then then, can we request a spar with you?! The other Pokemons doesn't want to spar with us." Shiro said excitedly and stared at Ash and Pikachu, while Riolu also got excited.

"Haha! You're amusing kid, but sure. Ill let Pikachu spar with you." Ash said with a laugh as he got in between.

"Yosh! Let's see how strong we are really Riolu!" Shiro said to Riolu and Riolus nodded his head and stared at Pikachu with his golden eyes.

"The rules are simple, until one Pokemon can't fight anymore, its an end. Get it?" Ash asked and both his Pikachu and Shiro nodded.

"Alright, fight!" Ash declared as he summoned Serperior just in case Riolu went berserk and stop the fight.

Alright peeps, this one here is decaying in my drafts in Wattpad, so I thought. 'Why not just put it here?'. I mean, I don't really get a lot of feedbacks there anyway. So yeah! Have fun reading this.

Especially for all those Pokemon fans!

Fumuyoshicreators' thoughts