
Pokemon: Dark Times

Darius was just a young adult who suddenly found himself in a whole different world. He soon learned it was the Pokemon world. With the help of a floating screen, he's going to survive and thrive. Now, if only he could stop being the wandering version of a Pokecenter... --- Read my name - read it. Got it? Then go on, if you want, if you feel uncomfortable about men kissing, then turn around and go away. Also, another thing, there will be Fusion Pokemom (from the Pokemon Fusion game, because Yes) and Fakemon. It's because I want to.

DaoOfGay · Cómic
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47 Chs

| Status: Darius Markus | [Chapter 35]

| Name: Darius Markus

| Age: 20

| Gender: Male

| Energy User Rank: 3

| Energy: 5000/5000

| Nature:

Gentle Giant - Grants you the unique skills (1)

> [Friendly]

> [Push Back]

> [Size Matters]

Big Man - Grants you the unique skills (2)

> [The Ace]

> [Charismatic]

> [Awesome]

| Affinities:

Dark Types - Dark types like you.

Bug Types - Bug types like you.

Water Types - Water types like you.

Grass Types - Grass types like you.

Poison Types - Poison types like you.

Fairy Types - Fairy types like you.

Electric Types - Electric types like you.

Flying Types - Flying types like you.

| Job: Beginner Energy User

| Job History: Intermediate Wilderness Survivor, Intermediate Pokemon Breeder, Intermediate Pokemon Nurse, Beginner Pokemon Trainer, Beginner Pokemon Professor

| Blessings: Raikou

| Avatar Skills: Omnibody

| Unique Skills - 1

[Friendly]: Pokemon smaller than you sees you as a non-threat at worst and a friend at best. Pokemon larger than you will see you as a non-threat at best and mortal enemy at worst.

[Push Back]: Although you might not start a fight, you might as well finish it. Your nature is to not start them, but the moment you are met with aggressive force, you can absorb the damage and send it back towards the attacker with five times the force, no matter what damage you take while absorbing the attacks, you'll always hang on to life.

[Size Matters]: Your body undergoes an evolution, making you stronger. At the same time, your size is also increased. Whenever encountering an enemy bigger than you, all your abilities will be increased by 100%, doubling your strength

| Unique Skills - 2

[The Ace]: The more you train at something, the better you get at it, slowly but surely becoming the best at it. This skill makes your ability at something increase proportionally to your experience, effort, and time spent in that thing.

[Charismatic]: You are easily the most charismatic person around. From swaying crowds to follow your words to just seducing someone cute, you have the best weapon - yourself. This skill makes you so charismatic that it's impossible for your life to be lame.

[Awesome]: You're incredibly awesome. So awesome, in fact, that even if things go against your awesomeness, they'll work out to make you seem even more awesome.

| Skills:

[Intermediate Wilderness Survivor]

Wilderness Survival lvl 10 - You know how to survive in the wild! Finding water, shelter, and food is easier for you.

Shelter Making lvl 10 - You know how to make a basic shelter to protect you from the elements of nature.

Gather lvl 10 - You know how to find food and other useful things in the wild

Intermediate Cooking lvl 9 - You can now cook healthy meals with a lot of nutrients for your Pokemon.

Environment Analysis Lvl 7 - You can analyze your environment and accurately predict how it'll change or how it changed. Predicting rains, storms, earthquakes, landslides, eruptions, and more!

Stealth Lvl 10 - You can easily hide yourself amongst your surroundings, becoming hard to spot.

[Cost: 100 Energy per Use]

[Intermediate Pokemon Breeder]

Pokeblock Creation lvl 9 - Helps in the making of Pokeblocks and gives inspiration whenever the need arises.

Pokemon Anatomy Understanding lvl 8 - Helps you understand the anatomy of Pokemon

Medicine Making lvl 9 - You know how to make potions, antidotes, and other medicines. All your medicine is slightly more effective than others.

Medicine Enchantment lvl 5: Upon using this skill, the medicine you're making will be enchanted by your energy, which will become the catalyst for an incredible improvement on the medicine's potency, efficiency, and purity by 50%.

[200 Energy per Use]

Pokemon Egg Care lvl 2 - You know how to easily take care of Pokemon eggs and what they need to quickly grow.

Pokemon Care Lvl 7 - You know exactly what you need to do to take care of your Pokemon, knowing how to make them feel comfortable and happy.

[Intermediate Pokemon Nurse]

Pokemon Nursery lvl 8 - You know how to better take care of baby Pokemon and how to raise them to be healthy and strong.

Intermediate Pokemon Healer lvl 5 - Using your own energy, you can heal injuries in pokemon with a weak version of Heal Pulse.

[Cost: 20 Energy per Use]

Pokemon Examination lvl 6 - You can examine your pokemon using your energy and know if there are any hidden injuries or problems within them and how to fix it!

[Cost: 40 Energy per Use]

Pokemon Calming Lvl 3 - You can calm down Pokemon, ensuring they are not moving around and potentially hurting themselves.

[Cost: 30 Energy per Use]

Pokemon Emotional Bonding lvl 2 - You can bond temporarily to Pokemon to help them in their emotional stress and struggles.

[Cost: 10 Energy per Use, lasting 10 minutes per use]

[Beginner Pokemon Trainer]

Basic Pokemon Training lvl 2 - The speed at which your Pokemon can increase their stat is 12% faster. When you actively coach them through it, the speed is doubled for 24 hours! Has a cooldown of 24 hours, too.

[Cost (Actively Coaching): 50 Energy]

Basic Pokemon Move Training lvl 3 - The speed at which your Pokemon can increase the mastery of their moves is 12% faster. When you actively coach them through it, the speed is doubled for 24 hours! Has a cooldown of 24 hours, too.

[Cost (Actively Coaching): 50 Energy]

Basic Pokemon Fighting lvl 2 - When in a fight, your Pokemon's willpower to win increases, increasing the resistance to pain by 12%.

Basic Pokemon Guidance lvl 2 - When you guide your Pokemon through whatever they wish to accomplish (Increasing Move Mastery, Increasing Stats, Evolving, Creating new Moves, and basically everything) they have a higher (+12%) chance of succeeding what they wish to accomplish.

[Cost (Actively Guiding): 100 Energy]

[Beginner Pokemon Professor]

Pokemon Behavior Analysis lvl 5 - You can analyze the behavior of Pokemon accurately predicting their actions and emotions with 50% accuracy.

Pokemon Move Analysis lvl 4 - You can analyze and understand the moves Pokemon use, storing their data in your mind and successfully remembering them once understood.

Pokemon Typing Analysis lvl 3 - You can analyze the typing of Pokemon and understand why they are the type they are. Furthermore, you can also learn more about region variants and maybe even artificially change a Pokemon's typing or help it develop resistances to certain types.

[Beginner Energy User]

Energy Technique - Emotion/Intent Communication lvl 10: You can send your emotions/intents to other Pokemon using your energy, making so the Pokemon understand what you wish to do. In the same way, you can "read" their energy, understanding their emotions or intentions.

[Cost: Depending on use]

Energy Technique - Energy Share lvl 6: You can share your energy with Pokemon. Bonded Pokemon do not require physical touch, while not bonded Pokemon require physical touch.

[Cost: Depending on Use]

Energy Technique - Energy Enchantment lvl 6: You can "enchante" your body with your energy, increasing your strength, endurance, and other physical aspects of your body. You can also flow your energy through things you're holding as if they were your body.

[Cost: Depending on use]

Passive Energy Technique - Awareness Lvl 1: 

Due to your rigorous training, your subconscious mind has tapped into your own energy, enchanting your perception. You can now feel your surroundings by reading the energy around you at all times.

[Cost: None]

| Blessings:

| [Raikou's Blessing: You can, once a day, you can smite a target with a lightning bolt of extreme power.]

| Resistances:

| [Poison Resistance: You are resistant to Poison, being able to resist Poisonous attacks and the Poisoned condition.]

| Avatar Skills: 

[Omnibody: By the blessing of Arceus, your body is beyond human limitations. Your body can endure and nourish every single affinity type.]

[Embodiment: You can now embody the aspects and powers of a Pokemon type. Choose between your Affinities, you will embody that type for a while.]