
Chapter 14: Mission

I decided that the best way to make money would be to make the requests that were in the Pokemon Center, there were searches for Pokemons that were located near the city and now that Nidoran♂ has more experience in battle as long as I don't get too far away we should be safe.

With that newfound conviction, I headed to the orphanage to take a break from all the battles I had today, with the idea of going to the Pokemon Center bulletin board tomorrow excited by the prospect of making more money and making my partner stronger.


The next day I woke up a little earlier than usual, I decided to take a little lap in the yard in front of the orphanage to improve my physical condition a little because, although bodies in this world endure much more than they could appear you never know when you will have to spend days moving faster than normal or resting less, Pokemon trips are often dangerous and very long, so it's best to be cautious and try to stay in better shape.

I stopped counting when I had already gone around the yard more than 20 times, really this body is quite resistant, but I will definitely have to get some Pokemon to serve as a mount because I know that I will never be a person who enjoys that amount of exercise on a regular basis and less during trips between towns that can take days.

After feeling weird about not losing my breath after all that exercise, I decided to follow my plans and head to the Pokemon center to look on the bulletin board for some kind of capture mission or something that would help me increase my funds a little more, so after a shower and a small breakfast I left the orphanage as fast as I could with fear that Mother Clarisse would find me And somehow she found out that I had planned to get out of town, even if it's just for a few hours.

It didn't take me long to get to the Pokemon Center because after a week going to learn from the Nurse Joy I practically knew the way like the back of my hand, as soon as I entered through the automatic doors I turned to look discreetly towards the reception where I saw the Nurse Joy attending to a young Trainer who to his chagrin saw how the Nurse Joy stopped paying attention to him for a second to give me a smile and a quick wave of your hand.

I shyly waved back before heading to the bulletin board, I may have been interacting for a week with Nurse Joy but it's very hard for a child's body not to get excited when such a beautiful woman gives you some special treatment.

Once in front of the bulletin board I started to read the requests, there is really quite a variety but as this is a city for beginner Trainers the requests can be considered quite simple and with a not very high pay, for example there is a request from the businesses that are near the entrances of the city to scare away the Rattata who try to get into their establishments so which after beating them you can win a respectable $700 Pokedolars, which is basically the amount you earn for fighting 5 beginner Trainers so it can be considered a good deal.

Something that also caught my attention is the request of several Trainers who got lost in Viridian Forest and still can't find, it made me remember Charlotte's story, so I searched among the capture requests and saw the one that was in the name of the Pokemon Center to capture the Hypno that was there.

Remembering my main purpose I kept seeing the catch requests for weak Pokemon, so the Nurse Joy explained to me requests are made from all the places where there are Pokemon Centers, basically as a Trainer you make a request for a Pokemon to the Nurse Joy which identifies the area where it is most common to find it and contacts the nearest Pokemon Center so that the Nurse Joy from there generates the request for the local Trainer, Earnings vary depending on the difficulty of the Pokémon, but requests with a higher profit-risk margin can be considered depending on your skills.

I quickly identified some catch requests for various types of Pokemon that would be suitable for my level, among which I found easiest for me I saw the catch request for a Sentret for $800 Pokedolars and a Bellsprout for $1,200, without much thought I took both and went with the Nurse Joy to reserve them.

I walked over to the front desk and with a low-key smile greeted the Nurse Joy: "Hello beautiful! I came to book these missions, my Nidoran♂ has already leveled up and we are ready for a challenge" I said trying to hide my flirtatious attempt while passing her the requests I took from the board, the Nurse Joy just rolled her eyes and said with a tired smile: "Hi Max!, I see that you are as animated as ever, But as I already told you I think I'm a little older for you, regarding the applications of course I am, I just remind you that you have three days to complete them and in case you can't pay a penalty for %25 of the value of the profit of each one," he said after stamping the applications and writing down my name in her log with the request and then returning them to me.

With my day's quests set and after a little farewell to the Nurse Joy, I excitedly left the Pokemon Center to run directly to the South entrance of Pewter City.

As soon as I got to the South entrance I let Nidoran♂ out of his Pokeball and explained today's plan: "Hello friend! Today we have a pretty busy day, we'll have to catch a few wild Pokemon" I said trying to sound animated to which Nidoran♂ only responded with a complicated expression as if revealing a certain rejection of the idea, which I interpreted as a pinch of insecurity: "I wasn't planning to capture them to join our friendly team, for the moment you'll be the only one until you get stronger, We're just doing this assignment so you can level up so we can get funds to travel," I said trying to cheer up my new partner, who reacted with a smile and jumping a few excitedly.

Feeling calmer to see my companion happy we started walking to a small wooded area near Pewter City since I don't feel confident going to Viridian Forest or the plain where the Oran Berrys are, well at least for now.

We only walked for a couple of minutes when we started to see a small accumulation of trees, so I was told by the Trainers I met at the Pokemon Center, where Normal Type Pokemons gather in the treetops and several Grass Type in the bushes below them.

With Nidoran♂ by my side we started wandering around the trees, I asked Nidoran♂ to focus his ears to find some Pokémon in the surroundings, Nidoran♂ just closed his eyes and saw how his ears moved from side to side before he suddenly opened his eyes and gave me a smile indicating me to follow him.

We started running until he stopped suddenly and with his little paw he pointed directly at some bushes that were moving slightly, from there came an Oddish that is not very common in the area and for my good luck a jovial Bellsprout, both seemed to be chatting animatedly because at no time did they notice our presence, from what the Trainers told me, there are not too many Pokemons in this area and there is an aura of a certain tranquility.

Taking advantage of the Belssprout being unprepared I ordered Nidoran♂ to use Focus Energy, at that moment Nidoran♂ got into a fighting position and I could see how he was concentrating on his target, I think in this world Focus Energy is more than anything a concentration technique to ensure a good hit and can only be used for one attack at a time.

After seeing that Nidoran♂ was ready I ordered him: "ok Nidoran♂ we have a chance, you have to beat him in one Peck or it will be a 2vs1, focus on Bellsprout and as soon as you faint him I will capture him, in the worst case attack Oddish with Peck if he does not flee and then we will escape from the area" I said to Nidoran♂ in a low voice so as not to alert our target.

Nidoran♂ nodded at my command and like a perfect hunter crouched up to the distracted Pokemons before jumping with his horn shining with a white light, poor Bellsprout reacted too late because by the time he barely noticed my Nidoran♂ it was too late and he received a blow that was an instant knockout.

Without wasting any time I threw a Pokeball at the fainting Bellsprout, while his partner Oddish finished understanding what was happening only reacting when the Pokeball had already absorbed his friend, the Oddish seeing that the Pokeball was still moving took out his vines to pick it up, but was intercepted by Nidoran'♂ s glowing horn that hit him just in time away from the Pokeball.

It was only a matter of seconds before the Pokeball stopped moving and returned to my hand, at that moment Oddish put on a helpless face and ran out of our vision, Nidoran♂ seemed to be ready to chase him, but I managed to stop him as we had fulfilled the first part of our goal today.

I felt a little bad for the Oddish, I know it's kind of insensitive to hunt Pokemons like this, but I won't do the theater of first convincing them to go with me, well at least not when I don't plan to have them on my team and they're just part of a job.

From what I learned in my time in this world some Pokemons are treated as food and are required by merchants as ingredients, in this case I chose quests from other Trainers who want Pokemons for their team, but are far from where they can catch them, at least this way it helps my conscience to think that they will be treated with respect.

Putting aside my internal conflict I sat down next to Nidoran♂ to rest for a moment, you really feel some tension when fighting with wild Pokemon as it only takes one bad move for a Trainer to get hurt especially when you only have one Pokemon and need to be at the front fighting.

After a few minutes to catch the air we started to think about a strategy to capture the Pokemons that are in the treetops, we meditated and came to the conclusion that I would make a bait to get their attention, very carefully I positioned myself a few meters away while Nidoran♂ was right under the tree ready to attack any Pokemon that came down, As soon as I saw that Nidoran♂ had finished using Focus Energy, I took the opportunity to throw a rock at the top of the tree.

A loud screech was heard and an angry Aipom was seen hanging from a branch looking for his attacker, I was shocked because I didn't expect that kind of Pokemon to be found outside of Johto but I remembered that I shouldn't expect my knowledge of the games to be the same as my new reality, First of all, Sentret is a Johto Pokemon, so that confirms that the Fauna of this region is already very different from what I knew.

The Aipom didn't wait for me to stop reasoning when he pounced trying to catch up with me, luckily Nidoran♂ reacted quickly and hit him in his belly right in the air with his Peck, the Aimpon fell in pain, but slowly got up only to end up surrounded by a purple aura and end up fainting.

I smiled when I saw how strong my Pokemon is, although not all of its hits manage to poison at least 1 out of every 3 hits if they do, returning my gaze to the fainting Aipom I swayed the idea of capturing it,

but in the end I decided to leave it where it was since I hadn't seen the application for that Pokemon and had no intention of using it on my team in the long run.

We continued to use that strategy with several trees, but we only found a few Rattata and Zigzagoons that Nidoran♂ quickly defeated, almost when we were about to give up and keep trying the next day, I noticed how Nidoran♂ squealed to get my attention and pointed to one last tree.

Understanding his intention I threw a rock and we were both perplexed when we saw a fainting Sentret fall with a huge bump on his head, we both turned to look and let out a laugh before he threw a Pokeball and captured him.

Once our mission was accomplished we returned to Pewter City and went directly to the Pokemon Center, where as soon as I arrived I went directly to Nurse Joy who put on a sad smile and said in a comforting tone: "Hi Max, I hope you are not disappointed, even if you have chosen Pokemon easy to catch you are not always lucky to find them, but don't worry, young Trainers always end up finding their targets on the second or third day," he said as he put a hand on my shoulder as if he thought I was going to be devastated.

I just smiled before I burst out laughing and said in a boastful tone, "I actually did find my goals so you don't have to do that, now I regret not betting on you and maybe getting a date." Nurse Joy only opened her eyes in surprise before turning them away when I mentioned the date and said: "If you ask me in 10 more years maybe if you have a chance, changing the subject, if you have already completed your mission let me pass you the transfer keys so that you can send the Pokemon and receive your money on the PC" he said while handing me two small cards that had codes written next to the names of the corresponding Pokemon.

Feeling satisfied with his answer I took the cards and approached the PC, the process is quite simple: You enter your Trainer License on the PC, then select the option to send Pokemon, put the key provided by the Nurse Joy and seat the Pokeball with the Pokemon that was requested, after a small flash the Pokeball is exchanged for an empty one to replace the one you used and the Pokeball is transferred to you. agreed amount.

After sending the Pokemons I caught, I was happy with my progress for the day, so I decided to follow this process until Nidoran♂ was at least level 12 before entering Viridian Forest where he could level up more optimally before facing Brock.

While I had that in mind, I corroborated Nidoran's♂ level and noticed that I had already reached level 10 so I already had enough level to fulfill another of my goals, I smiled as I thought that finally the time came to hunt a certain snake.

Trainer License

Trainer: Maxwell Jones

Hometown: Pewter City

Sponsorship: None

Money: $5,500 Pokedolars

Badges: None


5 Potions – POCKET FULL

3 Rage Candy Bar

10 Pokéballs

1 Super Ball

1 Escape Rope

-15 Spaces Available-



Gender: Male

Level: 10

Movements: Leer, Peck, Focus Energy, Double Kick.

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