
Pokemon Book 0: The Rise of the Dragon Emperor

Pokemon UA: hello child I am what you Mortals call God but you can call me old man since I have too many titles that your puny little mortal mind cannot comprehend I shall... Reincarnation!! you are just about to say that right do I get wishes, do I get to choose the world, do I get to choose my appearance, do I get to choose... yes child I will explain everything to you if you do not interrupt me and let me explain we do not have much time!!! sorry I shall Grant you ??? wishes awesome for my first wish I want... if you want to know what he wishes for read the book find out what happens on his journey There Will Be Love, death, happiness, sorrow, or that's what the author told me to say why do I even need to say this I'm God I should be the one bossing you around! and I'm the author I have the power to make you do what I want you are just a pathetic mortal you can't make me... dance like a chicken!! until I say so I am your God I am the author you can't.. why can't I stop dancing! this is not possible I'm supposed to be God! how can I dance like a chicken! ahem author here what are you doing why have you not started reading the book go and read the book but while you're here I will tell you that I will only upload a chapter when I have free time after all I got to keep these gods in check and make sure they don't step out of line there such a hassle I'm telling you it's like babysitting million-year-olds and now I got to go and take care of the god of nature she's growing more gardens you don't need that many!! .ps give me some ideas what you guys want to see pss I do not own any of the anime characters they belong to their original creator only the characters I create belong to me

Nyx_Lucifer_Anime · Cómic
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11 Chs


" " means talking out loud

' ' means thoughts


Inside a black void, you can see a ball of light if it had a face it would be thinking you might be wondering what the ball of light is thinking well why don't you find out?

Ball of light POV

"How long will I be in here the only thing I can see is endless black don't get me wrong I like the color black it's my favorite color but it feels like I've been here for a long time I feel nothing so I can't let you know how much time it has passed that could be minutes to days to years for all I know. It looks like all This Time by myself is getting to me well if I'm going to talk to myself I might as well introduce myself well my name is ???? I can't remember my name now that I think of it I can't remember how I died either did I die? I don't know the only thing I can remember is all the animes and shows I've watched the books I've read TV series I've watched and that's it all of my family and friends' faces are blurred" I start panicking. "What's my name what was my mother's name my father my friends my brother why can't I remember anything" I'm sure if I had a heart right now it will be beating very quickly right when I was going to go in a bad State of Mind I see the completely black void turn completely White.

"My child there is nothing to be afraid of" I hear a very calm elderly man's voice I turn around to look well to try to look as I can without eyes and what I see just shocks me to my core in front of me is the toad Sage Jiraiya from Naruto?

"Ho ho ho my child I am sorry to make you wait for so long you see I had some rather important matters to take care of," said the toad Sage Jiraiya with an awkward chuckle

"toad Sage Jiraiya? am I hallucinating?"

"oh my child no I took on this form to make you more comfortable if you saw my true form you would explode but if you want you can call me toad Sage Jiraiya or Rob.

'my mind is officially blown I can't believe it I'm talking to the toad Sage Jiraiya well someone who looks like him and he said Rob wait could this be like in all those isekai anime and FanFictions I got excited'

"Yes my child it is exactly what you thought it is like those Fanfictions and Anime you've watched I will grant you some wishes you can choose the world, Appearance, and background without using the wishes as for the number of wishes will save that for later let me hear what you desire My Child and I might just grant them all who knows" ho ho ho laughs the toad Sage Jiraiya/Rob

'yes, all those times that I have dreamed about literally and figuratively I have made notes about what wishes I would want for different worlds but this is real life so I got to take this seriously'

"Excuse me toad Sage Jiraiya can you tell me how I died I can't remember I can't remember anything except for the animes and shows and books I've read," I asked very politely after all you don't want to piss off the toad Sage Jiraiya and if someone is saying that he is a Rob then it is even wiser to not piss him off.

"Well my child I cannot tell you how you died but the reason you do not remember the faces and names of yourself and your loved ones is that you would feel too sad and depressed to think wisely about your decisions, especially in your next life so I thought it would be wise to remove the face and names of you and your loved ones cuz you still hold the memories of what you did what those people you just do not remember their names or faces or the emotions you felt for them and before you ask I've read your mind and yes I can read your mind you did die a virgin"

'damn I did die a virgin that sucks well time to get to work now that I got all my answers I asked the toad Sage Jiraiya can I get some time to think about it what I want?

"Yes my child takes all the time you want," said the toad Sage Jiraiya.

'Okay, what world do I want to go to I could go to Naruto there are a lot of good wives uses there but there is a lot of craziness there a psycho who believes he's God a psycho who got manipulated by black goo to bring back God & the Akatsuki and all that. I could go back in time too but I'll have to face the wars which I don't particularly mind after all wars are a good opportunity to get strong and I want to become the strongest but I think I have a better choice, after all, I want a harem and I want to become strong and there's only one world that I can think of that will have a lot of waifu. Even though I've only watched/ played the anime/game and I've not read the manga there should not be too many hardships in the Pokemon world but I have learned that there are some dangerous foes in the future even though I don't exactly know what they are but with my idea, it should work yes yes hahaha I chuckled Darkly about my ideas'

"I am ready for my world I want to go to the Pokemon world but with some modifications I want the Pokemon to be able to learn more than four moves & the Pokemon world is the combination of anime & games. All Pokemon that are not legendary can mega evolve but the only mega stone that has been discovered are the ones that show up in the game/anime"

"As for my appearance, I want to look like Ryuga from Beyblade Metal Fight"

"As for my background I want to be part of the Senju Clan from Naruto they are multi-billionaires and they work in almost every field. My father, who is the head of the family decided to move to Pallet Town for quiet before I was born and is the best friend of Professor Oak while my mother is best friends with Delia Ketchum is that allowed?"

" yes, I shall allow all of the characteristics of the Senju Clan like a strong body / strong life force shall be transferred over as there is no chakra in the Pokemon world that cannot be transferred over is that okay with you?"

"Yes! it is more than enough can I start with my wishes now?"

"yes you can"

"First wish I want knowledge specifically knowledge about hand-to-hand combat, weapon combat, their most optimal diets to become stronger than others of their species, Pokemon habitats"

"second wish I want the ability to use the aura as well as my first Pokemon to be able to use aura I want me and my first Pokemon both to possess conquerors haki from one piece also I should have the ability to awaken other people's aura also there should be a variation that is haki from One Piece that only I know how to use it"

"Third Wish I want to be extremely lucky/ talented in everything but my extreme luck does not affect Pokémon battles my luck will be average after all I don't want to win a Pokemon battle because I had Insane luck I would also like to"

"Fourth wish I want to be able to make any skill I want that the only limitation is my imagination"

"5th wish I want you to turn me into a slightly battle/training maniac the same thing goes for my first Pokemon"

"All of those are acceptable but when you use conquerors haki they do not pass out instead it will be like you're releasing your presence which will make them want to Bow their heads/ kneel before you and might make them feel heavier/ fear you if those are acceptable I think it is time for you to go to your next life, my child"

"yes thank you for all you that you have done for me"

"It is my pleasure to enjoy your new life" and with that, I got sucked away.


Author's note

so how do you guys like it give me some tips/ feedback I didn't want to make him instantly Op but I wanted to give him the potential also I already have the team candidates for his Pokemon team but if you list some that are good enough reason I might change it until next time