
Pokemon : Ash reborn

What happens when Ash and Pikachu start on a rather harmonious tune stay tuned to find out the rather exciting rewind of ash and pikachu's journey again ************ This is a translation of Pokemon : Wisdom series Join my patreon for Ash's adventure at Kalos patreon.com/ThedenGUARD963

Denzil_Beast · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
191 Chs

Chapter 166 - Giovanni

"Raticate, Arbok, Sandslash, use Quick Attack, Poison Sting, and Swift!" Team Rocket threw out their remaining Poké Balls, sending out three more Pokémon.

As soon as the three Pokémon appeared, they moved swiftly according to their Trainer's commands.

Raticate charged towards Pikachu with Quick Attack; Arbok launched Poison Sting, firing a spray of tiny barbs from its mouth; and Sandslash unleashed Swift, sending glowing stars of energy that arced toward Pikachu from both sides.

Three attacks converged on Pikachu from the front, left, right, and above, making it nearly impossible for Pikachu to dodge!

"Charmeleon, use Flamethrower to block the Swift!" Ash reacted quickly. While Team Rocket sent out their Pokémon, he threw two more Poké Balls, releasing Charmeleon and Wartortle!

"Wartortle, use Water Gun to counter the Poison Sting!"

"Pikachu, take it head-on! Use Thunderbolt!"

The commands were given within seconds, and Charmeleon and Wartortle acted immediately upon receiving their orders.

Charmeleon's pale golden flames roared out, engulfing the Swift attack and continuing on towards Sandslash with undiminished force. Wartortle's Water Gun collided with the Poison Sting, neutralizing it rapidly.

Meanwhile, Pikachu, with no further obstacles, unleashed its full-power Thunderbolt at Raticate, the attack overwhelming Raticate and nearly knocking it out of the fight!

"No way..." Team Rocket members gasped as their Pokémon were taken down one after another.

"Charmeleon, another Flamethrower on Arbok! Pikachu, Thunderbolt on Weezing! Wartortle, Water Pulse on Muk!" Ash continued issuing orders, determined to finish off Team Rocket before reinforcements arrived.

Ash knew that besides the three grunts in front of him, there was one more member of Team Rocket nearby—and he wasn't just any member. It was the leader himself: Giovanni.

While the grunts were still in shock, Ash's Pokémon executed their attacks flawlessly. Flames, electricity, and water energy rained down on Team Rocket's Pokémon, leaving them unable to continue battling.

All that remained was a lone, weakened Sandslash, no longer a real threat.

"Unbelievable..." The secretary, who had only just recovered from the shock, murmured in awe. She stared at Ash's back, marveling at the strength of this young boy, who had just defeated Team Rocket's elite operatives in less than half a minute.

The noise from the battle seemed to have caught the attention of someone inside the office. The door creaked open, and a figure appeared—another Team Rocket member in uniform.

But behind him was a tall man dressed in a sleek black suit. His short hair and imposing presence radiated authority. His mere gaze commanded respect and fear.

It was none other than Giovanni.

"Intruders?" The Team Rocket member stepped aside respectfully as Giovanni calmly walked out of the room, hands in his pockets. His eyes scanned the scene before finally landing on Ash and his three Pokémon.

Ash felt an overwhelming pressure weigh down on him. His back broke out in cold sweat. This man… this was Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket.

"A mere kid? You couldn't handle him?" Giovanni spoke, his cold eyes fixed on his subordinates. "Seems like we'll need to reassess things once you return."

"I'm terribly sorry, Leader! Please forgive me!" the grunt stammered, his voice trembling with fear as he bowed deeply.

Giovanni didn't even spare him a glance. His focus returned to Ash, regarding him with complete indifference.

"I didn't expect anyone to find Silver's location so quickly. But sending a child? I thought it might be someone like Sabrina." Giovanni's voice dripped with condescension, as though Ash wasn't worth his attention.

Ash clenched his fists, staring defiantly at Giovanni. He couldn't help but feel a creeping fear of the man standing before him, but he quickly steeled himself, resolving to stay on guard.

"Just from his presence alone… I almost lost the will to fight. Is this… the power of the man who rules over Kanto and Johto?" Ash thought in shock.

Giovanni's eyes flicked briefly to the secretary, who was now on the ground, trembling from fear. She crawled backward, terrified of being noticed by Giovanni.

"Leader, please give us another chance!" The grunt standing by the door addressed Giovanni, clearly trying to distance himself from his fallen comrades. He sneered at them, his contempt evident. "I won't be as careless as these fools. You're already lucky to have made it this far, but now… your journey ends here!"

Giovanni turned and walked back into the room without a word, leaving the grunt to handle things.

"Don't worry, Leader!" The grunt shouted confidently after Giovanni as the door closed behind him. He glared at Ash, brimming with arrogance.

"You should be proud to have lasted this long. But now… it's over!" The grunt grinned and threw six Poké Balls forward simultaneously.

Six beams of white light burst forth, revealing Golbat, Weezing, Muk, Raticate, Arbok, and Sandslash. The same Pokémon as before, but this time, they were stronger—each one an elite-level fighter.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt! Charmeleon, Flamethrower! Wartortle, Water Pulse!" Ash didn't waste any time. The moment the Pokémon appeared, he ordered his team to attack, giving the grunt no time to strategize.

Pikachu unleashed a golden bolt of lightning, which split in two, striking both Golbat and Weezing.

Charmeleon breathed out pale golden flames, sending a roaring fire towards Muk and Raticate. Meanwhile, Wartortle's Water Pulse surged across the ground, forming a powerful wave that crashed towards Arbok and Sandslash!


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