
chapter 7

As the sun set and the day turned to night, Ash's strength slowly, yet surely, returned to him. Right at around dusk, Ash commanded Cynthia, Serena, and Dawn to prepare dinner for him and the rest of the girls, a task which his slaves happily obliged to. "We will endeavor to make this meal the best meal of your life, Master!" the slaves chimed in unison. As the trio of sex toys began to work their magic in the kitchen, Ash turned his attention to the rest of his harem.

"So girls, how have these last few days been for you?" Ash questioned May and Misty. "It's just been heaven, my Master." May said with delight. "I have no idea what I was thinking I was doing in my past life, but you taking over and subjugating me has felt like the most liberating thing to happen in my life." Misty then added wistfully, showing how that even though the girls knew they were mind controlled, they didn't care. Their new love for their splendid Master was enough initiative to keep them servile and obedient.

Ash smiled confidently, his pride in knowing how he broke these girls, dominating them and getting them to submit to his rule was the best choice he ever made in life. "Well my pretty little fuck puppets, I'm glad that you love how I'm in charge. Continue to stay with me and serve me and my every whim, and I'll reward all of you with all kinds of pleasures." he said with a devilish smile.

He still couldn't believe he was able to dominate and control this many minds of beautiful woman, and in the end, get them to serve him willingly. This stone was amazing. Ash heard of many hypnosis stories and experiences of a Pokemon like Hypno, a Pokemon who put its victims in a blind trance, almost like zombies. Ash would never have wanted that. With this mind stone, he got to enjoy the girls' personalities and still do whatever he wanted with or to them as he pleased.

As he continued to revel in his power over the women, he felt a set of arms wrap around his chest. "So Master, has your energy returned to you? I was hoping maybe I'd get to have my fun with you and Misty before dinner time?" the psychic gym leader asked her owner. "I think I'm just about ready. Hey Misty, come with Sabrina and I for a while." Ash commanded. "Yes, of course Master." Misty said, rushing over to her Master, letting him wrap an arm around her waist.

"Hey Cynthia, Serena!" Ash shouted into the kitchen. "I'm gonna be upstairs a while with these two. Hold down the fort, all right?" Ash asked. "Of course Master." Cynthia replied. "Oh and before you go, when you were off claiming our 3 newest slave sisters, I went to purchase some special toys, for you to use if you wish." Cynthia added, signaling to a bag sitting by the stairs. Even though he felt the bodies of his fuck toys were more than enough for him, he considered Cynthia's words.

As Ash opened the bag, he had a smile cross his face, and as he led his two fuck toys up the stairs, he took out a different kind of toy from the bag: two sets of handcuffs. Ash opened the door to his room, spanking his two subjects, signaling them to enter. As he commanded the two to strip down, Ash locked the door behind them. "Wow Misty, you've got a great body. I can't wait for this." Sabrina said, licking her lips in anticipation. "You look hot as well Sabrina. I can't believe I get the privilege to fuck you and our Master at once." Misty said, returning Sabrina's lusty motion with her own, bitting her lip in excitement.

As Ash took the duo to his bed, he fastened the newly acquired handcuffs to Sabrina's arms, attaching them to the bed post. "Ooo…" Sabrina exhaled in excitement, liking the new kinky action her Master was taking with her. "Misty, kindly offer our partner her a little appetizer for dinner." Ash said deviously. "Why of course Master." Misty replied slyly, fixing her dripping entrance above Sabrina's head. As the younger tom boy lowered herself onto her female partner, Ash got rid of his own clothes, showing off his fully erect member.

"Yep, all it took was a couple hours and the site of you sexy babes to get me excited again. You ready Sabrina?" Ash asked, teasing the psychic gym leader, slowly and slightly grazing her folds with his tip, making her pussy leak slightly in response. "Please Master. Take me now. Make me yours. I'm your devoted sex slave, and my body and mind exist for your pleasure. Please have me, I need it. I need you Master." Sabrina said, begging and pleading for her owner's approval.

After that, Ash slowly plunged himself into her, making her softly moan in response. "Oh…yeah." she exhaled, revealing in her mind, realizing how much she loved to be dominated, to be put in her place by her one true Master. She wouldn't trade this for the world, and she certainly would never want to go back to her old life. The sensations she's received under her servitude made her completely obedient, and she loved it.

Just as Ash began to pump in and out of his fuck toy, Misty started to moan and cry in relief, as Sabrina's tongue started to ravish her insides. "Oh…my…god…fuck yes…keep going sister." Misty said through her gasps of bliss. Unable to move her hands due to the cuffs, Sabrina could only struggle in her shackles as Ash started to pick up the pace. She wanted to grab hold of her Master, to touch his beautiful face and toned muscles as he used her own body for his satisfaction.

But her realization that she was unable to do anything, just lay down and take it like a good girl made her even hornier. She liked being subdued. Even though she was giving consent to her owner, it almost felt like it was forced upon her. This thought made her even hornier, as her moans of ecstasy turned to cries, then into screams. She was in heaven. "Yeah, you like this don't you, my little slut?" Ash teased the black haired woman.

"God, you're like a bitch in heat! But don't worry, I have your satisfaction right here." Ash added with a smile, now pumping into her even faster than before. "I bet you want those cuffs off, don't you?" he continued to tease her, showing her the key to the cuffs. Through the pleasure she was currently feeling, Sabrina couldn't mouth any words. Instead, her mouth was totally wide open, her tongue sticking out and her moans and cries filling the room even more. All she could do was nod in approval, a gesture Ash pretended not to immediately notice.

As he continued his pumping action, Sabrina finally mouthed the words. "Please…Master. I beg you…" she pleaded through her gasps. Ash finally took notice, then gave the key to Misty. As soon as the tom boy slave got off Sabrina's face and proceeded to unshackle her slave sister, Sabrina jumped at her Master, pouncing upon him to meet his mouth with a kiss. As she did this, she decided to make it easy on her Master. She moved her dripping wet snatch just above Ash's manhood, then without hesitation, proceeded to ride him.

As the girl bounced up and down on her Lord's cock, Ash signaled his other slave to receive treatment from him, getting her to sit on his face this time. As the two girls straddled their Master, they broke into an erotic kiss, their tongues viciously lashing at each other, each girl struggling for dominance over the other. Misty then took it a step further, breaking off from the kiss and gently biting down on her slave sister's neck, getting a moan of satisfaction from both her gesture and Ash's member. After a moment or two, the trio finally came close to their climax.

As Misty unleashed a wave of cum to grace Ash's mouth, as an even more violent climax occurred with Sabrina. As she hit her high, the squirting from her pussy was so intense that Ash had to immediately pull out, causing him to climax all of the front of her body. As the river of love nectar exited Sabrina's pussy, Ash turned to Misty. "Let's clean ourselves up and get ready for dinner." he said, gesturing them group to the bathroom. As Sabrina regained composure and consciousness of what happened, she looked up at her Master, giving her fellow slave sister a good spank as she entered the bathroom.

As her lover turned to her and beckoned her to join them, she got up near instantly, only slightly delayed by her sexual high. As the shower began to heat up, Ash gave his slaves one good kiss each. "Good job you two. You've satisfied me for the night. We really should experiment like this more often." Ash said, gesturing to the handcuffs now laid upon the floor. As the two nodded in seductive approval, the trio stepped into the massive shower, with all three of them assisting in the other's bathing.

After the trio was done, they returned downstairs. "Oh perfect timing, Master. Dinner is almost ready. Why don't you sit down and relax? Your humble slaves will serve you." Cynthia offered her dominator as she went back into the kitchen. As Ash sat down at the table, he saw two figures walk into the room, one blonde, one red headed. "Ah Flannery, Korrina, nice to see you two sex machines awake. Dinner's almost ready, why don't you sit down?" Ash offered.

As he got a full look at the two, he was slightly astonished to see that they were still naked. They didn't seem to mind being nude, nor did they seem to mind being nude around their slaves sisters. This gave Ash an idea, one he would wait to share with the harem the next morning. A few minutes passed, and Ash looked as he saw Serena and Dawn setting the table for him and their sisters.

After the table was set, the rest of the girls were called in, everyone taking their seats at the table, with Ash's two main harem mistresses sitting by him, one on each side. "Alright girls, lets dig in." Ash commanded. As the girls started eating, some struck up conversations with each other, some asking each other why they loved their new Master, the other's wondering which one he preferred. As Ash heard these conversations, he raised his hand, getting the room's undivided attention instantly.

"Can I just say that I love each and every one of you?" Ash said, getting smiles from his audience. "You're all my beautiful sex tools. While I've commanded you to obey and serve me in anyway possible, I still let you know that I've taken hold of your lives and repurposed you. Can I asked the room if any of you were uncomfortable with this new change in your lives?" Ash asked.

The whole room shook their heads in response. "No, I love it when you command me Master!" May blurted out. "You've given me a true purpose in life. Someone who I can love and serve with unending loyalty. I wouldn't trade that for the world." Flannery added. "We'd never go back to our old lifestyles. Not when you've given us the pleasure of serving you for our lives." Cynthia said. "We love you, we are in your thrall, and we want to stay that way forever. I for one love being your little toy to play with however you wish." Serena added to Cynthia's comment, getting nods of approval from the rest of the room.

Ash had full dominion over his sex puppets. They were his to do with as he pleased, and they enjoyed being used by him. Just the idea of a horde of sexy and servile women being forever bound to him got him semi-erect. "Alright then girls, if you wish to continue to live to serve me, then we're gonna have a great time together." Ash said with a smile. "But first things first. I demand more women. I intend to capture other woman and show them how you guys feel, how great it would feel to serve me forever." he continued.

"Oh course Master, we'd love to have more company. Not only do you get more pleasure, but we also get pleasure when we have our way with the new meat." Cynthia said, a sly and sexy smile etched on her face. "Who might you recommend this time around?" Serena wondered. "There's an incredibly attractive reporter by the name of Alexa. I intend on making her mine. After that, we'll see where that takes us." as Ash said this, taking a sip of fine wine, his fuck toys all giggled in the room in response.

A new girl to the harem means more sex and pleasure for them, and they couldn't wait to see how Ash would convert her. After the harem and its leader finished their meals, Ash stepped out into the backyard to ponder. "So Master, how do you feel about all of this?" Serena asked her lover. "I feel so much power right now, I'm just hoping it doesn't consume me." Ash said in reply.

"You wanna know something Master?" Serena asked her owner. "Before you showed me that stone, showed me my potential in life, I was scared of asking you something.". "What's that my love?" Ash wondered. "Even though we were dating before, I could never muster up the courage to ask you to go all the way with me. To be seriously committed to each other. I was scared of rejection, even when we were dating, I mean how ridiculous is that?" Serena said, laughing at herself. "But then as soon as you showed me that beautiful stone, all my hesitation, all of my worries, all my insecurities went away." she said with a smile.

"And I have you to thank for it. So if you ask me why I serve you, even knowing I was mind controlled to do so, don't bother. Even if you're not commanding me to do so, I will still follow you obediently regardless, like the good little slave and girlfriend I am." Serena finished, looking to Ash for his approval, only to be rewarded with a quick and hearty kiss on the mouth. "Thank you Serena. That kind of loyalty and honesty is what I love about you." Ash said. "Now come on my little fuck toy. I think you've just awarded yourself some one on one time with your Master." Ash said slyly, leading a blushing and excited Serena back to his bedroom.

Ash did say to Sabrina that he'd let at least one person bear witness to love making to ensure none of the girls got too jealous, so Ash beckoned May to join the two. As the three of them happily walked into Ash's room, Ash gave his commands to May. "Don't worry, my little fuck toy, I'll satisfy you soon, just like how I took command of you two a couple of nights ago. Don't worry, you'll get your pleasure. For now, just enjoy watching me plow your little slave sister. Touch yourself all you want, and this time, you can cum all the times you want, just save some energy for me." Ash said with a wink in his eye.

"Yes, my Master. I'm gonna enjoy watching you fuck my Mistress's brains out." she replied with a smile. As May sat in the corner of the room, getting ready to pleasure herself for the sight that was to come, Ash threw Serena forcefully to the bed, sitting here down. "Mmm, I didn't know you liked it rough Master." Serena spoke up deviously, her pussy already becoming moist. Ash then took action, removing all of Serena's clothes except her red skirt and her long stockings.

"You really have a fantastic body, Serena." Ash said taking in the sight of his almost naked lover. As the raven haired boy laid down on the bed, he commanded her to straddle him. And so she did, without hesitation or conflict in her mind. She began to ride him, pumping up and down. As she looked down at her Master's face, she noticed his eyes were closed from the pleasure he was experiencing. "Play with my body, Master. I'm your little fuck puppet, remember? Use me! Please!" Serena begged.

Ash responded to these words by reaching out to her, massaging her beautiful breasts, receiving a moan of satisfaction in response. "Oh fuck yeah!" Serena gasped. The very feeling of her owner playing with her tits got her excited. She wanted to do more to satisfy him though, so she leaned in, pressing her chest into his, with her hips and ass still bouncing up and down in the air as she rode him. "Wow, you are really good at this Serena." Ash said through grunts. "You have to be my most assertive, yet obedient slave yet. I'm glad I made you a Mistress of my harem." he continued.

As Serena continued to bob on her Master's member, now it was Ash's turn to take initiative. As he unbuttoned and removed Serena skirt, he then took his mouth to her neck, biting softly. As Serena moaned from the gesture, Ash's hands reached for her supple ass cheeks, giving both of them repeated grabs and spanks. As the two continued to make love, Ash released Serena's neck from his mouth, looking to find that he left a mark there, a sign that he claimed her body beyond her total servitude towards him.

As the two of them picked up their pace, with Serena riding Ash faster while he spanked her harder, May continued to sit in the corner, watching the two in awe, using two of her fingers to pleasure her womanhood. As he felt like they were getting close to their climax, Ash grabbed Serena, picking her up with his massive strength. After getting the two off the bed, he pinned Serena to the wall adjacent to where they were fucking. Serena accepting this new position wholeheartedly, wrapped her legs and arms around her Master, not breaking the kiss they were currently in.

As Ash began to take the offensive, this time with him pumping her, Serena moaned into his mouth. Without even being told it specifically, Ash knew his partner was close, and so was he. After Ash dumped his load into Serena, she let out a cry of ecstasy, breaking off the kiss and filling the room with her sultry voice. As she came all over her partner's member, she gave him another quick smooch. "Thank you for this little treat, my Master. If I can keep getting rewards like this, then sure as shit I'm gonna obey you forever…" Serena said wistfully.

As Ash gently put his lover down back on the bed, he faced his other fuck toy in the room. "You ready to be dominated now, my patient slave?" Ash asked May. "Oh yes Master, please take me now!" May pleaded, her hormones off the charts after witnessing the sexual acts her Master and Mistress slave sister performed in from of her. Ash reached for May, tearing apart her tight spandex clothing with his hands, revealing her succulent breasts and dripping wet pussy. "Mmm, no underwear at all. Good…" Ash snickered in delight, picking May up and leading her to the bed, placing her beside her slave sister.

As Ash pinned his slave under him, and through her torn clothing, he assaulted her womanhood with one hand, while pleasuring one breast with the other and placing his mouth upon the other one. As May moaned in bliss, she turned to notice Serena looking at her with a sly grin on her face. "Kiss me slave, give me pleasure." Serena commanded. "As you wish, my Mistress." May said, elated that her Mistress was giving her commands to follow as well. As the two girls assaulted each other's mouths with their tongues, Ash's own tongue kept flicking around May's erect nipples.

"Oh my god Master. You and my Mistress are so good at this." May hummed in delight. As Ash then took his member, placing it at her entrance, Serena began to move again. As she broke off the kiss, she positioned herself in a 69 position, meeting Ash's cock and May's pussy as she laid down. "I command you to eat me out while our Master and I have fun down here, my slave sister." she spoke up. "Of course my Mistress. I will not leave you or our Master unsatisfied." She replied in glee.

As Serena went down on May, getting a lick on on Ash's manhood and May's pussy at the same time, May took her hands and placed them on her Mistress's ass, giving them a firm squeeze, moaning as she placed her tongue inside Serena's entrance. As May was licking the cum out of Serena's snatch from her last climax, Ash continued to pump harder.

While Serena continued to lick May's entranced, she decided to please he Master even further, and while cupping his balls, she alternated between putting them in her mouth and returning to her slave sister's pussy. As Ash moaned from the initiative, he felt he was growing close to his limit. Just as he sensed his own climax coming, he felt May's as well.

As he was pumping her faster, he felt her walls clench around his beating, erect cock. As May began to moan out in pleasure, crying out to tell her Master and Mistress that she was close as well, Serena shuddered, feeling a second wave coming on. A brief moment passed, and in an instant, the trio climaxed together, filling each other's mouth's and pussies with warm, sweet cum.

As Ash removed himself from May's still coming snatch, he looked at his two sex tools, watching them moan and sigh in pleasure from the wild ride they were blessed with. After a moment, May regained her composure. "Thank you my Master for blessing me with your sex. I look forward to the next time you use my body." May said, giving Ash a kiss, letting Ash taste some of their partner's sweet juice still within her mouth.

As the two looked at Serena, they noticed that she'd fallen asleep from all the activity. After Ash draped the bed' sheets over Serena, letting his favorite slave rest from all her hard work, he led May out the door. "That was a wild ride." Ash said, giving his slave a firm spank, groping her supple ass before he took his hand off of it. "I'm glad I made you my slaves. Your bodies are just made for sex." Ash continued. "I'm glad my body has proven useful to you, Master." May replied. "Well, I'm gonna go get some sleep myself. It's been a long day." she added, leaving him to watch as she swayed her hips seductively for him, letting him view her bare ass as she left. As she went into the next room, she posed and looked over her shoulder, giving her owner a wink of approval before shutting the door behind her.

Ash loved his control and dominion over his current slaves, but he craved more. After he would get the new girls acquainted to their place in the harem, he would set off to acquire his next slave. But for now, he was tired. Ash returned downstairs, beckoning Cynthia, his second Mistress of the harem, commanding her to join him in their sleep. As Cynthia followed him back up to their room, she undressed for bed, with Ash lying down in the center of the bed.

As he turned to snuggle with Serena, her back resting right up along his chest, he planted a kiss upon her cheek, telling her he would forever love her and all their slaves, Serena smiling, even through her sleep, as if she knew what he said. And with that, Ash began to shut his eyes. As he felt the soft breasts of the milf that cuddled with him as well, he began to think of Alexa, the beauty he'd bless next with this life. Like his slaves, Ash felt like he was in heaven.