
Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Follow reincarnator Ace Ketchum as he travels the world of Pokemon in a journey to be the best, and to rise to the occasion as Arceus' champion. Will be a mashup of the numerous Pokemon universes, so there won't be one specific timeline that I'll focus on.

Harry_Dresden · Otras
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163 Chs

I Believe in You!







Even as they complained and I yelled at them, my newly acquired Magikarp didn't give up as they desperately fought to swim against the current.

Currently they were in one of the many channels of water that were around the arena behind the Pokemon Center, within which I had Buizel using his two tails like propellers to create an artificial current. The result was not only Buizel training his tails to become stronger and to swim longer, but we also had a current for my Magikarp and Feebas to train in.

The two Feebas were doing excellently, literally swimming circles around my three Magikarp with ease.

Magikarp on the other hand were so naturally weak, that they couldn't even fight against the gentlest of river currents. They would only ever get pulled along if they got caught up in them.

But, if they somehow got strong enough, then Magikarp could evolve into the powerful and much feared Gyarados.

Gyarados were such a temperamental Pokemon that only one in a few HUNDRED trainers even had one. But then the vast majority of those were caught and tamed, as only about one in a hundred Gyarados trainers even bother training Magikarp to the point of evolving. And here I was training three of them.

And naturally the first course on the strength training to evolve into Gyarados plan, was becoming strong enough to swim against a river current. There wasn't an actual river here, but Buizel was more than happy to help since he would become stronger too.

"Geo?" Pidgeot asked me as he joined me in watching over the Magikarp and Feebas, making me think the two of us needed to have a nice and long conversation about which Pokemon would be considered 'dinner'.

Instead of commenting on it right now though, I instead yelled at my Magikarp,




"Hey, you're the one who asked why I was training your dinner." I said to him.

But it seemed to do the trick, as all three Magikarp pushed themselves even harder to fight against the current created by Buizel's tails.

"You better watch out Pidgeot." I told my bird while patting his side as if I were comforting him, while the image of him battling three Gyarados appeared in my head.

I continued watching over my Magikarp and yelling at them to encourage them for the next few minutes, at which point they finally reached the end of the channel where Buizel was at.

"Alright! You three can take a break." I told them in a much gentler tone, as all three Magikarp let their bodies go limp so that the remaining current pushed them back to the other end of the channel.

I then walked over to them, and knelt down at the side of the channel before saying in an encouraging tone,

"Remember when I had you three begin this exercise? You all thought you couldn't do it, but I made you do it anyways, and you all managed to finish it."

I let my words sink in for a moment before continuing,

"I don't care if you three believe in yourselves or not. I don't care if you think you can do the exercises I ask you to or not. I believe you can, and I believe in you.

"So no matter what, believe in me and I'll believe in all three of you for you, no matter what. I guarantee you all that you'll become great and powerful Gyarados one day."

I felt the emotions of all three Magikarp spike at my small speech, since this was probably the first time anyone had ever believed in any of them. I'm sure even the smuggler I saved them from considered all of them nothing more than easily obtainable garbage Pokemon to trick young and foolish trainers or kids into buying.


They all declared, stating they WILL become Gyarados one day.

"I'm counting on it." I told them, already imaging the looks I'll receive when people see I had a TRIO of stupidly powerful Gyarados that were incredibly loyal to me.

""Bass bass?""

My two Feebas also caught my attention as they asked if they could ever become Milotic.

"Of course." I stated to them resolutely.

"I don't know how, and I don't know when, but I promise the two of you WILL become both powerful and beautiful Milotic!"

""Bass bass bass!""

I smiled as they cheered from my declaration, but inwardly I was frowning as I wondered HOW I was going to evolve them. In the games you had to feed them the right type of food until their 'beauty' was maxed out, and then they'd evolve after leveling. Naturally that was complete bullshit in real life.

I think I'd heard somewhere on the Pokenet that Feebas could evolve with a certain type of scale or something, but the actual information was nearly impossible to find. Plus we didn't focus too much on them in our lessons, as there were no Feebas in either Kanto or Johto.

Whatever it was I needed, I had to figure it out fast since all the training in the world was useless for them due to how different their bodies were after evolving.


I turned and stood just in time to catch a flying Turtwig right before he fell in the water, making me look back at Cranidos.

"Alright." I said to Magikarp and Feebas. "Take a five minute break, then do it again. Don't make me have to come back over here."

After saying that I walked over to Cranidos with Turtwig tucked under one arm, before kneeling down before the fossil Pokemon.

"Did you send Turtwig flying?"


"Good job!" I praised him with a thumbs up, before turning to Turtwig.

"Turtwig, you need to learn how to take a hit and not be moved."

"Twig!" Turtwig asked, wondering why he had to focus on defense instead of something like dodging Cranidos' attacks.

"Because when you evolve dodging will be completely out of the question. Using those tactics as needed while you're still a Turtwig is one thing, but you can't rely on a fighting style that'll become obsolete when you become a Grotle and Torterra." I explained to him patiently.


"Just imagine yourself as a great and mighty tree, with a thick trunk and roots so deep that nothing with be able to move you!" I told him while trying to hype him up.

"Twig!" Turtwig exclaimed, saying that he'll try.

"That's it! Go again Cranidos!" I ordered my fossil Pokemon.

"Dos!" Cranidos cried out as he began charging forward.

"Now Turtwig, try to hinder his attack with a Razor Leaf!" I ordered.

"Twig!" Turtwig cried out as he swung his head, creating numerous razor sharp leaves from the little sprout atop his head that shot at Cranidos.

"Dos!" Cranidos cried out, before swinging his head to deflect the leaves with his thick skull.

"Twig!" Turtwig exclaimed in alarm.

"Don't be surprised your attack didn't work, defend and endure it!" I ordered, to which Turtwig braced himself.


Cranidos rammed into Turtwig with all his strength as he tried to send him flying yet again, but Turtwig resisted as much as he could as he pushed back against Cranidos. Sadly it was for naught, as Turtwig was sent flying at me yet again.

"Twig..." Turtwig groaned as I caught him a second time.

"It's ok, this is only your first day of training." I told him encouragingly.

"The most important part isn't getting it right away, but promising you'll do better the next time. Just look at Nidorina." As I said that, I pointed the Pokemon in question out to Turtwig, who was currently bracing herself against Geodude's Rollout before she grabbed and sent it flying.


"That's right. The important thing is promising you'll do better, not giving up because you didn't get it right away." I told my little Turtwig encouragingly.

"Twig!" Turtwig declared, stating he'll get it down.

"Good. That's what I like to hear." I told him as I set him back down on the ground to go again.

Truthfully I wasn't expecting a whole lot from my new Pokemon, like Turtwig, right this moment after the abuse and neglect they suffered at the hands of the smuggler. They all needed to get back their strength, just like Tauros had a little.

Today was all about me seeing what they could do, and them getting used to the type of training I wanted them to work on regardless of if they were with me, or back at professor Oak's.

But as far as Turtwig went, I wondered if I could get Tangela to help him learn Ingrain to increase his stability when taking attacks...

That thought led me to direct my attention to the little ball of blue vines, who was currently training them alongside Lickitung with it's tongue as they swatted Exeggutor's Razor Leaf out of the air. I quickly moved on from their group though, so that I wouldn't get another slobbery lick of affection from Lickitung.






I wandered over to where my three Rattata were sparring with Poochyena and Houndour, as the three purple rats deftly danced around the two dogs before darting in once they found an opening. As they did so Poochyena and Houndour would try to attack, but the Rattata were too fast for them.

This made my Rattata start getting overconfident, before one went for a frontal assault that led to him getting caught in Poochyena's grip for a Bite attack.

"Enough." I stated, drawing all of their attention to me, while Happiny happily trotted in from the side to heal Rattata after taking the Bite.

"Rattata, the three of you are small and agile, and your teeth can be lethal if used correctly. Focus on those aspects, and use them to your advantage instead of getting cocky and trying to brute force your way." I instructed them, to which all three of my Rattata looked down contemplatively.

"Poochyena and Houndour, the two of you have sharper senses than your eyes, use them. Don't look and attack Rattata where they're at, listen and anticipate where they're going to be. Trust in your senses."



The two of them barked in affirmation at my instructions, before taking a stance to start sparring yet again.

The three Rattata also readied themselves as they split up to surround Poochyena and Houndour.


The trio growled as they focused on their opponents, while I could hear an actual growl coming from Poochyena and Houdour.

The Rattata then vanished as they all used Quick Attack to move faster than their opponents could follow.

One then appeared in front of Poochyena as if he were going to attack, but it was a feint as a second Rattata used the opening to Bite Poochyena's tail right as he was focused on the first. I actually flinched a little at the Yelp that came from Poochyena at that moment.

The third Rattata meanwhile was playing a game of cat and mouse with Houndour to keep him occupied, heckling him to keep his attention, yet making sure he couldn't counter attack.

I watched as Houdour narrowed his eyes at the surroundings warily, watching for Rattata while his ears twitched as they tried to hone in on him.

"Dour!" Houndour exclaimed suddenly, as he peppered the area to his left with Ember so that there were numerous glowing coals on the ground.

The split second after that, there was a cry of pain from Rattata as he ran over the glowing coals, which burned his feet and made him fall to the ground. Another second later Houndour had him pinned under him, securing his victory.

"That was excellent Houndour, using your hearing to track Rattata's movements and laying a trap to use his own momentum against him. Meanwhile the other two Rattata baited Poochyena into focusing on one, allowing the other to attack. That was excellent teamwork." I made sure to praise the ones who did well this time around before looking at Poochyena and the third Rattata.

"Thats what I was saying about using ALL your senses Poochyena, as then it'd be harder to fall into such traps. If you'd focused your hearing, I'm sure you'd have heard the other Rattata sneaking up behind you."

In response all I could hear from Poochyena was low whine from not doing well, before I looked to the other Rattata.

"As for you, that's why I want you to work on your agility more, so that you can be able to turn and react when someone tries to use your speed against you. That goes for you two as well." I made sure to include the other two Rattata in the lesson, as they were developing the same style of fighting.

While I may not use any of the three of them for actual battles all that often, I did plan to use them in certain situations that they'd excel at, as well as when they could gang up on a single opponent.

"Take a quick break to think about what I said, and then go again." I told them all once I was done pointing out the areas I wanted them to work on, which earned me a chorus of cries of affirmation.

After them I made my way over to where Sneasel was training with Grovyle, both of which were little more than blurs as they moved as fast as possible.

Sneasel was another one I was looking forward to evolving as soon as possible, but I had to wait until I could get ahold of the proper item, a Razor Claw. Their evolved form, Weavile, were excellent ice/dark types that would devastate any opponent who crossed them with their lethal claws imbued with dark type attacks.

I even had one on my team to challenge the Elite Four on my game right before I died.

Currently however, I had my Sneasel working on her direct combat with Grovyle before we got into learning moves and such. And what I was seeing now made me want to evolve her even more.

"Meowth?" Came a cry from my feet, while there was something tugging on my pant leg.

Looking down, I saw one of my three Meowth looking up at me cutely with a disk in her paw.

"What'd you find?" I asked while kneeling down to her level, before she presented the disk to me.

It was obviously a TM, but as I looked at it I realized it was a TM that taught the move False Swipe.

"Thank you." I told her happily, before pulling my TM case out of my backpack to place it within. I then scratch her behind her ears, which made her purr contently for a moment.

"Meowth!" She cried out happily once I was done, before trotting off to rejoin my other two Meowth.

The three of them were the only ones I wasn't too eager to evolve, since I felt as if they'd be more helpful as Meowth instead of Persian. A Persian would be nice, but I didn't need three of them, and Meowth lost the ability I wanted when they evolved, Pickup.

Pickup was something akin to a sense where lost or discarded items may be. Meowth possessed that sense along with a few other select Pokemon, but they in particular lost it upon evolving.

Thankfully only one of my three Meowth was interested in evolving, the only male. I wasn't going to stop him of course, since having a Persian would be cool, and because I'd still have two more Meowth that would have Pickup.

Thankfully the two females appeared quite smitten with the male, so I was hoping to start breeding them once I got a proper facility going to increase my Meowth count. After all, some of the items they could find were quite lucrative, like the TM just now.

"I'm back." Lucario said as I sensed his presence.

"How was your first solo shopping trip?" I asked him before turning around.

"It was amusing to see people react to a talking Pokemon." Lucario said with humor, but I was preoccupied by what was smeared all over his face.

"Is that so?" I asked dryly, before accepting the bag of supplies I'd asked Lucario to buy with the money I had left, before he handed me my wallet.

"Yes, though the items on the list you gave me were more expensive than we assumed." Lucario said seriously.

"Really? So what's up with all the chocolate smeared on your face then?" I asked him, making Lucario flinch as he hurriedly tried to wipe it all off.

"Well.... At least we're in a city. I doubt there's going to be a shortage of trainers to challenge here." I said in exasperation, as I'd already been planning to battle anyways to help train my new team members, and to make some extra money.

Even as I said that I started digging through the bag, and immediately pulled out an electric razor.

"However.... I wonder how much Lucario fur sells for..." I mused as I looked Lucario up and down, who tended under my gaze.

"That isn't funny." He said irritably.

"Neither is all of my money being spent on chocolate." I said back. Thankfully the services offered at the Pokemon Centers were all free for League trainers, otherwise we might've been in trouble.

"Mareep!" I called out to two of my new Pokemon, a couple of Mareep that were playing with the three Magnemite nearby, in the form of seeing who could create the largest Thunderbolt.

""Meep meep!""

They cried while running over to my side, their bulb-like tails flashing energetically as they did so.

As I kneeled down I lifted the electric razor for them to see, and asked, "who wants to get shaved first?"

Both of them were overly shaggy from the wool they were covered in, which also helped them to generate electricity. They didn't need very much of it to do so though, and Mareep wool was a fairly valuable commodity.

"Meep meep!" The smaller of the two, the female, exclaimed excitedly, as she stepped forward to be shaved first while the larger male stepped back.

The electric razor practically glided through her thick wool as large clumps of it fell to the ground. I just left it there for now, but once I was done with them both I planned to bag it up and sell it.

As I sheared away the layers of wool though, I noticed a band around her neck that revealed itself to be a collar. On the collar was a small stone that drew my eye, before they widened in recognition. It was an Everstone!

Everstones worked in the opposite way of typical evolution stones and items, suppressing a Pokemon's evolution to keep them in their first or second form. There was nothing malicious about them though, as they didn't hurt the Pokemon to use.

At most this Everstone was used so that Mareep wouldn't evolve into Flaffy, and have less wool to sheer and sell by the smuggler.

I left the stone alone for the moment as I focused on sheering the rest of the wool, which increased the pile growing around my feet.

"Meep meep!" Mareep happily cried out when I finished, before she shook herself to dislodge any remaining loose strands.

Her place was immediately taken by the male Mareep, who I shaved at a much faster pace than before. Unsurprisingly, he too had a collar and Everstone around his neck.

By the time I finished shaving him as well, there was a good sized pile of wool around my feet that Joy readily helped me bag up.

As we did that the two Mareep leapt around and bleated happily from how refreshed they felt, which made me smile as well. But I still needed to discuss something with them.

"Alright you two, come back over here real quick. There's something we need to discuss." I told them, making my Mareep approach me curiously.

"Do you know what these are?" I asked while pointing to the Everstones on the collars around their neck.

""Meep?"" The Mareep responded in confusion.

"They're called Everstones. They prevent a Pokemon from evolving even when they are able to. So, if I take them off then the two of you should be able to evolve into Flaaffy, or I can leave them on and you can stay Mareep. I'll let you two decide though." I told them, though truthfully I wanted to be able to evolve them.

I watched as my Mareep huddled to discuss my offer to each other, taking quite a while before both turned around and declared,


"Ok then." I said with a nod of acknowledgement, before removing their collars from their necks.

At first nothing happened as the two Mareep shook themselves to remove any lingering discomfort, before both were suddenly enveloped in light.

I watched as the two of them went from standing on four legs to two, before the light died down to reveal their new forms. Unlike their base first stage, the two Flaaffy were practically naked looking as they were mostly covered in pink skin, with only patches of wool on top of their head, and on their neck and upper chest.

""Fee fee!" The newly evolved Flaaffy declared happily, before they resumed their dancing around and playing from before.

"Congratulations." I told them with a smile. "Spend some time getting used to your new forms, and then start working to see what you're capable of now."


The duo then pranced off to do as I said, leaving me alone with Joy as I looked at the collars in my hand.

"What are you going to do with those?" Joy asked me curiously.

"Well, firstly I'm gonna get rid of these." I said while taking the Everstones off of the collars, and throwing them away. I then looked at the stones I'd kept and added, "as for these, well I got two Meowth that don't have any interest in evolving."

As I said that, Joy and I both looked at my two female Meowth, who were playing around while the male had joined the sparring match between the Rattata, Poochyena and Houndour.

Though I could probably give them the stones as is, I wanted to get them their own collars to attach them to. I knew they wouldn't mind since Meowth were considered the house cats of the Pokemon world, I just had to get them ones they'd like.

"Quen quen!" Vespiquen excitedly cried out to get my attention.

"What's up Vespiquen?" I asked while approaching her. I still couldn't get used to how my cute little Combee now towered over me.

"Quennn." She said, telling me to watch. And as I did so I saw numerous grubs crawling out of the combs that made up her lower body, her 'hive' so to speak since she couldn't establish a real hive.

Truthfully, the grubs kinda grossed me out, but I made sure to watch them like Vespiquen wanted me to. And what I saw was a certain trio of grubs that were larger and different looking from the rest make their way towards each other.

And the second the three of them were touching they suddenly lit up in a flash of bright light, which faded to reveal a small Combee.

"Bee bee?" The Combee cried curiously.

"Bee!" It exclaimed happily while I could hear what sounded like a purr of contentment from Vespiquen.

"This is awesome Vespiquen..." I uttered in amazement, as this now meant Vespiquen had taken her first step in properly building her own hive. And the more her hive grew, the larger an army of Combee we'd have with us from now on, not to mention an endless supply of honey to eat and sell.

"Quen quen!" Vespiquen trilled, happy at my reaction.

I then watched as the little Combee then proceeded to fly off to locate some pollen to make honey, already knowing his duty to his queen. In the meantime though, I also took out a couple of the jars of honey we had left to give to Vespiquen since it was all she ate, and she needed the energy to keep producing grubs to grow into Combee.

She trilled happily as she ate the honey, while also sharing some with the grubs housed within her body. An interesting thing about the grubs, was that they could also be used for defending against and attacking any Pokemon that tried to fight Vespiquen in close combat. As was the case in any hive, every single one of the workers would readily give their lives for their queen, no matter how young.

I continued making my rounds to check on the rest of my Pokemon, like Wartortle using his Water Gun to try and shoot down Zubat, while she practiced her maneuverability in the air, and Miltank sparring with Tauros. The horny bull looked like he was doing a lot better now compared to when I first got him, as a good portion of what I believed was his old strength returned.

Eventually I made my way back to where my Magikarp and Feebas were training, and where Pidgeot was watching over them hungrily. It was ok though, as his intimidating gaze helped to motivate the Magikarp to get stronger and evolve as soon as possible.

Him licking his beak might've been excessive though... Just a little bit.

"Hey Pidgeot." I called out to him, distracting him from his dinner plans.

"You up to doing a job for me? Or are you still tired from flying here?" I asked him, making him ruffle his feathers.

"Geo!" He declared irritably.

"Good." I told him, before reaching into my bag, and pulling out my jaw fossil.

"I want you to take this to Brock in Pewter city. He's already waiting for you, so just take it to his Gym." I told Pidgeot as he inspected the fossil curiously.

"Pi!" Pidgeot declared as I put the fossil in another bag, before attaching it to his saddle.

"Ok, you're good to go." I told him.

"Geo!" Pidgeot cried out as he took off in a flurry of feathers, moving so fast that he was like a bullet in the skies as he headed westwards.


"Yes, keep training. Imagine the look on his face if you all evolved before he got back." I told my Magikarp humorously.

"""Karp karp karp!""" They all declared, being especially motivated now.

Man, I REALLY hoped they evolved soon.

Just as I was thinking that, Joy hurried over to me as she said, "Ace! Miss Lorelei of the Elite Four is here!"


Ace's Pokemon

Carry limit: 10



Inner Focus: prevents the user from flinching, and being affected by abilities such as Intimidate

Justified: strength increases whenever user is hit by a dark type move.


Quick Attack, Rock Smash, Vacuum Wave, Endure, Work Up, Counter, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Shadow Claw, Zen Headbutt, Screech, Detect, High Jump Kick, Force Palm, Bullet Punch, Quick Guard, Swords Dance, Cross Chop, Copy Cat, Reversal, Protect, Agility, Low Sweep, Aerial Ace, Metal Claw, Swift, Bulldoze, Rock Throw, Fling, Dig, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Drain Punch, Rockslide, Poison Jab, Crunch, Close Combat, Final Gambit, Iron Defense, Aura Sphere, Calm Mind, Meteor Mash, Extreme Speed, Life Dew, Coaching.




Keen eye: Pokemon's accuracy can not be lowered, and ignores opponents evasion boosts.

Big Pecks: prevents the Pokemon's defense from being lowered.


Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister, Feather Dance, Agility, Wing Attack, Roost, Tailwind, Aerial Ace, Featherdance, Swagger, Air Slash, Hurricane, Steel Wing, Protect, Double Team, Endure, Giga Impact, Brave Bird, Swagger.




Torrent: increases the power of water type moves when low on health.

Rain Dish: restores the users health slightly when raining.


Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble, Water Gun, Withdraw, Rain Dance, Mirror Coat, Rapid Spin, Bite, Water Pulse, Protect, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Skull Bash.




Rough Skin: damages those who use physical attacks on it.


Bite, Slash, Night Slash, Focus Energy, Aqua Jet, Ice Fang, Leer, Poison Fang, Screech, Crunch, Ice Beam, Swagger, Agility, Scary Face, Liquidation.




Overgrow: powers up grass type moves when low on health.


Pound, Leer, Leafage, Quick Attack, Mega Drain, Detect, Quick Guard, Assurance, Slam, Double Team, Energy Ball, Screech, Thunder Punch, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Solar Beam, Leaf Blade, Fury Cutter, X-Scissor, False Swipe, Double Team, Flash.




Chlorophyll: raises the users speed when in intense sunlight.


Mega Drain, Hypnosis, Reflect, Leech Seed, Confusion, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Stomp, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb, Psyshock, Wood Hammer, Leaf Storm, Synthesis, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Solar Beam, Flash.




Blaze: powers up fire type moves when in a pinch.

Flash Fire: absorbs fire type moves used against the user, and powers up their own fire type moves in response.


Scratch, Growl, Ember, Smokescreen, Dragon Breath, Fire Fang, Metal Claw, Flamethrower, Slash, Fire Punch, Flame Charge, Scary Face.




Mold Breaker: the Pokemon's moves are not affected by the opponent's own ability, such as Levitate or Soundproof.


Headbutt, Lear, Focus Energy, Rock Polish, Take Down, Scary Face, Rock Smash.




Poison Point: potentially poisons opponents when they make physical contact.

Moves: Growl, Poison Sting, Scratch, Tail Whip, Fury Swipes, Tixic Spikes, Double Kick, Bite.




Inner Focus: user does not flinch, and is not affected by abilities such as Intimidate

Moves: Absorb, Supersonic, Leech Life, Astonish, Mean Look, Poison Fang, Bite, Gust, Wing Attack.




Effect Spore: bestows status condition of sleep, paralysis, or poisoning upon physical contact in battle.

Dry Skin: water type moves with heal the user instead of damaging them, but makes them more susceptible to fire type attacks and weakens them in direct sunlight.

Moves: Scratch, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, Spore, Cross Poison, Fury Cutter, Bullet Seed, Giga Drain, Slash, Growth, Aromatherapy, Rage Powder, X-Scissor, Dragon Breath, Dig, Brick Break, Sludge Bomb, False Swipe.





Thick Fat: halves the damages taken from fire and ice type moves.


Tackle, Growl, Rollout, Defense Curl, Stomp, Heal Bell, Headbutt, Zen Headbutt, Milk Drink, Body Slam, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Solar Beam, Charm.




Pressure: makes the opposing Pokemon expend more energy than usual when they attack.

Unnerve: makes it harder for the opposing Pokemon to focus, and will prevent them from using their held item.


Sweet Scent, Bug Bite, Gust, Arial Ace, Slash, Struggle Bug, Poison Sting, Confuse Ray, Fury Cutter, Air Slash, Aromatic Mist, Fell Stinger, Fury Swipes Swagger, Attack Order, Defend Order.




Natural Cure: heals any status effects when resting

Serene Grace: increases the chances of a move having a secondary effect.

Friend Guard: reduces the damage ally Pokemon receive in battle alongside it by 25%

Healer: increases the power of healing moves. (A.N. Changed this one up a bit.)


Pound, Charm, Gravity, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Metronome, Present, Heal Pulse.




Intimidate: lowers the opponents strength when the user enters battle.

Anger Point: increases strength as high as possible after taking a critical hit.


Tackle, Tail Whip, Work Up, Payback, Assurance, Horn Attack, Scary Face, Headbutt, Zen Headbutt, Take Down, Rest, Swagger.


X13 Carvanha

X7 Sharpedo

X3 Magikarp

X3 Rattata

X3 Meowth

X2 Flaaffy

X3 Magnemite

X2 Feebas











Ice Punch

Fire Punch

Thunder Punch

Zen Headbutt

Shadow Claw

Solar Beam

False Swipe



Carry limit- 8











Carry limit- 8








Misty Williams

Carry limit-8












Ash Ketchum







