
Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Pokémon World: A land of fantasy, adventure, and fun, right? Wrong! The Pokémon world is a ruthless and vengeful place, a trap where many fall. Our protagonist, Arth, is an orphan who has been reincarnated into this harsh reality. Join us on this dark and thrilling journey.

Pixez · Cómic
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7 Chs

**The Heist at the Pokémon Center**

Arth had proven himself time and again within Team Rocket, and his reputation was growing. His next mission was one that would truly test his resolve and cunning. As he entered the briefing room, the same older man who had overseen his progress was waiting for him, a grim look on his face.

"Arth, we have an important assignment for you," the man began. "Saffron City has been a thorn in our side for too long. We need you to infiltrate the Pokémon Center and steal the Pokémon being held there. They are crucial for our plans."

Arth's heart pounded with a mix of excitement and trepidation. This was a bold move, even for Team Rocket. "What do I need to do?" he asked, his voice steady.

The man handed him a detailed plan. "You'll need to disable the security systems, avoid detection by the staff, and confront any trainers who might get in your way. Remember, failure is not an option."

Arth nodded, accepting the challenge. "I understand. I won't let you down."

The next evening, Arth and his Pokémon—Pikachu and Charmander—made their way to Saffron City under the cover of darkness. The city's lights glittered in the distance, but Arth's focus was solely on the mission at hand. He reviewed the plan one last time before slipping into the shadows.

The Pokémon Center in Saffron City was a busy hub, always filled with trainers and their Pokémon. Arth knew that timing and precision were crucial. He waited until the early hours of the morning when the center would be at its quietest.

"Pikachu, use your electrical skills to short-circuit the security system," Arth whispered.

Pikachu nodded, sparks flickering from its cheeks as it approached the security panel. With a few precise jolts, the lights on the panel flickered and died.

"Good job, Pikachu," Arth said, a small smile forming on his lips. "Now, let's move."

They slipped inside, the darkened hallways eerily quiet. Arth moved with purpose, knowing exactly where the storage area for the Pokémon was located. He kept Pikachu and Charmander close, ready for any encounters.

As they rounded a corner, they were confronted by a lone security guard. Arth acted quickly, instructing Pikachu to use Thunder Wave. The guard was paralyzed instantly, unable to raise the alarm.

"Let's keep going," Arth said, his voice a hushed whisper.

They reached the storage room, where rows of Poké Balls were neatly organized. Arth's eyes gleamed with the potential power he was about to seize. He began methodically gathering the Poké Balls into a bag, each one a testament to his mission's success.

Just as they were about to leave, the doors to the storage room burst open. Standing in the doorway was a familiar face—Ash Ketchum. Arth recognized him instantly. Ash was a well-known trainer, his exploits famous across the regions.

"You!" Ash exclaimed, pointing at Arth. "What are you doing here?"

Arth's mind raced. A direct confrontation with Ash was not part of the plan, but there was no backing down now. "I'm here to take what Team Rocket needs," he replied coolly. "And you won't stop me."

Ash's eyes narrowed. "We'll see about that. Charmander, I choose you!"

Ash's Charmander stepped forward, flames flickering at the tip of its tail. Arth knew this battle would be intense.

"Charmander, let's show them what we've got," Arth called out, his own Charmander stepping up.

The two Charmanders faced off, their eyes locked in determination. The room seemed to crackle with energy as the battle began.

"Charmander, use Ember!" Ash commanded.

"Charmander, counter with Flamethrower!" Arth ordered.

The two fire attacks clashed in mid-air, creating a burst of heat and light. Arth's Charmander, with its intense training, managed to overpower Ash's Ember, pushing it back.

"Don't give up, Charmander! Use Scratch!" Ash shouted.

"Charmander, dodge and use Dragon Rage!" Arth countered.

Arth's Charmander nimbly avoided Ash's attack and unleashed a powerful Dragon Rage. The intense energy wave hit Ash's Charmander, causing it to stagger.

"You can do it, Charmander! We won't lose!" Ash encouraged.

But Arth's Charmander wasn't done. It began to glow, its body enveloped in a brilliant light. Arth watched in awe as his Charmander evolved into Charmeleon, its new form exuding strength and confidence.

"Charmeleon, finish this with Slash!" Arth commanded.

Charmeleon charged forward with blinding speed, its claws slashing through the air. Ash's Charmander couldn't withstand the assault and fell back, defeated.

"No! Charmander!" Ash cried, rushing to his fallen Pokémon.

Arth stepped forward, his expression cold. "This is what happens when you get in Team Rocket's way."

Ash looked up, determination still burning in his eyes. "You might have won this battle, but you won't win the war."

Arth smirked. "We'll see about that."

With the stolen Pokémon secured and Ash incapacitated, Arth made his escape. As he slipped back into the shadows, he felt a surge of triumph. The mission was a success, and his Charmeleon had proven its worth.

Back at Team Rocket's headquarters, Arth was eager to assess Charmeleon's new capabilities. He headed straight to the training facilities, where advanced scanners could evaluate Pokémon statistics and potential.

The older man from his previous encounters met him there. "I heard about your success. Well done, Arth."

"Thank you," Arth replied, pride evident in his voice. "I'd like to analyze Charmeleon's abilities."

The man nodded and led Arth to a high-tech scanner. Charmeleon stepped into the scanning chamber, and a series of lights and sounds filled the room as the machine went to work.

After a few moments, the results appeared on a screen. Arth's eyes widened as he read the data. Charmeleon's potential was marked with a blue five-star rating, indicating extraordinary capabilities.

"Charmeleon, Level 16," the older man read aloud. "Abilities: Blaze. Known Moves: Flamethrower, Dragon Rage, Slash, Smokescreen. Potential: Five stars."nivel 16", leyó el hombre mayor en voz alta. "Habilidades: Blaze. Movimientos conocidos: Lanzallamas, Dragon Rage, Slash, Smokescreen. Potencial: Cinco estrellas".

The man looked impressed. "A five-star rating is rare. Your Charmeleon has the potential to become incredibly powerful."

Arth couldn't hide his satisfaction. "With training, it will be unstoppable."

The man nodded. "Remember, power alone isn't enough. You must also be strategic and cunning. Your next mission will require all of your skills."

Arth listened intently as the man outlined his new assignment. He was to track down a rogue Team Rocket agent who had betrayed the organization and fled with sensitive information. The mission would take him to various regions, requiring stealth and adaptability.

"Failure is not an option," the man concluded. "Bring the traitor back, dead or alive."

Arth nodded, his resolve unwavering. "I'll get the job done."

Arth spent the next few days preparing for his mission. He trained rigorously with Charmeleon and Pikachu, honing their abilities and perfecting their teamwork. Charmeleon's new moves, combined with Pikachu's speed and precision, made them a formidable duo.

He also gathered supplies and reviewed intelligence reports on the rogue agent. The traitor, known as Marcus, had once been a high-ranking member of Team Rocket. His defection had shocked the organization, and his knowledge made him a significant threat.

Arth's plan was meticulous. He would start his search in Vermilion City, where Marcus was last spotted. From there, he would follow the trail, using his skills and Pokémon to track and capture the traitor.

Vermilion City was bustling with activity as Arth arrived. He kept a low profile, blending in with the crowd while gathering information. He visited local hotspots, questioning people discreetly about Marcus's whereabouts.

After a day of searching, he finally got a lead. A fisherman at the harbor mentioned seeing someone matching Marcus's description boarding a ship bound for Cinnabar Island.

Arth wasted no time, securing a ticket on the next ship. As he sailed towards Cinnabar Island, he reviewed his strategy. Marcus was dangerous and unpredictable. Arth would need to be ready for anything.

Upon arriving at Cinnabar Island, Arth began his search anew. The island was known for its rugged terrain and active volcano, providing plenty of places to hide. Arth methodically explored the island, using his Pokémon to help cover more ground.

One evening, while investigating a remote cave near the volcano, he finally found Marcus. The rogue agent was camped inside, surrounded by high-tech equipment.

Arth stepped forward, his presence unmistakable. "Marcus. You've got nowhere to run."

Marcus looked up, surprise flickering in his eyes before being replaced by a sneer. "So they sent you to catch me? Pathetic. You don't know what you're up against."

"We'll see about that," Arth replied, his voice steady.

Marcus released a Golbat, its wings flapping menacingly in the confined space. Arth responded with Pikachu, knowing its electric attacks would have the advantage.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" Arth commanded.

Pikachu's Thunderbolt struck Golbat with precision, sending it crashing to the ground. Marcus quickly recalled it and sent out his next Pokémon, a menacing Arbok.

"Charmeleon, it's your turn!" Arth called out.

Charmeleon faced Arbok, its tail flame burning brightly. The confined space of the cave amplified the tension between the two Pokémon.

"Arbok, use Poison Sting!" Marcus ordered.

"Dodge it, Charmeleon, and counter with Flamethrower!" Arth instructed.

Charmeleon nimbly avoided the Poison Sting and unleashed a powerful Flamethrower, engulfing Arbok in flames. The heat was intense, and Arbok was forced to retreat.

Marcus's frustration was evident. He released his final Pokémon, a formidable Rhydon. Arth knew this would be a tough battle, but he was prepared.

"Charmeleon, use Dragon Rage!" Arth commanded.

The swirling energy of Dragon Rage hit Rhydon, but its tough hide absorbed much of the impact. Rhydon charged forward, aiming to take Charmeleon down with a powerful Horn Attack.

"Charmeleon, Smokescreen!" Arth called.

Charmeleon quickly filled the cave with thick smoke, obscuring Rhydon's vision. Using the cover, Charmeleon moved swiftly, positioning itself for a decisive strike.

"Now, use Slash!" Arth ordered.

Charmeleon's claws glowed as it struck Rhydon with a powerful Slash, hitting a vulnerable spot. Rhydon roared in pain before collapsing, unable to continue the fight.

Marcus stood there, defeated and enraged. "You may have won, but this isn't over."

Arth stepped forward, his expression cold. "For you, it is."

He bound Marcus and secured his equipment, preparing to bring him back to Team Rocket headquarters. As he left the cave, the weight of his actions settled on him. He had proven his loyalty and strength once again, but the path he walked was growing darker.

Upon returning to Team Rocket headquarters, Arth was greeted with a mixture of respect and wariness. He had completed a mission that many had deemed nearly impossible, further solidifying his reputation within the organization.

The older man met him, a rare look of approval on his face. "Well done, Arth. You've proven your worth once again. Marcus will face justice, and you will be rewarded."

Arth nodded, feeling a mix of pride and resignation. He knew that his success meant deeper involvement in Team Rocket's schemes, a path that offered both power and peril.

As he walked through the headquarters, he couldn't help but reflect on his journey. From the day he joined Team Rocket, to his trials on Rocket Isle, to his confrontations with powerful trainers like Ash Ketchum, he had grown stronger and more determined.

With Pikachu and Charmeleon by his side, Arth felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The bond he shared with his Pokémon gave him strength, and the skills he had honed made him a formidable force within Team Rocket.

But deep down, he knew that his choices would define his destiny. Each mission, each battle, brought him closer to the heart of Team Rocket's power and the darker aspects of its operations.

As he prepared for his next mission, Arth steeled himself for the road ahead. He was a key player in Team Rocket's game, and he was determined to play to win.

The journey was far from over, and Arth was ready for whatever came next. With his loyal Pokémon and unwavering resolve, he would navigate the shadows and carve out his place in the world of Team Rocket.

Hello everyone,

I'm Pixez. I wanted to address the current situation with the Pokémon levels—they're a bit strange right now, and I apologize for that. I know I haven't shared the potential levels yet, but I will be doing so very soon. I've hit a bit of a creative block, and I'm also in the middle of exam season, so I appreciate your patience.

We already know that Arth is in Ash's time, and since Ash is a well-known character, a surprise is coming your way! I'd love to hear your suggestions for which Pokémon Arth should have or any plot ideas you might have, especially if they're a bit dark—hehe.

Thank you for your understanding and support. Stay tuned for more updates!

Pixezcreators' thoughts