
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Derivados de juegos
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30 Chs


"That is not how a gentleman should behave" a butler scolded me.

'Do you want my machamp to kick you? Or my typhlosion to burn your ass?' I wanted to reply. Thanks to my mother genius idea, I was forced to follow etiquette classes in order to behave a gentleman. She does not understand that I am a warrior. Who cares about that kind of thing? It is so tiring and boring. I tried to afraid that butler with my pokemons but that crazy old man did not care at all. I mean even my gyarados was hopeless in front of that guy. He even called him cute! I am sure his vision and hearing is really bad. That is the only explanation I came with. However each I cursed him in low voices he heard me. He is just a crazy old man!

"Should not you retire? I am worried about your body since you work SO HARD" I replied.

"A gentleman should take care of his body everyday of his life. Since I do so, I am still in good shape despite my age" he explained.

'Oh damn it! That is so boring! That amount of boredom is going to kill me!'

"That should be all for today. Do not forget to practice at every interaction"

It was too late, I was already running away.

"I am sorry for his behavior" my mother said as she joined him.

"Madame, you should not. He is full of energy. He will grew up as a fine man, believe me! I made it my duty" he promised.

"Thank you. I did not expect you to go to such length"

"Worry not. I even dare say that I remind me of my grandchild" he replied.

"Is that so? What was his name again? Red was it?"

"Indeed it is" he confirmed.

They talked for a few minutes before he excused himself and left.

Weeks passed and summer arrived.

"My son, it is time to learn swimming" my mother declared before giving me a swimsuit.

"Can I swim with my pokemons?" I asked.

"Of course of course. Let them free in the swimming pool" she replied. Strangely only the old and crazy butler as well as my mother were feeling well while surrounded by them. Even my father shower some uneasiness towards some of them. As for my brother, he always put some distance between them. I do not get why. It is not like they are going to eat them without my command.

Anyway, I freed them all and the water team was swimming happily while the fire team was scarred and went as far as possible. The plant ones were resting around while the fighting team was training in the water. During that time, I changed into my swimming suit.

"That is quite lively. However you will play with them later. Now is time for your lessons. First put some water into your neck and then go little by little in the water. Always remember to do so before going in the pool" she commented.

"Yes mom"

"I am not joking around. You can die from thermal shock" she said seriously. I gulped. My mother on earth was also saying that a lot. I realized that I should really be careful. It would be stupid to die that way.

"I know mom" I replied while putting water on my neck. I then carried on the my chest and head.

"You are right. It is better to wet different part of the body rather than just the neck" she nodded.

Then followed the classes given by my mother. Backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and front crawl. Those are the swimming style I had to learn. I never did backstroke before so it was fun. In fact when swimming on the back, I used to do back crawl.

After the hard lessons, I was able to play around with my pokemons. For once, I really was playing around. We were playing tag. Of course I often was the one being tagged. How was I supposed to swim quicker than water pokemons? The problem was that I forget to put solar cream. And of course, I got sun burns. My mother did not remind me to put some on my body. Who would expect a five years old boy to think about it by himself?

I did not need to remind her. Just seeing the state she was in, like "my poor little baby. I am so sorry. Mom is an idiot" or "How could I forget about that? I am such a bad mother", I chose to grit my teeth and not complain about it. I do not wish for her to feel badder. That was my way to protect my mother. Cute, is not it? The lessons were stopped for a few days before resuming once my situation was better. Like that, summer passed.

I realized that my oldest pokemons were beginning to be stuck in their progression. I could not think of how to help them apart from increasing the number of enemies they were fighting. After thinking for a few hours, I came up with an idea. What if I let them fight against pokemons who were also magicians? Like they could freely control their elements without a care of predefined moves. That would increase drastically the variety of fights as well as the possibilities that they will face. I realized that I could even make it worse and add another layer of difficulty. What if I put weights around their bodies? Even worse, what if the pokemons they fights are also martial arts experts? Why would only fighting type pokemons know how to use their fists? I mean yes, they are build for it and can attain expertise easier than others. However, the other type should be able to have some basis. That is when my training went from hell to nightmare level. I could not help but smile sadistically while thinking about what is awaiting for them.

"My little babies think they are strong… I cannot wait to watch their desperate faces when they realize the truth" I laughed madly. That laugh made the maids passing nearby shivered.

Time passed and I once again won the battle club. Since half of my teams were older than the rest, it was even easier than the past tournaments. I tried my best to not make my opponents cry but it was fruitless. As soon as they lost they began crying. Was I suppose to let them win? Do not make me laugh.

As such, my parents complied once again and buy me more pokemons. That is the power of money for you. Since I helped increasing my family prestige, I got compensated. That is normal is not it?

I got an Onix, an aron, a beldum, a honedge, a roodikee and a scyther eggs. My goal was to form a steel team with my empoleon and my lucario. After my seventh birthday, I worked hard an dmaking them evolve, in order to be sure that they get the steel type and that I could register to the steel battle club before the annual tournament qualifications began.

I might have been harsher than usual that year, since they had to improve quicker to evolve. No, I was harsher. After a month, they began the nightmare mode. It was even before the fighting team! I was just testing if it was possible for newbies. I noticed that quickly made progresses, so the rest of my pokemons which did not have begin it yet had no choice but to begin it.

They might have cursed my steel team but well, that is not my problem. With my team ace, empoleon, I was sure to crush my opponents once again. I was maybe getting overconfident. That is why I made sure empoleon did not slack off.

Time passed and the tournament happened. Father and brother stopped coming watching me. I did not get why. Only mother was supportive to me. She excuse them saying that they had an urgent matter to do. To be honest, I do not believe it. I think they were bored of seeing me winning. Then what was I supposed to do? Loose? Will not they be mad if I loose after all the money they invested on me? I am sure they will be angry. I just do not get why… maybe they truly had something to do.

I once again won and decided to try a new club, the ground club. A trapinch, a rhyhorn, a male nidoran, a geodude and a gible were added to the team. Steelix, Torterra and Swampert were also part of it. That year competition was going to be fun this time too.