
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Derivados de juegos
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30 Chs

Argument over a cake

The following day, we flew towards Vermilion City. It was near the sea and I like breathing the sea air. It just feel different. I also did my best to cheer up Mia. Shadeon was not in its best condition but the injuries were healed. I made sure of it by inspecting it regularly while Mia was not around. I bribed it with some of my pokemon food to be sure it keeps my visits a secret.

In Vermillion city, there is a pokemon gym which is specialized in electric pokemons. The leader was named Lt. Surge and had a raichu as well as a voltorb. My plan was obviously to win.

"Wait for me!" Mia yelled as I was preparing myself to exit to bedroom.

"Yes princess"

"Fufufu you are nicer since you nearly killed shadeon"

My mood became bitter after that low blow.

"Shame on you" Anna added, piercing my heart.

"Muscle-head" Laura finished me off.

"Stop it girls, it is not his fault if he does not realize how poor his control is" Mia hurt me far more than she believed.

"I am going alone" I muttered before slamming the door. Do not they know that words can hurt more than blows?

I arrived into the gym only to realize how much of a jerk the gym leader was.

"Oye kid, you did not bring your mommy?" he provoked me.

"You should have bring yours since you are going to cry" I replied to him.


"Shut up and come at me"

"Boy you are going to regret it" he warned me before launching his pokeball. A voltorb came out from it.

"You should watch your mouth, old man" I replied before letting Machamp coming into the arena.

"I am going to kill you" he yelled.

"Soccer" I declared before Machamp disappeared from its spot and kicked the Voltorb which flew towards the wall and bounced. Machamp kept kicking it as long as it was bouncing, like a soccer ball.

"STOP IT" Lt. Surge roared.

"Oups! It seems like he just passed out" I replied before putting Machamp back into its pokeball.

"You went to far! You, shitty brat! Raichu, go get him"

"Dragonite" I ordered after taking its pokeball. It came out of its own. What a good pokemon!

"Eletro ball" Lt. Surge roared.

"Earthquake" I declared. As the ground tremble, a part of it intercept the electro ball while the Raichu was suffering.

"Hyper beam" I added. Does he think I will let his Raichu standing up? That jackass can go right to the pokemon center while his trainer will be crying his mommy.

That is exactly what happened a few seconds later. Did he think he could bully me? I guess it was worth teaching him how it felt to be the one being bullied.

"So now I go three badges… perhaps I should go talk to my parents" I muttered while living the gym. I went for a walk while calling my mother.

"Hello my little boy!" she said happily.

"Mom, am I disturbing you?" I asked worriedly.

"Son, you will never disturb me" she scolded me.


"So how is it doing?"

"Well… in fact I wanted to have your advice on something" I said before telling her what happened with Shadeon. I mean… it was bothering me a lot.

It went like this for a while before I finally sat on a bench while watching kids using their first pokemons to battle. It reminds me when I began battling. Already 12 years passed. That is 120 earthing years. Just thinking about it make me feel old.

"Son do not worry, I am sure it will passed. Mia is just pissed at you even if she knows deep down that you did not think it would hurt her pokemon that much"

"Well I hope you are right" I sighed.

"Teach your pokemon how to control their force. It will be important for when I will be a grandmother"

"Mom!" I said frustrated. Seriously! How can she said those kind of thing when she just learned about my couple situation.

"My son! Nothing better than a steamy night to wash away conflicts" she chuckled.

"I am hanging up" I said coldly before really hanging up. Now I am mad at her. How can she said such thing to her son? Even my dad never say those things to me!

'Why is my mother so embarrassing? Well at long as she does not behave like this in front of other it is passable… but if she dare saying so things in front of others… I will have to scold her badly!'

"So embarrassing" I muttered before leaving the park I was chilling in. I have no idea where Mia was and actually I was a little worried. Since she teased far too much this morning I left without her so probably she will be mad at me when I come back.

I headed towards the hotel and spotted the girls eating some cake. Seriously, why are they so fond of desserts? Are they addicted to sugar? Fruits contains sugar too, they should eat it rather than cakes… I really does not understand them sometimes… by sometimes, I mean very often.

"Did you enjoy your cake?" I asked while stopping in front of their table.

"Did you enjoy sulking?" Mia replied mischievously. I could stop my lips from twitching.

"I got the badge so we can go"

"Why do not you sit and eat some cake"

I looked at her with dead eyes.

"What? It is on me"

"Are you telling me that you will not eat half of it?"

"A-as if I would do that" she panicked.

"Are you using me as an excuse for your own gluttony?"

"S-stop! I am not like this"

"Then I will take a cake and eat it all by myself" I replied seriously.

"W-what? You cannot! As a couple we share everything!"

"Finally showing your true colors"

"Eh? I do not know what you mean" she denied. On their side, Anna and Laura were enjoying the situation happening right in front of them. If they had popcorn, they would have loved it even more.

"Really Mia… You should accept the truth and stop denying your true self" I sighed.

"Wow that is some deep thought" she giggled.

"Do you think so? It is just what everyone should do if they want to be strong. Know your limit and weaknesses"

"Are you saying that my weakness is cakes?" Mia frowned.

"Yes!" Anna replied for me.

"A-Anna?! You traitor!" Mia declared.

"See? I am not the only thinking this! Time for you to accept the harsh reality" I nodded.

"All of you stop! The cake is coming" she stopped us once she noticed that the waitress was coming with my chocolate cake.

"Oh yes, Mia you should watch how much I will enjoy my cake. To think the whole cake is just for me" I provoked her. However she grabbed the plate as she soon as it touched the table and plunged her spoon into it.

"Hey stop! You said it was mine!" I protested. However it was too late. The biggest part of the cake was already inside her mouth.

"T-that deliiicious" she said while she did not finish swallowing.

"M-my cake" I said depressed while looking at its state. It has been ravaged by that savage woman. Now that I think of it, I am jealous of that cake! Me too I would like to be ravage by her!

"Your face through all kind of expression! You are really funny! How could you think of me ravaging you from seeing me eating" she giggled and nearly chocked herself.

"You should finish swallowing first" I sighed.

"So gross" she laughed even more.

"I give up. Eat the whole cake" I declared while rolling my eyes.

"My strategy worked!" she said happily before stuffing herself with the cake remaining.

I looked at the smiling Laura and Anna.

"Should not you stop her?" I asked them.

"Mistress has always loved cakes" Laura explained.

"As she said, sugar is good for breast" Anna added.

"So that is why women love desserts" I concluded. A whole new world opened to me!

"That is right" they bother nodded.

"I thought you needed to drink milk to grow your breast… seems like I was wrong" I realized.

"Actually both work, darling" Mia explained.

"Is that so? Let me buy you some milk then" I chuckled.

"Why? Are they big enough?" she said while pointing to her huge melons.

"The bigger the better. It is like for men" I explained.

"You are really gross" Mia chuckled.

"It is not my fault if I have been taught that one shot a day keeps the doctor away"

"Oh my arceus" the girls said embarrassed.

"Seems like it is my time to leave" I said before leaving them to the bedroom. I needed to pack my things if I wanted us to resume our journey this afternoon.

"The next gym is at the Celadon city. From what I heard it is a grass type gym. I will have to think about which one of my pokemons to use" I muttered while I was packing my clothes.

"Sha Shadeon" Shadeon said before appearing from a wall.

"What? You want your treat?" I asked it.

"Sha Sha" I confirmed.

"I spoil you too much" I sighed before giving him an oran berry. How can I resist its cuteness?