
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Derivados de juegos
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30 Chs

Another embarrassing memory

First of all, I would like to thank my pokemons for their hard work. Yes, they worked hard even if none of them succeeded to defeat an opponent in the doom mode. Well if they did then I would probably be the master of this world.

Second of all, I want to thank even more my rock team. We nearly lost more than once but thanks to their will to win, we succeeded. Yes, I did some errors too. The finals was really hard. One of my pokemons was nearly defeated for the first time in my life. I wanted to cry when I see the state it was in. I now understand why the kids were crying every time. I will make sure to be compassionate next time.

As for my flying team, with my gyarados as my trump card, it was not hard to win it. Also Charizard destroyed most of the strong foes, so I was assured to win from the beginning.

However I began to notice more and more and more greed on the people faces. I was not going to let them kidnap my pokemons but well… some might have bad intentions and I will have to use violence in that case. I still remember that some villain organizations must exist here. I am not sure my family reputation will stop them all from acting.

"It seems like I will stop training with wooden weapons and get serious" I muttered. I mean my life was going to be at risk. Since I could not, legally, walked around with a gun, I needed to get some self defense hidden weapons.

That is how I began working on retractable blades as well as a retractable shield. As for the sword? Have you ever heard of a cane sword? A gentleman should always go out with his cane, right?

"Fufufu would you look at that?" Mia surprised me while I was focused on doing the hidden blades.

"AH!" I yelled while jumping.

"Is that from the games you played when you were on earth? What was the name again? Assassin something?"

"Yes yes. Why did not you tell me you were here?" I replied.

"I tried my dear but you were too focused. Perhaps I was starring too much at my husband doing something manly and forgot to announce my presence. I do not remember well"

"Is it already time for the lesson?" I asked.

"Indeed my dear. Your mind is still too easy to read" she sighed.

"Is not it because it is you who progress faster than me?"

"That is a possibility. Anyway, once you are done with those things, do two for me. Oh and for Anna and Laura also" she ordered me.

"Am I some kind of worker for you?"

"I will give you a special reward" she provoked me while winking.

I put my tools down on the table and looked at her desperate. I mean… that is my future wife, I should get used to it. It is just not the kind of relationship I was picturing when dreaming about finding a wife… how ignorant was I on earth?

"Should we begin the lesson?" I asked instead of falling for her provocation.

"You are not fun" she smirked.

I grabbed her arms and pulled her towards me.

"Do you think I would get flustered? I can read your thoughts you know. I know you are teasing… wait? Why cannot I read your thoughts?" she began panicking.

I kissed her. Yes, I kissed her. I put all my mental energy to protect my thoughts will doing so. However that is the last memory I got before passing out.

"You idiot" she yelled as she saw my face becoming blank. "ANNA, BRING ME SOME SUGAR" she yelled without taking her eyes off me.

"Why do you have to push yourself so hard?" she said while patting my head.

"Mistress, Anna had to run to the mansion. Master does not have any sugar in that place" Laura explained.

"Why is that jerk so picky with his food? Why does not he hide some desserts or biscuits there? He is going to die at that rate! You idiot!" she yelled at the passed out me.

"Laura find some water" she ordered coldly.

"Yes mistress"

My body began trembling. "Fuck that is why I refused that he trained alone!" Mia said while panicking.

"I… found… sugar" Anna said while breathing heavily. She was at her limit and ready to pass out.

"Drink the water that Laura will bring" Mia said as she was feeding me with sugar. She then kissed me to help the sugar entering my body.

"Did you tell the maids about the situation?" Mia asked Anna, who nodded instead of answering.

"Good. My idiotic husband should be in good hands then"

I woke up in my bed, while I was expecting to be in the warehouse. Just what the hell happened?

"My head is hurting" I complained as I had the worst headache ever.

"Shh" my mother said as she somehow appeared into my vision field.

I did not get why she asked me to shut up. That was pretty rude from her, was not it? I then realized that my chest felt heavy. I tried to pat it but only to feel hairs. I mean… I was still to young to have hairs on my chest. How long did I sleep? Years?

"My… idiot…" I heard Mia muttering in her sleep.

'Oh so that explains the hair. I should not have sleep for years then' I thought.

"Drink some water and go back to sleep" my mother murmured while giving me a cup of water.

"Yes mother. You can rest too. I am fine" I said before drinking.

"Do not worry about me" she declared before leaving.

"Mom… why did not she ask for a maid to look after me instead" I muttered before closing my eyes.

"Little idiot, are you awake?" I heard while my cheeks were being pinched.

"Let me sleep" I said while trying to turn around.

"Wake up or else…" the voice said.

"Just let me" I muttered before closing my eyes.

However, I did not expect what followed. I felt something cold all over my body.

"Good job Glaceon" Mia said before patting her pokemon.

"You are so dead" I said before jumping on her.

"S-save me" she giggled while Anna and Laura put me down.

"Why did you wake me up like that? There are nicer ways" I yelled.

"Should not you get prepared for your tournament?"

"Eh? Already? How long have I been asleep?"

"Two days" she said.

"Oh shit" I said before looking around in order to find my pokeballs.

"Here" she said before giving me 8 of them. They were my dark team. Greninja, Incineroar, Hydreigon, Tyranitar, Absol, Zoroark, Drapion and Obstagoon.

"When does it began?" I asked while taking them.

"2 hours" she replied.

"Oh shit" I said before picking some clothes and changing. I really did not care of the 3 girls ogling over my naked body.

"Oh to think it would be so nice to see you in that state. Right girls?" Mia declared as she giggled.

"You damn girl" I said as I finished putting my underwear.

"Fufufu my husband being mad is kind of exciting. If you are too hot my glaceon here can help" she laughed harder.

"Playing rough you are? I wonder how you will react once I avenge myself" I smirked.


"Oh yes I will! For example, I can just say to your bothers that you love them so much"

"Y-you! NOOOOO!" she said before throwing a cushion at me.

I exited the room while laughing at my heart content. I do not get why she is mad at me each time I say this but that is so fun. Siblings' love is really something.

"I am serious" she yelled as she pursue me into the corridor.

"Yeah yeah whatever" I giggled until she I saw glaceon.

"Seems like you are too hot my dear" she smirked before a fresh breeze passed me.

"I-I am quite fine" I said before running away.

"Seems like he feel better" my father said as he saw me running through the room.

"Indeed he is a lot more lively" my mother replied.

"Come back here" Mia yelled while running after me.

"It reminds me of our old time" my father commented.

"Fufufu we were quite noisy too, were not we?"

"Mom save me" I yelled as I passed again with my ass frozen.

"Son let us go. You should not be late" she replied as she stand up.

"Mother is right" Mia said.

"What did you call her?" I said shocked.

"Well we are family, so she is my mother too" she replied.

I looked at my mother who only smiled. Since when were they that close? I realized once more that I should paid more attention to my environment.