

In the previous chapter we see how Koharu and Ash defeat Team Rocket again, freeing all the Pokémon in the process, the good thing is that before leaving, Vaporeon decided to join Koharu, so she got a new partner, but that was not all, but also our heroes had an encounter with Goh, although it was quite brief as Koharu kicked him out.

With Ash.

The rest of the way was quite normal, nothing to mention, the good thing is that even despite our small interruption, we arrived in Ciudad Celadon in the afternoon, so there was still plenty of time to go to the Gym, at least for one of us to fight.

I must say that our Pokémon were in good shape, but the girls decided that it was best to rest the rest of the day today and challenge the leader tomorrow more rested.

The next Gym Leader was Erika, specialist in Plant type Pokémon, I remember that in anime, Ash challenged Sabrina first, however, we chose to go for Erika first because for Sabrina we needed 5 Pokémon and except for me, the rest only had 4 so we decided to go first for Erika, in fact it is not that there is a specific order to challenge the leaders, but the same Rotom Dex had an application that recommended you to challenge Gym leader according to your location and Gym medals in addition to your number of Pokémon, of course this and it turns out that Erika and Sabrina have a similar level so it did not matter which of the two challenges first, The rest of the leaders already had their own recommended order that was best followed.

Anyway and without continuing to roll up, our first destination was to go to the Pokémon Center to rest for a while and have a refreshing drink.

As always, the Pokémon Center was the same, identical if I may say so, but moving on to other topics, as always we gave Nurse Joy the Rotom Dex to check that we were trainers and have, well, the free drinks.

"By the way, thank you for helping my sister" - Nurse Joy suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" – I asked curiously.

"You guys helped my sister on New Moon Island, that's why" - Nurse Joy explained.

Ah, it's true, the Nurse Joy we saved on New Moon Island, when everything related to Mewtwo happened and where I captured Mew, apart from the latter the rest does not give me good memories, I prefer not to remember.

"You're welcome, anyone would have done the same" - I replied.

"But seriously, thanks save her from Mewtwo, my sister told me you were great" – smiled Nurse Joy.

"We thank you, but it's better that in the future you forget about Mewtwo, just in case it's better that you don't mention it again" - Nancy said.

"True, I will not, by the way, one more thing, there have been some modifications in the rules of the Indigo League and they have asked us all to inform you of the matter" – said Nurse Joy.

A change of rules? How strange, I don't remember that in the anime that happened in any of the Pokémon leagues in which Ash participated.

"What kind of modification?" - asked Verity.

"From now on, all gym battles against any leader will be a 3 vs 3 battle with the exception of trainers with less than 3 medals, but they will also need the minimum number of Pokémon that the leaders originally requested in order to get the medal" – explained Nurse Joy.

This is weird, come on, I need the same Pokémon to fight, but the battles will be 3 vs 3, I do not see much sense.

"I don't see much of the point, why need more than 3 Pokémon if the battles are 3 vs 3?" – asked Nancy.

Apparently he thought the same thing I did.

"We do not know much about this matter, the only thing we know is that since in the Indigo League you need 6 Pokémon yes or yes, they keep that, but no idea why they will only be 3 vs 3 battles against the Leaders, maybe only the leaders themselves know this" – said Nurse Joy.

"I see, I guess tomorrow we will check that information" – I nodded.

After thanking each other again, we enjoyed a nice drinking session.

When we finished it was already late, not at night, but almost, so we decided to take a walk around the City to clear for a while and see the City, Celadon was a City famous for having the largest Shopping Center in all of Kanto, even bigger than Saffron, the only thing that was so big that in just a few hours we could not see everything, Since there are not only shops of all kinds, but also restaurants and even a cinema.

On the other hand, they were all super excited to go because they wanted to see all the clothes stalls, unfortunately they could not buy more than one model because it did not fit in the backpack, but the most excited about all this was Nancy because in the Shopping Center they sold something that she wanted for quite some time, a Moonstone because She lost the one who Nurse Joy give her and we don't know where it is.

We already tried to find such a stone in the MT. Moon, but between Verity and Charmander we could not get any, although to tell the truth I appreciate it since I now have a spectacular girlfriend and an incredibly powerful Pokémon.

After taking a short walk through Celadon City, we returned to the Pokémon Center and had a nice dinner in the room because I did not want Mew and Shaymin to feel apart, the girls and I decided unanimously that from now on if we were not with someone, we would have dinner in the room until we can show Mew and Shaymin to the world.

After dinner, we put on our pajamas and went to sleep after a long kissing session, by the way, I forgot to say that I invited Koharu to a date as I did with the rest of the girls, I plan to do it after winning the medal, my goal is the same as with the others, to make her spend an amazing day including the night if you know what I mean and, judging by Koharu's expression, I already knew how all this would end, probably the girls told him, but until then I will have to settle for kisses, if everything goes well, not tomorrow, the day after I can have my first time with Koharu, so I must be patient, I wonder if I can have a quartet, ah ... It's good to dream I guess.

The next morning.

After showering, getting dressed, and eating breakfast, we left the Pokémon Center active and ready to win our next medal.

Thanks to the Rotom Dex finding the Gym was not difficult, however, there was a problem.

"I'm sorry they communicated that Erika is not currently in the Gym" – said the usual referee.

The only difference with the usual one, is that this was a woman.

"And where is it?" - asked Verity.

"It's not a very personal matter so I'll explain, you see, Erika loves plants and has a big garden with different types of plants, normally it's her family who takes care of the garden because of their responsibilities to the Gym, especially at this time of year, but a few days ago, her mother got sick and they are not able to find the cure, so, for a few days now, Erika is at home with her mother taking care of her, so I don't know when she will come back" - the referee explained.

And they haven't managed to find the cure, not even the doctor?" - asked Koharu.

"Unfortunately it is not so easy, but the cause is known, apparently, a couple of weeks ago, Erika's mother found a Pokémon called Morelull, said Pokémon seems to expel poisonous spores when frightened and apparently Erika's mother inhaled them, at first nothing happened, but a few days ago she got sick and you know the rest" – explained the referee.

"Even if it's not that easy, it doesn't mean there isn't a cure, why don't you try?" – I said with a raised eyebrow.

"The reason why it is difficult is because to cure the poison, they need the poison that gives off their evolution, Shiinotic, specifically a concentrated poison that expels when it is in danger, but in Kanto these Pokémon are very rare to see, since their natural habitat is Alola and Galar" – he explained.

"So it's simple, that they import it from Alola and voila, I still don't see the problem" – said Verity.

"To begin with, the poison is only produced by those who inhabit Galar because the place where they live, the Lumirinto Forest, is the only place that helps them create the poison necessary to cure the poison of their pre-evolution, unfortunately Erika can not leave her mother alone and her sister is only 12 years old so she can not leave her alone either -"he said.

"And his father?" – I asked.

"He died, 8 years ago from an illness" - he said.

"I see" – I nodded.

"I can only advise you to go challenge Sabrina first, maybe when they come back the cure will have been found" - he advised.

But I must refuse, I have other plans, in the anime, Ash had to disguise himself as a woman to enter the gym, but I assure you that I have no plans to do the same, so, if I help Erika heal her mother, she will let me enter her gym without cross-dressing.

"No need, we will help her" - I said.

The girls looked at me in surprise, but then they just smiled, maybe they knew I was going to say that, even if it's not for the reasons they think or maybe yes, I'm a person who likes to help people, so even if I didn't have to dress up I would probably help them anyway, that's my nature.

"I see, if you want to help her then all help is little, take her direction and tell her that Luciana sends you, so she will trust you" – Luciana explained.

"Thank you very much, but why do you trust us? I mean you just met us" – I said.

"For some reason I feel you can help her, it's a hunch" – Luciana smiled.

After saying this, we quickly went to the direction that Luciana marked on my Rotom Dex.

When we arrived at the house, I saw that it was a house not too big, almost on the outskirts of the City, the good thing is that, since it was not a mansion or something like that, we could ring the bell directly.

The person who opened us was none other than Erika, why do I know? I do not think there is even a need to explain why.

"Who are you?" - asked Erika confused.

"My name is Ash and this is my best friend and partner, Pikachu" – I introduced myself.

"I'm Nancy, delighted" – Nancy introduced herself.

"My name is Verity, my pleasure" - Verity said.

"I am Koharu, it's nice to meet her" – Koharu introduced herself.

"Pika pi" – and Pikachu of course.

"Delighted, look, I don't want to be rude but I don't have time to attend to you, I currently have a serious problem and I can't waste time" – said Erika.

"We know, Luciana sends us to help" – I said.

Erika thought for a while, and then completely opened the door.

"If Luciana sends you then you can be trusted, please come in" – smiled Erika.

We nodded and passed, to be honest, the house was not what you could say luxurious, but I liked the decoration, Erika guided us into what appeared to be the living room and offered us a seat around a large rectangular table.

He then poured us some tea and talked.

"What did Luciana tell you?" - asked Erika.

We explain everything he told us.