

In the previous chapter we see the outcome of the combats of the Battle Residence, where after a few fights, Ash reaches the final and fights against a boy named Richie, the combat, Pikachu vs Pikachu, ends up winning our hero, thus winning the first prize he shared with the girls.

With Ash.

Contrary to what we thought, the rest of the way was normal, we followed the path marked by the Rotom Dex and arrived without problem to Vermillion City, and the truth was quite big, besides, do you remember that building without building in the game? Well, here is a huge 5-star hotel, where, according to the Rotom Dex, the rich and important people stayed.

Why weren't we in Saffron City if it was our destination? Well, easy, according to the Nurse Joy of the place, Sabrina, the Gym Leader did not accept aspirants with less than 5 Pokémon, so imagine, I have three, Nancy two and Verity another three, so right now it was impossible for us to challenge her to a combat, therefore, Nurse Joy recommended us to go to Vermilion City to face the LT. It arises, so we took a taxi, recommended by Nurse Joy, why seriously, Saffron City was huge, it had an airport, train station, bus, in short, like a great metropolis.

The taxi did not take long to arrive, like 20 minutes, and the price was not excessively expensive, mainly because the challengers, once again, had a 50% discount, advantages of being a trainer, I guess.

The only bad thing is that it was already night and there was nothing open except for the Pokémon Center, so we enjoyed a nice dinner and a good night's sleep.

The next day, we got up, showered, had breakfast and went straight to the Gym, but there was a problem.

"Can't you accept trainers with less than 4 Pokémon?" – I asked the LT. It emerges in front of me.

"Look kid, I guess you haven't been informed, but I don't accept challengers who don't own at least 4 Pokémon, they're my rules, so I'm sorry, but I recommend you catch the ones you are missing and come again" – explained the LT. Arises.

"Well, it's going to be a problem, because two of us have 3 Pokémon while one has 2" – I commented.

"Yes, it's going to be a problem... however, maybe I can make an exception and let you fight three Pokémon if you do me a little favor" - he said suddenly.

"What kind of favor?" - I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's simple, in 4 days a friend of mine from the Paldea Region comes to study Kanto's Pokémon, if you help me entertain him until he leaves, I will allow you to fight with me with only 3 Pokémon, I think it's a fair deal" – explained the LT. Arises.

"It's not a bad deal, but if we do, how long is he going to stay and how long do we have to entertain him? And that still doesn't solve Nancy's problem" - I said.

"Don't worry, my friend is only coming for two days, apparently he wants to study Diglett Cave, he says he wants to find out why there is only Diglett there and no other Pokémon" - he explained.

"What, you just want to know why the Diglett inhabit their natural habitat, isn't that a bit illogical?" – I asked somewhat skeptically.

"He is skeptical in itself, anyway, this could solve the problem of the girl over there, after all my friend is a Pokémon teacher and surely brings the initials of Paldea, if you help him, he may reward you with an initial or at least one of them" – he shrugged.

"I see, it sounds interesting, I think, if the girls don't have any problems, there's no reason not to accept the deal" - I said, looking at the girls.

"I see it well" – Verity nodded.

"Me too, plus if it's true, I'll be able to get my third Pokémon, I get excited just thinking about it!" – Nancy exclaimed.

"Then we have a deal" – I nodded.

"Well, I'm glad, then find me in 4 days at the port" – nodded the LT. Arises.

"One last question, why are you only going to stay two days?" – I asked curiously.

"Oh, it's easy, my friend doesn't like to stay long in one place, plus he only comes in passing, his main goal is Sinnoh and the Alpha Ruins, he only came because I told him to spend a couple of days" – replied the LT. Arises.

"Thank you, then see you in 4 days" – I said leaving with the girls.

It had been 2 days since then and during that time we enjoyed a pleasant time in Vermillion City, mainly because the City was very lively, there were people everywhere, many museums, Shopping Centers, not as big as the one in Celadon City, but quite big and a lot of restaurants.

Anyway, I won't bore too much with the details, but it was an interesting 2 days, but in the evening of the second day while Verity slept soundly, Nancy told me something that surprised me.

"Well, when do you think about confessing to Verity?" - asked Nancy who was in my arms.

"Mmm, what do you mean?" – I asked with a drop of sweat running down my head.

"Come on, I saw how you look at her, take her on a date tomorrow, I'll stay with Pikachu" – Nancy said with a smile.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" – I asked curiously.

"If what you're implying is that, whether I'm jealous or not, obviously I have it, but I'm not going to change what I said, so take her on a date tomorrow and clear things up with her, it's unfair that she sees us do couple things and she can't, tomorrow will be your chance" - Nancy explained.

"Well, then I'll wait for her tomorrow at the Mall, inform her" – I nodded.

"What do you want to be a surprise with? I like it, don't worry, leave it to me" – Nancy nodded.

"I love you" - I said.

"Me too" - Nancy said with a loving tone.

And after a long kissing session, we went to sleep.

I could explain step by step how my date with Verity was, but I will summarize it because I do not like to go into details, basically I took her to the movies, we ate out, and then I took her to dinner at a restaurant, that's where I want to confess everything.

"Did you like a date?" – I asked with a smile.

"I loved it, it was one of the best days of my life!" – Verity nodded.

"I'm glad, but it can still get better" – I smiled.

"How can something so perfect improve?" - asked Verity in surprise.

"Easy, before let me tell you that you are an exceptional girl, cheerful, funny, optimistic, for it and much more, I would like to confess what I feel, I love you, and I want you to be my girlfriend and later my wife" – I confessed.

My heart was beating a thousand per hour, I knew his answer, but that did not prevent my nerves from being on the surface, my hands were sweaty, my face became a little pale and I got a chill, but it soon passed when I heard his answer.

"Finally, I love you too and I also want to be yours, forever!" - said Verity, throwing herself into my embrace.

The people around saw this with a smile and applauded us, god, I never felt so much shame in my two lives, but I am happy, very happy, because I never had this luck in my two lives, these girls are wonderful, each one better and I plan to dedicate all my effort to make them happy, and, obviously, to be a Pokémon Master, my own meaning about it, which, I will surely find in time...

After a passionate kiss and a hundred applause, I drove her to a famous hotel in the area where we had our first time.

If Nancy was proactive, Verity was more passive and liked me to lead, but yes, she had an impressive lust and we were doing it all night until, at some point, we fell asleep.

To be honest, having a relationship with both women was easier than I thought, obviously they felt jealous of each other, but, luckily, if you paid the same attention to them, that jealousy went down and I more or less maintained a stable relationship.

Obviously that was the negative part, but the positive part was ten thousand times better, it turns out, now that they were both my girlfriends, Nancy and I no longer needed to hold back, god sante, I had my first threesome the next day, yes, a threesome, and they didn't care! I thought I was in heaven, we also kissed from time to time and in the right places, but Nancy and I no longer needed to hide because now I also kissed Verity, anyway, this last day was great, but all good things come to an end.

No, I'm not talking about something bad happening in our relationship, but that the day came when we had to receive the LT's friend. It arises, so we got up after a night of sex, which by the way we always did when Pikachu fell asleep and not before, we showered, dressed, had breakfast and then went to the port.

Unlike the video game, the port was not exactly close and it took about half an hour on foot.

The good thing is that the LT. Surge was at the entrance so we didn't have to look for it.

"Oh, I'm glad to see you, in fact, I see you much better, forgive my audacity, but did something happen?" – said the LT. Surge arises by raising an eyebrow.

"Now I'm his girlfriend!" – Verity nodded happily.

"Oh, I'm glad, but I thought his girlfriend was that other girl" - said the LT. Arises.

"Of course I am, in fact, I am and will be his first wife" – Nancy nodded.

"Haa... I'm getting old, but I'm glad there are people like that, to be able to make your loved ones happy..." – said the LT. It emerges with a melancholy look.

"Is something wrong?" – I asked curiously.

"No, nothing... Oh, there it is" – he said.

We looked in the direction where he was looking and I was surprised, it was actually Professor Turo, the scarlet and purple games, and if he was not dead, did that mean that the events of the story have not yet happened or since we are in the anime he did not meet Liko? And no, I'm not making a spoiler, just an assumption that is likely to happen, although I will never know.

"Turo, my friend, how about the boat trip?" - he asked as he shook hands with Professor Turo.

"Very good, but I'm not made for boats, I prefer airplanes, I get dizzy less" – Turo said with a smile.

Then he looked in our direction and looked at us curiously.

"Who are they, your friends, perhaps?" – asked Professor Turo.

"No, rather my wannabes, but since they don't have 4 Pokémon I made a deal with them if they would help you during these two days, I would let them battle with three Pokémon" – said the LT. Arises.

"But man, if it's only that i have an easy solution, come here" - he said, indicating that we should come.

"Nice to meet you Professor Turo, my name is Ash and this is my partner and best friend, Pikachu" – I greeted.

"Pika pi" – Pikachu also greeted.

"I'm Nancy, his girlfriend, delighted" – Nancy introduced herself.

"And I Verity, his second girlfriend, delighted" – Verity introduced herself too.

"Hahaha, I already like them, you can tell they are talented, that's why I'll give them a little gift" – said Professor Turo taking out three Pokéball.

Then he threw them and from them came a Sprigatito, a Fuecoco and a Quaxly, the initials of Paldea.

"These are the initials that we usually deliver in Paldea and it turns out that I was looking for companions for these little ones, so do not have qualms, choose one" – smiled Professor Turo.

But before I could say anything, the three little Pokémon seemed to understand their intentions and stared at the three of us, the Sprigatito approached me and stroked my leg with his head, the Fuecoco went straight to Verity and Quaxly did not even hesitate to throw himself at Quaxly.

"Wow, it's the first time I've seen something like this, they chose you and not you, you must be lovely people, take your Pokéball" – he said giving us their Pokéball.

Obviously we thanked him and promised to help him anyway, we must keep the promises.

In any case, there are times when you find friends at the most unexpected moments, but you will not have a worse bond than others, no, at least in this case, this event was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

In short, that's how I got my fourth Pokémon, just like Verity while for Nancy it was her third Pokémon, but I'm sure she'll get one more soon.