
Pokemon: A champions journey

Ashley_Ketchum44 · Cómic
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

- Route 1

My two pokemon and I walked away from Pallet town and onto route 1 heading towards Viridian city. As we were walking, we kept getting attacked by multiple flocks of spearow and a couple of rattatas however, Riolu kept them away while also getting some experience from the wild pokemon. This continued until it was luch time where we found a clearing and set up a temporary camp. I let out both charmander and swinub and we started eating.

"Charmander." I said getting his attention.

"Since you joined the team a bit later than the others, we will start your training here. Victini is the one with experience about fire type attacks, but we should start with seeing what moves you have already." I told the lizard pokemon, causing him to nod with determination.

He started to perform the moves he had: Growl, scratch, ember, dragon breath, dragon tail and iron tail. A solid moveset with those egg moves. I told him to start practicing his energy just like swinub and told the other two to spar so that they can get a feel for how a pokemon battle works.

They kept at the training for a couple of hours, followed by resting and then us continuing walking.

It didnt take us long to get to Viridian city. We arrived around mid-afternoon. We walked straight to the pokemon center first. Entering the pokemon center, we were met with the sight of a big reception hall with multiple couches and sitting arrangements. Straight ahead from the entrance was the reception desk where we could see a nurse Joy working dilligently on her computer. We walked up to nurse Joy who noticed us walking up to her.

"Welcome to Viridian city pokemon center. How can I help you?" She welcomed us with a smile and I smiled back.

"Hello nurse Joy. I just came for a check-up on my pokemon." I told the woman.

"Of course. Just put your pokeballs here and take a seat while we make sure your pokemon are healthy and in perfect shape."

She pointed to a metal tray with spots for six pokeballs. I put in the pokeballs before she headed to the back where the healing facility was located. I just went and sat down. I took out my guitar once again and started playing for a bit while waiting, once again not noticing when a small crowd started gathering around me.

(Elley Duhé- Middle of the night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfgcbCe9Z_o)

"I summoned you, please come to me, don't bury thoughts that you really want. I fill you up, drink from my cup. Within me lies what you really want."

The crowd was silent while I just sat there. Many started to pull out different devices and started to record.

"Come, lay me down 'Cause you know this 'Cause you know this sound"

No other sound was heard other than the guitar and my voice.

"In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night. Just call my name, I'm yours to tame. In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night. I'm wide awake, I crave your taste, all night long 'til morning comes. I'm getting what is mine, you gon' get yours, oh no, ooh. In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, oh"

As I ended my song the people around me started to clap. This went on for a while, while I put my guitar back into the bag and walked over to nurse Joy who handed me my pokemon.

"They are in good shape. Take care and we hope to see you again." She said the standard farewells and I said goodbye as well.

I let out Riolu and Victini before we headed to route 2 towards Viridian forest.

- Meanwhile in Pallet town.

Oak sat at his desk working, but was suddenly disturbed by Gary and Daisy who came running inside with a tablet in their hands.

"What in the world? Why are you in such a hurry?" Oak asked with his hand above his heart.

"Sorry grandpa, but we thought you should see this." Daisy said as she handed him the tablet and pressed play.

The video showed Rimuru playing the guitar while singing as well as the large crowd that had gathered around him.

Oak laughed boisterously. "Hahaha, that boy is indeed special. To be able to draw in such a crowd and not even noticing it." He slowly stopped laughing and wiped a small tear from the corner of his eye.

- In Cerulean city

A group of four girls could be seen near an indoor pool. One had blonde hair and green eyes, another had blue hair and brown eyes, the third had pink hair and black eyes while the fourth and youngest has orange hair and blue eyes. They were also holding a tablet like at the Oaks.

"Impressive. Who is she I wonder." One of the four sister commented.

"I dont know, but shes good." The second said.

"Could we manage to get her to work here?" The third sister asked.

"..." The youngest was just quiet as she kept watching the screen.

"Who knows, but she might come through town." Another sister said.

"Lets try our luck. She seems to be pretty good at singing, and how that video is being shared right now? We could use that to our advantage." The second sister spoke again.

"I agree. Lets attempt it when she arrives." The first sister said and the other two nodded. The youngest however just watched the video.

- Back with MC

We had just reached Viridian forest. The entrance to the forest consisted of a dirt path leading inside while most of the front was covered by bushes and other kinds of plants. I looked from Victini to Riolu and asked.

"Are the two of you ready?" I received nods and cries in affirmation before we started to walk through the woods.

We kept walking for a few hours before we set up camp for luch. I let out my pokemon and gave them their food that I had made especially for their training while still retaining a good taste. We sat there in a small cirkle eating when we heard a noice from behind. We quickly turned around and was ready for an attack at any moment, however that wasnt necessary seeing as it was a boy that exited the bushes. He was short and wore samurai armour. He looked to be around the age of six or seven.

"You there!" He called out. I just looked around before pointing at myself in confusion.

"Yes you! I challenge you to a battle. My invincible pokemon is sure to win." He proclaimed arrogantly.

"Sure sure, but dont come crying to me later."

Saying this I looked back at my pokemon. "Who wants this one?" I asked. From my group of pokemon walked charmander, eager to prove himself to his new trainer.

"Chaarrr!" He exclaimed with vigor.

"Charmander? Sure thing buddy. The rest of you can either watch or continue with your training." Most of them chose to start their training, but Riolu stood at my side.

"You wanna watch how he does, right?"

"Rio." Riolu answered nodding.

"Okay then. Hey kid, take your place. This is gonna be charmanders first fight so you better give him a challenge."

"Hah! No worries there since my pokemon is the best."

After our exchange of words, we took our places opposite eachother with charmander in front of me.

"Win this fight...... Caterpie!" He yelled with a lot of vigor as he released his Caterpie.

Seeing this, all three of us fell face first in anime style with a sweatdrop visible.

"A..... caterpie... against..... Charmander...?" I was flabbergasted. Caterpie is known to be among the top five weakest pokemon. Its final evolution Butterfree however, is another matter all together.

The caterpie stood there while having a serious look in its eyes as if it thought it was the strongest in the world.

"Pieeeeee!" It called out.

"Well then, lets battle! Caterpie! Use tackle!" The samurai boy called.

"Caterpieee!" It yelled as it tried to reach charmander to perform the tackle.

"Charmander.... use ember....."

As the caterpie was nearing charmander, he took in a breath and released it. From his mouth, a ball of fire was released which hit caterpie head on. As the caterpie was hit, it was covered in smoke. It was soon revealed that caterpie was unconscious with small scorch marks on its torso.

"Oh no... caterpie..." The boy called out as he ran to his downed pokemon and picked it up. He sat there cradling the pokemon as small sobs could be heard. Hearing this, I felt a bit bad, so I went to my bag and pulled out a small potion before walking back to the sobbing boy.

"Hey kid, take this, it will help." I said softly, getting the little boys attention. He sniffled while he looked between me and the potion in my hands, but ultimately grabbed the potion and giving it to his little pokemon. It didnt go long before caterpie was once again awake.

After the pokemons recovery, I sent riolu and charmander to continue training while I decided to scold the boy.

"And thats why you dont become arrogant. I am one of the weaker trainers, so what if you went and started trouble with the big strong ones?" I asked in a chastising tone while shaking my finger at the boy who sat on his knees while looking down at my words. This went on for a while.