

I woke up when sunlight passed to my face, it was already eight in the morning. I got off on my bed, fixed my things and checked my poke egg. I saw some changes on the egg it became reddish in color with some yellow and black markings formed.

As I tilted it on the bottom I saw an inch crack , I don't thinked that I did that so maybe its the pokemon did it. I free out Growlithe to feed him some chili bomb.

Chili Bomb is a bred berries originally from this region, They are primarily produce as food for fire type Pokemon. Its benefits, give energy to them and boost their fire type abilities in the long term.

Here you go eat some Growlithe .

"Grooww .. Lithe "....

Then I went to the Bathroom to take a shower . Afterwards I ate my breakfast at the Pokemon Center Cafeteria and Hiennrich came to me on the table .

"Good morning, Bj" He greeted me.

"Good morning too. Hiennrich"

"Ahem , Where are you going today fellah?" Hiennrich asked.

"Maybe , I'll take Viscard Road and then go to Pewter Valley to have my first catch. Maybe I'll catch a Ground, Rock or even Bug type . My goal is just to catch one today. You wnnna join me?"

"Sure fellah , I want To have my first catch too". Hiennrich replied.

"Okay bro , well then let's finished our meal and prepare ourselves for our first adventure".

It's been a while, When we walk out through the Pokemon Center and we're on Viscard Road already. This road is on the middle of rock formations which is very attractive to pokemon trainers to catch ground type or rock type pokemons.

After 3 mins, we saw our first target .

"Look there bro", Hiennrich said while pointing on Geodude .

Geodude is a brownish-gray Boulder Pokemon. It has bulging, rocky eyebrows, trapezoidal eyes with brown pupils, and a wide mouth. Its arms are muscular with five-fingered hands. Geodude uses its arms to climb steadily up steep mountain paths. As a result of their physical appearance, Rhyperior sometimes mistakes this Pokémon for actual boulders and fires them through their hands.

Geodude is proud of its sturdy body and will bash against others of its kind in a contest of sorts to prove whose body is harder. It will even go as far as to compare itself with other species such as Roggenrola and Carbink The longer it lives, the more chipped and worn its body becomes. Long-lived Geodude are completely smooth and round and they have a calm demeanor. However, Geodude's heart remains rugged and tough, no matter what. Geodude can be most often found on mountain trails ans rock fields, with a scholar counting about 100 of them on just one route. It will sit still in these areas, which is why it is often mistaken for a rock. It is often stepped on and will sometimes swing its arms in anger when this occurs. When Geodude sleeps deeply, it buries itself halfway into the ground. Once buried, it will not awaken even if someone steps on it. In the morning, Geodude rolls downhill in search of food

"Come out Chimchar!"

"Char .... Chimchar ... "

Hiennrich wants to catch it so he summon his Chimchar.

Chimchar uses flamethrower!, but geodude is able to withstand the flame and instead attack Chimchar by Rock throw. It hurt a lot on Chimchar but it is determined. so he ordered again Chimchar to use Focus Punch. It dealt geodude and felt shaken up, Chimchar used flamethrower again.

"Chimmmm... Char ...!"

"Geodu ..."

Chimchar hit Geodude on the face which made it flinched and thats the time he threw a pokeball and within 6 seconds of moving inside the pokeball, finally Hienrrich got his first catch.

"Fellah I got my first catch", "Yes!".

"Good job , Chimchar here's a chili bomb and take a good rest". Hiennrich said.

"Char ..."

"You got your first catch bro!, Great job ! I think it is different from its other species".

"Yah bro . Better to get your catch too" .

"I will bro .."

After sometime I managed to catch my own Geodude, with almost time wasting chance , I finally caught it. And we headed deep to the mountain trails.

We moved to the upper side of rock formations to look for a catch, when we saw a man who was catching an Onix.

"Hey bro take a look at that, A rare pokemon, an Onix". Hiennrich said.

"Yes bro, It is huge too ."

The man uses his Golduck to fight the giant within a couple of minutes the man catches the Onix .

The sun is shining brightly, temperature is getting hot, at this time Fire types, Ground types and Rock types are appearing frequently. But, we are exhausted on the heat so we decided to look for a cave to shade in.

After five minutes of walking we found a cave and immediately got there, It was a relief..

We are thirsty good thing I have my tumbler of water in my sling bag. This cave seems so big its entrance could fit an entire building.

In my curiosity, I go farther to the bottom of it. I used my flashlight to see what had been hidden in the cave, there I saw some dead remains of pokemon like weedle, and caterpie also some shed of them, a lot of it just cover the other side of the cave and a moment later I heard some noises.

I was surprised because there's a lot of zubat in here that I have the opportunity to catch one of them.

I free out Growlithe ,"Growlithe let's go !".

"Grooww .. lithe ..."

I choose the biggest one, and command Growlithe to attack it using flamethrower .

"Grooww .. lithe .. "

The fire made some disturbance that made all of the resting zubats fly away, Luckily Growlithe manages to hit that zubat . I threw a pokeball and catch it. Yes ! I shouted and still all of zubats flew out to the cave .

Hiennrich was surprised on what was coming, and so many zubat passed to his top made him drop to the ground. I walked out into the opening of the cave where I saw Hienrrich is still on the ground.

"Hey bro !! what are you doing there?"

"Just a lot of Zubat flew out , Did you disturb them?"

"Yeah bro , and finally I got one of them , I got my another catch".

"Great job bro". Hiennrich said.

"Thanks bro, Hey Try to look at my catch".

I threw the pokeball to free out my zubat .

"Zuuuu.... zu.."

"Wooh !!! Brother .. a big Zubat ! that was definitely near evolving".

"Yeah bro ! so I decided to catch it with the help of Growlithe I was able to it."

Zubat is a blue, bat-like Pokemon. While it lacks eyes, it has pointed ears with purple insides and a mouth with two sharp teeth on each jaw. A male will have larger fangs than the female. It has purple wing membranes support by two, elongated fingers, and two long, thin, tails.

Zubat lives in abundance in caves. It has evolved to have neither eyes nor nostrils, instead navigating through dark environments with echolocation. It will leave its abode at night with a mass of other Zubat in order to seek prey. During the daytime, Zubat sleeps hanging upside down in caves, forests, or under the eaves of old buildings, avoiding sunlight at all costs. Daylight causes Zubat to become unhealthy, and prolonged exposure can even burn its skin. However, captured and trained Zubat have been recorded as being much more tenacious in the daytime, even when directly exposed to sunbeams.

Lets look on your moves Zubat ..


Wing attack


Poison Fang

The Sun is going down so we return to the Pewter City to find a place to stay , We don't want to walk at night in this place because during nights nocturnal pokemons might be dangerous for us . I would tell this to mom and dad as I go to the city.

We reach the city exactly when it gets dark. We went to our rooms, Hiennrich just check in it the Pewter City Hotel while I just check in the nearby Pokestop. Luckily there is a computer, I will be able to contact mom .

I got in my room and switched on the computer to swipe my card and dial the number of mom.

A minute later, mom answered.

"Hi mom!"

"Hi son.. How are you?"

"I'm okay mom , I just got my first catch today."

"Ohh really ?? that's good . what pokemon is it?"

" It's Geodude and Zubat!, the one is nearly evolving."

" That's great . Do you have your starter pokemon right?"

"Yes mom it is Growlithe".

" Why it is a Growlithe?, Why not those Charmander, Squirtle or Bulbasaur?" She asked.

" Are you late with the announcement mom?, They just change the system on acquiring starter pokemon." I answered.

" Ahhh, Okay, Well, nice choice honey, A fire type pokemon ".

" I miss you all there ."

"We miss you too son", Mom said in teary eyes.

"Don't cry mom", I said with a smile.

" Do you eat regularly?".

" Yes mom. Where's dad?"

" He's here . wait I'll call him .. Hon come here !! Bj is calling".

"I hear dad is approaching, and my little brother Andy."

"Hi Son ! what's up?"

"Dad I'm okay, I've got my starter a Growlithe and great pokemon like Geodude and Zubat."

" Ohh, so that is the change I heard. The Pokemon World body really makes their system change. You had a good choice my son, that's great. Can I see them?".

I free- out my pokemons . "Lets go guys ! come on out."

Grooww ..


Geoo.. Duddeee..

Dad notices my Zubat ..

" You've got a big Zubat son, I think its nearly evolving" Dad praises my Zubat.

"Yeah dad ,My first catch is Geodude, Zubat is my Second catch while Growlithe is my starter."

"You really just like me son , you have good taste in choosing pokemon."

"Hey , big brother I want to be a trainer too". Andy said.

"Me too". Skyler said happily.

"You're too young for that", dad said. "By the way Bj how's the poke egg?, can I see it?".

"Wait dad I'll get it."

"Here it is dad, Look at its new appearance."

"Amazing! Its nearly to hatch. I think maybe a week or two. Take good care of it as the time it hatches."

"Yes dad."

" Hey son take good care and keep safe always", dad added.

"Thanks dad. I gotta hang up dad",

"Bye son ",

"Bye dad, Bye everyone!".

Take rest now Geodude, Growlithe and Zubat because tomorrow we'll start your training ..


