
PokeFutas and PokeTraps

The protagonist is reincarnated in the pokemon world, but not the pokemon world we know, in this world the pokemons are actually all Futanari girls and Traps. English is not my main language , I 'm using Google Translate to write all the chapters , this is my first fanfic , so if it 's not for praise or constructive criticism , there 's no need to comment . This fanfic will focus on the content of R-18, the protagonist will be a Futanari Zorua and in the future a Zoroark. I intend to make the protagonist extremely strong a few chapters after evolving into Zoroark. The appearance of the pokemons will be more oriented towards humans with the main characteristics of their species, some will have the appearance of Furry, for example the body covered with hair, I don't intend to make the pokemons have more characteristics of pokemons than humans, the maximum it will be 50/50. Tags:Futanari , Traps , Harem, FutanarixFutanari , FutanarixTrap , TrapxFutanari ,Furry ,Genderbender,R-18 ,Hentai,Incest

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13 Chs

New Novel

Friends I just released an auxiliary chapter about the new novel I'm doing, just 400 words you'll be able to get an idea of ​​what I'm trying to write. Any questions you might end up having about her I'll be answering in the comments, any requests you want to make about the sex or fetish scenes I'll be reading to maybe put into her in the future.

I'm thinking about the first chapter that will be posted tomorrow, to actually be a combo of the first three chapters, depending on whether you like my idea for the novel.