
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Cómic
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129 Chs

S5E13: New Beginnings

The next morning Foxx was the first out of bed since he couldn't sleep. Now he did have to be careful not to wake Dawn or his mother who'd both been sleeping on one of the couches. As for him and his father they slept on the floor but that had nothing to do with his inability to sleep. No Foxx couldn't find rest after being a part of his host getting fired from her job. But for now he best focus on breakfast otherwise he might end up burning it.

As for breakfast he was making a simple collection of hot cakes, berry muffins and meat sticks all covered in butter with a side of syrup. Once he'd finished cooking everything he began to dish them out on plates he'd set at the table and he'd managed to finish dishing out the food just as a commotion began to rise up just on the other side of the kitchen door. That is until they all begin to get a whiff of the food Foxx had just finished dishing out.

"What smells so amazing?" called Dawn as she was the first to push her way into kitchen slash dinning room and finding a place to eat.

"Just a little breakfast for everyone." replied Foxx with a smile as he took a seat right next to Dawn just as everyone else began to file in and take seas at the table.

"Wow son you've done real well." replied Jesse with a smile as she took a bite of the food he'd prepared for her.

"Yes where'd you ever learn to cook this well?" asked James in between shoveling the food into his mouth.

"How can you know seeing as you've most likely never tasted a drop of it seeing as you're just shoveling it in like you've not eaten in weeks." teased Jesse.

This caused everyone even their host, who'd yet to take her spot at the table, to began laughing at how much of a fool James was being. Now none of the others had taken note of or were bothered by the fact that their host had not joined in the meal nor really said a word since getting them blankets last night nor that she'd left the room. That is everyone except for Foxx who'd more then noticed and as soon as he'd finished eating he grabbed her plate and followed her back into the living room.

"You really should eat." softly called Foxx as he sat next to her on one of the couches and handed her the plate of food.

"But I have nothing to celebrate as it seems you and your family do." sighed their host.

"You know in all of the confusion of last night I failed to get your name." replied Foxx still holding out the plate of food for her to take.

"It's Gwenavior but most just call me Gwen." confessed the young lady who was still in her lapris pajamas as she finally took the plate of food seeing as she could not see any way of getting him to let up.

"So Gwen tell me what would be your dream job if you had no restrictions or limitations?" asked Foxx with a smile as he took a look around her room for any hint towards a way to help her for all she's done for them.

"I don't know I do like to sing and dance but there really isn't any work in either of those fields. Thus I've just taken whatever jobs I could find." sighed Gwen as she began to slowly eat her breakfast to which she added, "This really is good."

"Thanks I learned from my Pa as well as a few of my friends." replied Foxx with a smile, "As for singing and dancing jobs sadly I don't know of any but I do know some who would be more then happy to have someone as happy and cheerful as you working for them."

"Would I have to move to another city or region?" asked Gwen a bit nervous as she finished off her breakfast.

"For many of them yes but I can think of at least one that is in this city here that might take you in but first tell me how much do you know about the pokemon of this region?"

"Not really much other then the main starter pokemon that Professor Rowan gives out. Why?" replied Gwen with a shrug of her shoulders as she placed the now empty plate aside.

"Well, Professor Rowan is a good friend of my Pa's and I could possibly talk him into letting you be one of his aids but you might need to know a little more about pokemon for that." sighed Foxx as he thought really hard at trying to figure out a possible solution to her problem especially since he had a part in creating the problem.

"Foxx you're a kind hearted trainer and your pokemon seem to really like you as does your family but you can't let my problems keep you from reaching your goal." sighed Gwen as she took Foxx's hands in her own before looking him in the eyes and smiling.

"Well, I was a part of creating this problem you're in so I will be part of the solution." replied Foxx as Joy leaped up onto his lap from where she'd been sleeping to which Foxx then reached down into his bag to retrieve more then enough money to cover what would've been the cost for the four of them to stay in a hotel. He then handed it to Gwen while adding, "This is a thank you for your songs, your hospitality as well as to help you get back on your feet while I speak with Professor Rowan and see what we can figure out for you."

"This is way too much money I can in no way accept this." exclaimed Gwen as she looked down at the money.

"Just take it or you and us will never hear the end of it." sighed Dawn from the kitchen doorway, "For when it comes to money you can never get him to give you less then what he thinks you're worth."