
Adventure 04 - Vs The Pewter City jackass; Gym leader Forrest


The wind was strong, but not overwhelming. Blight stood above a small steep cliff that led down to the entrance of Pewter and stared at the city with Dartrix thinking by his side.

The air for some reason felt so different as if he had done something impossible.

Pokemon Centre: Pewter

Blight handed his Poké-balls over to Nurse Joy who handed them to her Blissey. The Blissey skipped off with the tray of pokémon in hand. Now with particularly nothing to do Blight turned to the pictures placed around the Pokémon Centre with Wonderous eyes.

"Moon Stone, Dawn Stone, Fire Stone, Ice Stone, Stone Stone. All Of Them I Have Them!" A middle aged man revealed to the small group of trainers that were resting at the Pokémon Centre.

Blight was as curious as the trainers so he walked over to the table the middle aged man placed the stones and looked at them trying to see if they were actually real or not. Of course he couldn't tell, so he just nodded.

"Years. That's how long it took to collect every single stone known in existence, I have stones common from the Kalos region, from the Alola and the Hoenn region." The middle aged man pointed out before chuckling.

He placed another stone on the table, this stone was small it didn't resemble the others it had it's own shape and a beautiful pattern inside.

"See... I even have Mega Stones." He revealed.

The trainers were struck in awe at this. An actual megastone, not to say they haven't seen one, but TV would not count this was the real thing and it was right in front of them. Blight couldn't be more surprised.


Pokémon Special Chronicles

Chapter Four


Dartrix cried tears of disappointment. Blight and Dartrix were staring directly at the Pokémon museum, they were both in the mood to see fossilized pokémon mainly Dartrix, but sadly until they get enough money their mood will not be filled.

Now in disappointed mode, the two turned back and as they were about to move on a random person sped past them pushing Blight back on to his rectum.

"What the fuck!" He cursed.

Dartrix was still crying about the closed museum to have really payed attention to what happened to Blight.

The little people that were walking past him gave him an uncomfortable stare. Blight avoided eye contact with them, by moving his focus down to the ground. On the ground was a rock shaped badge, a gym badge. Dartrix after crying picked the badge with its beak and placed it into Blights palm.

"That trainer must have dropped it. I could do the nice thing which is find him and give the badge to him, but no... I'll give the badge back to the gym leader and then he'll have to challenge the gym all over again just to get it."

Dartrix nodded then when the idea fully soaked in its head it shook for a no, but Blight was already in full motion.

"Excuse me sir." Blight called out to someone in the street. "Where would you say the gym is?"

Pokémon Gym: Pewter

Blight stood in front of the gym entrance door with Sewaddle sleeping on his shoulder, Bulbasaur walking sturdily besides him and Dartrix flapping by his side.

Blight took in a small breath and pushed the door open, that triggered the lights that flashed on one by one ending with the last light that lit up the gym leader and other two somewhat grown looking teenagers.

The gym leader looked up and scoffed.

So you're my challenger, the boy I knocked over," the gym leader spoke.

Blight said, "...wait... So-"

"-speak up. Am I that intimidating? I know I'm powerful, but you don't have to stutter. I won't bite unless you're crap at battling."

The two teenagers laughed beside the gym leader.

"You bite people? I guess you must be the weird type of gym leader, weird."

"So funny you are. I'm the rock-hard gym leader of Pewter: Forrest is the name, and I never back down from a challenge!"

Forrest Takeshi (12)

Forrest's features were similar to Brock's, but different. For example, he had three lines beneath both sides of his closed eye, and his hair was sharp like Brock's but ruffled up into a mess. Though he does show loyalty to the former gym leader by wearing his exact Kanto attire, the only difference being the jeans and running shoes.

"Oh yeah, he doesn't!" the teenagers hyped.

"I never challenged you, dude. I'm just here to return one of the badges you dropped."

"He's so modest. He must have had second thoughts when he saw me," Forrest said to the two teens. "You can keep the badge, but just know you didn't earn it, you weakling-"

Blight threw the badge onto the ground and said, "I couldn't care less about a badge from this downrated gym, and in general, I don't care about badges. I'm not here for tha-"

"Your mother is a downrated gym! Don't you dare disrespect my gym, you pathetic excuse for a trainer!"

Dartrix landed in front of Blight with a cocky expression. Bulbasaur took a step forward and stood in line with Dartrix. "Pathetic excuse? I could beat you anytime of the day. You're just a gym leader, after all. People beat you everyday."

Without even being commanded, Forrest's Poké-balls flashed open, pushing out Graveler and Nosepass. Forrest took a deep breath and returned Nosepass.

You have a lot to say... How about we settle this with a battle? One on One," Forrest challenged.

Blight smirked in response. "Gladly."

Dartrix, being the genius it was, realized that it didn't matter which one of them went in because at the end of the day, they were both effective against ground-types.

After Dartrix boasted to Graveler about how it wouldn't stand a chance against him, Bulbasaur stepped in to fight.

Blight commanded, "Bulbasaur, use Tackle!"

Forrest countered, "Quick, Graveler, use MudShot."

Bulbasaur charged towards Graveler, while Graveler summoned a ball of mud and shot it forward. However, Bulbasaur quickly reacted by leaping over the attack, rolling to recover, and then lunging for Graveler with a tackle aimed at its stomach. Graveler managed to tilt to the left, causing Bulbasaur to miss.

"Race through it, Bulbasaur!" Blight shouted.

Bulbasaur continued its assault with determination, but Graveler fired another MudShot, forcing Bulbasaur to stop and dodge to the side.

"Now, Graveler, use Rock Throw!" Forrest commanded.

Graveler formed a large rock in its palm and launched it towards Bulbasaur. Blight shouted for Bulbasaur to dodge, but unexpectedly, another boulder appeared from the opposite direction, hitting Bulbasaur directly and sending it flying into the air.

"Recover and use Vine Whip now!" Blight quickly ordered.

In mid-air, Bulbasaur adjusted its body to face Graveler and swiftly extended its vines, wrapping them around Graveler's legs. The ground-type stumbled and fell to the ground, struggling to regain its balance.

"Now, Bulbasaur, Petal Dance!" Blight commanded.

Bulbasaur knelt down, and its bulb slightly opened to emit a yellow glow. It unleashed a fierce hurricane of petals, creating a storm that charged towards Graveler. Just as the storm approached, Graveler reacted by extending all four of its arms and creating a glass-like protective barrier, successfully deflecting the petal onslaught despite the difficulty.

Now you're shocked, aren't you?" Forrest taunted with a smirk. "Graveler, use Rollout!"

Graveler leaped into the air and curled into a ball, preparing to unleash its powerful attack. The massive rock Pokémon charged towards Bulbasaur, who couldn't outspeed it and was sent crashing into the gym walls, causing the entire building to shake. Slowly, Bulbasaur struggled to its feet, hoping the onslaught was over. However, Graveler continued its relentless advance.

Blight pondered the situation, desperately searching for a way to turn the tide. "Now what do we do? We can't just hit it head-on, that'll only cause more damage-"

Suddenly, Dartrix pecked Blight's leg and then frantically pointed upwards with its wing. It took Blight a moment to comprehend his Pokémon's message. "Bulbasaur!" he called out, capturing the attention of his battling partner.

With Graveler closing in, Blight realized their only option. "Jump!" he commanded. Bulbasaur responded swiftly, slamming its vines onto the ground and somersaulting over Graveler, sending the rock Pokémon crashing into the wall. A smirk crept onto Blight's face as he adjusted his cap. "Alright, now we're getting good, now let's show them how we pop off. Bulbasaur, Vine Whip and toss!"

In mid-air, Bulbasaur extended its vines and skillfully wrapped them around Graveler. Utilizing the force from its falling momentum, Bulbasaur hurled the towering rock type Pokémon over itself and into the center of the arena. The weight of Graveler pulled Bulbasaur closer, and seizing the opportunity, Blight swiftly commanded, "Switch into Tackle!" Forrest was momentarily taken aback by the unexpected turn and before he could react, Bulbasaur, propelled by the momentum of being pulled in, tackled Graveler to the ground.

Both Bulbasaur and Graveler were now down.

"Did you think of this outcome, Trix?" Blight questioned, acknowledging Dartrix's analytical capabilities.

Dartrix was visibly surprised by the unanticipated result, beads of sweat forming on its feathers. Blight quickly noticed its unease.

"Bulbasaur, get up and keep fighting!" Blight urged his Pokémon, as it struggled to rise. "Come on, Bulbasaur, we have to win, damn it!"

"Graveler, please, try to get up!" Forrest pleaded.

ENOUGH!" a deep voice thundered, cutting through the tension in the air. Blight's attention snapped towards the entrance of the gym, and his eyes widened as he saw a man who bore a striking resemblance to Forrest stride into the room.

Later that day, Blight stood outside the gym, holding Bulbasaur in his arms. The door swung open forcefully, and Forrest stormed out, his anger palpable.

"Forget it then! Just you wait, I'll return and defeat you, Brock, and take over as the new gym leader!" Forrest's voice boomed with determination.

Brock, wearing a tired expression, emerged from the gym building and let out a heavy sigh. "Where did I go wrong with him?"

Caught off guard by Brock's sudden presence, Blight stumbled in his response. "Um, hi?"

Brock's weary gaze locked onto Blight. "Oh, you must be Blight. Forrest mentioned that you were not in the gym to challenge him."

"No, actually, I'm participating in the Champions Challenge," Blight replied, trying to regain his composure.

Brock's expression lightened slightly. "Ah, I see. Rumor has it that a champion is heading towards Mount Moon. Perhaps that's where you should go."

"Thank you," Blight said gratefully, feeling a renewed sense of hope.


Post Chapter Four


Blight stared longingly at the mouthwatering display of food in the Pokémart, unable to resist the tempting aroma. The clerk noticed his intense fixation and called him over, concerned about scaring away potential customers.

"What are you doing, kid? You're scaring my customers," the clerk admonished.

Realizing his mistake, Blight quickly apologized. "Right, my bad. Sorry, I can't help but be mesmerized by all this delicious food. I'll be leaving on my journey again tomorrow and I'll miss the meals prepared by the Pokémon Centre."

The clerk's expression softened with understanding. "Why don't you make yourself at home then? Or...wait, do you have any Poké Balls with you or did you come unprepared for this journey?"

Admitting his lack of preparation, Blight shrugged sheepishly. "I came unprepared. I wasn't really expecting to embark on a journey, you know."

Dartrix nodded in agreement.

"Okay. How about this, kid? I'll give you five lunch boxes filled with food, along with three Poké Balls and three potions to get you started."

Blight's face lit up with gratitude. "That would be amazing! Thank you so much!"

The clerk playfully added, "Just make sure you keep your drool off my spotless windows. I've had this place cleaned recently."

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Blight responded with a sincere nod. "Yes, ma'am! I'll be more mindful next time, I promise."