
Birth of a Master

It was April the first in 1997 when the first episode of Pokémon was aired on TV.

Coincidently on the exact same day there a very young woman currently in a circular hall.

Sitting next to her was not the father of the child but her mother, Margarethe.

The reason is that in the beginning after learning about the pregnancy both of them decided to abort the child as they were simply too young. The mother called Lissy was 20 years old and had not even finished school while the father called Jackson feared the responsibility that awaited him.

He was gaming all day long and enjoyed his time so where would a child fit into his plans?

So he decided to abandon the mother and live on his own.

This gave the mother more pressure than there was already which resulted in her wanting to abort the child aswell.

Her mother however was very oldschool and did not like the idea of her plans. This is why she convinced her daughter to keep the child while promising that she will help to raise it. The change her mother brought brings her in the situation that she is in now, where she is giving birth.

Right now she has already been in the circular hall for many hours and was really exhausted. She got into the hopital the night before and currently it is 6 am.

It took a whole two more hours until you could hear a loud cry of the new born baby .

"Congratulations it is a healthy boy" said the headnurse and smiled while wrapping up the small body and then giving it to Lissy.

"This is the least thing I expect of this small shit. It took him long enough to finally decide that he wants to leave me." although she said quite a few unpleasent words her eyes told a different thing. Her reaction caused laughter from her surroundings as they knew how hard she worked.

Her emotions were still in turmoil but she felt unbelieveably proud at this moment and did not regret her decision.

"Give him to me. I want to hold him too" said her mother. She looked even more proud than Lissy herself and could not hold herself from shedding a tear.

Lissy complied and gave her child to her mother.

After falling silent for a bit she again spoke out loud in the direction of her mother " I have decided what name I want to give him. His name will be Max! It is short and modern. I think it is a good name."

"You are right it is a good name. I know you are tired now so if you want you can go and sleep a bit while I handle everything else. " said her mother.

" Yes I am really tired it is just a pitty that Maxs` father can´t be here" said Lissy while reminicsing the past.

" Are you still thinking about that idiot? Forget him! He left you because he is a coward! Do not brong him up anymore or I will get angry!" Margarethe got really angry at her daughters comment but shortly after calmed down again because she could understand the situation in which her daughter is.

She waited until Lissy finally fell asleep and then left the circular hall to handle everything that still needed to be done.

beginner author, comments are apreciated ! Will be no Harem ! I apreciate ideas but will not promise to implement everything. English is not my first language

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