
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

JunStark · Cómic
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94 Chs

Chapter 43: Omniforce

Julian had bid farewell to Joy and Jenny, leaving Cerulean City behind as he embarked on the next leg of his journey. His destination now was Viridian Forest, where he intended to hone his skills before facing Giovanni. His plan primarily revolved around training his Gengar and facilitating the evolution of both Ivysaur and Pidgeotto, who needed an intense battle to trigger their evolution.

As night descended upon the forest, Julian reached his destination. He surveyed the area until he found a suitable spot to set up camp. With a flicker of his camping gear and the soft rustling of leaves beneath his feet, he prepared for a night of training.

In the depths of the Viridian Forest, the only sounds that permeated the silence were the echoing cries of Bug-type Pokémon and the steady hum of Julian's bike as he navigated through the dense foliage.

With determination in his heart and a world of Pokémon awaiting him in the forest, Julian settled in for the night, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Julian muttered to himself as he set up his campsite in the tranquil night of the Viridian Forest, "I didn't expect the forest to be so quiet at night. But I still have to be on alert; some Pokémon can attack out of nowhere."

With a vigilant eye and his trusted Pokémon by his side, Julian prepared for a night of training and potential encounters in the mysterious forest.

Under the gentle glow of the moonlight, Julian eventually discovered a perfect spot to set up his campsite, near a serene lake that sparkled like a sea of diamonds. He efficiently organized his camp and, with a loving gesture, called all his loyal Pokémon to enjoy their dinner.

While his Pokémon ate, Julian prepared his own meal, the fragrant aroma of his cooking filling the forest air. After savoring his food, he settled into a state of meditation, embracing the tranquil ambiance of the forest around him.

As he delved deeper into his meditation, Julian began to feel a profound connection with the environment. He sensed the energy emanating from all around him—the very air he breathed, the water that rippled beside him, and the ancient trees that loomed overhead. This energy felt different from anything he had encountered in the Pokémon anime or games of his previous world.

Julian pondered the nature of this energy, a curiosity gnawing at him. Why had this form of energy never been explained in the anime or games? He briefly considered the possibility that he might be cultivating Aura, which was said to be wielded only by Aura Guardians. However, he dismissed this notion, recognizing that the energy he was harnessing felt distinct and enigmatic, unlike the Aura he had encountered in his previous world.

With a sense of wonder, Julian continued his meditation, seeking to unlock the secrets of this unique energy that pulsed through the very heart of the forest.

Julian's thoughts swirled as he delved deeper into the mysteries of the energy he was now harnessing. The more he explored this newfound power, the more he realized how unique and versatile it was.

"What kind of energy is this?" Julian wondered aloud, his voice soft in the quiet of the night. "I can control this spiritual energy within my body and soul at my will, shaping it into different forms and sizes. It's as if I possess telekinesis, effortlessly lifting objects without even touching them, as if I have an invisible hand guiding them. And then there's this incredible ability to communicate with my Pokémon without uttering a word, as if I'm speaking directly inside their minds, understanding their thoughts even when they simply call out their names."

Julian paused, reflecting on the changes he had experienced. "I can feel my strength growing steadily, but the most significant transformation lies within my soul. It's becoming stronger with each passing day."

In the heart of the tranquil forest, under the watchful moon, Julian continued to meditate, striving to unlock the full potential of this enigmatic energy and the profound connection it allowed him to share with both the world around him and the Pokémon by his side.

Julian's curiosity deepened, and he turned to the rarely used System for answers. He sent a message to the System, hoping it might shed some light on the mysterious spiritual energy he had been cultivating.

**Julian:** "System, do you know anything about the spiritual energy I cultivate?"

To his astonishment, the System responded with unexpected clarity:

**System:** "Yes."

Julian was taken aback by the sudden revelation. His next question couldn't escape his lips fast enough:

**Julian:** "Wait, what? You know what type of energy this is?"

**System:** "Yes, System knows because System was created by God. Even though System doesn't have many functionalities, System comes with the knowledge of everything that God has allowed System to access."

Julian's mind raced with possibilities as he contemplated the implications of the System's revelation. The enigma of the spiritual energy began to unravel, hinting at the vast knowledge and mysteries that lay hidden within his newfound power.

Julian couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief. He muttered to himself, "Wtf, well, what can I expect from a system that has no emotions or consciousness."

Turning his attention back to the System, Julian decided to establish a new protocol:

**Julian:** "Okay, System, from now on, if you notice anything significant changing in my body or soul, please inform me."

**System:** "Affirmative."

With the ground rules set, Julian proceeded with his line of questioning:

**Julian:** "Alright, now tell me about the spiritual energy I cultivate."

He awaited the System's response, eager to unravel the mysteries surrounding this newfound power.

The System responded with a profound revelation:

**System:** "The energy the Host cultivates is the very essence of the Omniverse, created by God. It's referred to as the Omniforce. However, living beings cannot typically harness this energy, as its purity and power are too overwhelming. Attempting to do so would result in an explosive reaction. The Omniforce transcends all other energies in the Omniverse and governs the laws of space, time, creation, and destruction."

Julian absorbed this information, his mind reeling at the magnitude of what he was hearing.

**System:** "The spiritual energy in this world, known as Aura, is a much weaker version or a byproduct of the Omniforce you cultivate. It can only be used by certain beings permitted by God. In this universe, those beings are Arceus and its three primary creations: Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. These beings respectively control Time, Space, and Anti-Matter."

The weight of this revelation hung in the air as Julian grappled with the realization that he was tapping into an energy source that defied the boundaries of his understanding and the known laws of his world.

The revelation left Julian in a state of shock. To think that he had been cultivating the very essence of the Omniverse without any awareness of it was beyond comprehension.

**Julian:** "How is that even possible?"

Julian was lost in thought, struggling to process the enormity of what he had just learned.

The System, as always, provided a concise answer:

**System:** "Since God himself created the Host's body, it is capable of containing the Omniforce. Furthermore, the Omniforce is continuously purifying and strengthening your soul."

Julian's brow furrowed as he posed another question:

**Julian:** "Then why does my body still feel lacking in power?"

He sought to understand why, despite the purification and strengthening of his soul, he hadn't fully harnessed the potential of the Omniforce within him.

The System's response shed further light on the matter:

**System:** "The Host's body is already a treasure above anything in the Omniverse. However, God has imposed restrictions to prevent the Host from unintentionally causing harm to the world in which you reside."

Julian couldn't help but break into a cold sweat after hearing about the immense potential of his body. He was thankful for the restrictions that kept such power in check, recognizing the immense responsibility that would come with it.

Amidst the whirlwind of thoughts, another question arose:

**Julian:** "Why did God grant me a body like this?"

However, the System's answer was succinct:

**System:** "God has restricted System from knowing about this matter."

Julian pondered the implications of this response, realizing that some mysteries surrounding his existence remained beyond his reach, guarded by divine secrecy.

Julian's mind was consumed with questions about why God had chosen to grant him such an extraordinary body, an enigma he couldn't unravel at the moment. With a sigh, he decided to put aside his thoughts and let the future reveal its intentions.

However, in the midst of his meditation, a sensation washed over him—someone or something was spying on him once more.

**Julian:** "Looks like it has returned, and this time it won't escape."

Julian acted swiftly, knowing his Pokémon were still outside. He summoned Gengar and gave it a command:

**Julian:** "Gengar, go underground and sneak behind whatever is spying on us from that tree."

Gengar, obedient and eager to assist its trainer, immediately phased into the ground, vanishing from sight as it moved toward the source of the intrusion.

Gengar's sudden appearance and spine-chilling cry startled the hidden observer, causing it to jump in fear and inadvertently expose itself. The figure, previously concealed in the shadows, was now revealed to Julian's discerning eyes.

Julian: "Hah, I knew it. It was you after all."

With the mysterious presence unmasked, Julian could finally confront the entity that had been spying on him in the moonlit forest.