
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

JunStark · Cómic
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94 Chs

Chapter 30: Celadon City

Julian was en route to Celadon City, where he would soon face his seventh gym battle. Along the way, he found himself encountering various Pokémon who would unexpectedly join him during his mealtime with his team. Each time it happened, Julian couldn't help but feel an eerie sensation. Despite the strange occurrences, he decided to shrug them off, not having a reasonable explanation for what was happening.

He had countless speculations about this peculiar phenomenon. Julian even began to suspect a connection between these uninvited Pokémon guests and that mysterious presence he had sensed following him. However, lacking any concrete evidence to support his suspicions, he refrained from delving deeper into the mystery, focusing instead on his impending gym battle in Celadon City.

As Julian journeyed through a rugged, rocky terrain, his keen eye spotted a lively Mankey. He couldn't help but remember that this Pokémon was likely to be Ash's next addition to his team. The mischievous Mankey was bouncing around, engrossed in its playful antics.

Mankey's playful antics came to a sudden halt when it noticed Julian's approaching bike. With a burst of excitement, it attempted to chase after the speeding vehicle. However, Julian wasted no time, firmly pressing the accelerator and speeding away. He had no intention of getting entangled with the spirited but troublesome Mankey, especially with his focus set on his impending adventures and challenges in Celadon City.

After a long day of riding and occasional breaks for rest and training, Julian finally arrived in Celadon City. His journey had been both physically and mentally demanding, but it had also allowed his Pokémon to grow stronger. Elekid, Kabuto, and Ivysaur were on the cusp of evolution, while Monferno and Pidgeotto weren't far behind and would soon catch up. However, it was Gengar and Heatran who had made the most significant progress, leveling up and honing their speed with remarkable swiftness.

As he entered Celadon City, Julian was greeted by the sight of towering skyscrapers that seemed to stretch endlessly into the sky. The streets were bustling with activity, and a lingering, sweet scent permeated the air, giving the city a unique and enticing ambiance.

Julian marveled at the modernity and sophistication of Celadon City. As he strolled through its bustling streets, he couldn't help but appreciate the city's reputation for having everything a trainer could desire. The fragrant scent that permeated the air hinted at the city's famous perfumes, a testament to Celadon's allure.

Stopping at a nearby Pokémon Center, Julian ensured his Pokémon were restored to perfect health. This time, however, he decided to break his routine of staying in Pokémon Centers during his city visits. Julian had accumulated wealth through his victories against gym leaders, allowing him the luxury of indulging in finer accommodations.

As he explored the city, Julian's discerning eye led him to a gleaming five-star hotel. Unconcerned about expenses, he parked his bike and walked into the luxurious establishment. The receptionist at the counter couldn't hide her excitement upon seeing Julian's striking presence. Her heart quickened as he approached, his charisma leaving an undeniable impression.

Receptionist: "Welcome to the Grand Celadon Hotel, sir. How may I assist you today?"

Julian: "I'd like to book a room, please."

Receptionist: "Certainly, sir. May I have your ID, please?"

Julian handed over his ID, and the receptionist swiftly entered the details before providing him with a room number and key.

Julian: "Thank you."

Receptionist: "You're very welcome, sir. If you encounter any issues during your stay, simply dial '1' on the room phone, and I'll personally attend to your needs."

Julian acknowledged her with a brief nod, then continued on his way without saying more. The receptionist, though slightly disappointed by his lack of further interaction, refocused on her duties with a smile, ready to assist any other guests.

As Julian stepped into the elevator, he was abruptly halted by the sudden appearance of a striking young woman. She moved with such swiftness that she managed to thwart the closing elevator doors just in time to slip inside. Julian couldn't help but be taken aback by her beauty.

Her eyes were a captivating shade of brown, and her vibrant red hair cascaded down her back. She wore a form-fitting, scarlet bodycon dress that accentuated her flawless curves, leaving an indelible impression on Julian. However, it wasn't just Julian who found himself spellbound.

The young woman, too, was momentarily entranced by Julian's rugged handsomeness and piercing red eyes. In that brief moment, she had never encountered a man so strikingly handsome. Slowly emerging from her reverie, she noticed Julian's gaze upon her and couldn't help but feel a surge of pride, knowing she had captured his attention. She subtly straightened her posture, subtly highlighting her own allure.

Woman: "Excuse me, but isn't it rather impolite to gaze so openly at a lady?"

Julian: "You're absolutely right, it's impolite, but when a stunning woman like you proudly displays her charms, it's hard not to admire."

Woman (Chloe): "Well, you certainly don't mince words, do you? I do appreciate directness. By the way, I'm Chloe."

Julian: "Pleasure to meet you, Chloe. I'm Julian."

Julian takes Chloe's hand and gently kisses it.

Chloe: "A true gentleman, I see. I'm quite fond of that. You're growing on me."

Julian: "If you grant me the pleasure of spending more time with you, I'm sure you'll find me even more likable."

Chloe: "I think that's a great idea. How about today, after 5 pm? We could meet in the hotel's dining area."

Julian: "I'll eagerly anticipate it."

As the elevator ascends, Julian and Chloe continue their conversation until they reach their respective floors, only to discover that their rooms are conveniently located next to each other.

Julian: "Looks like we'll be seeing each other very soon."

Chloe: "Hehe, I'm looking forward to it."

Julian entered his room, his mind buzzing with anticipation as he prepared for his upcoming date.

Julian thought to himself, "Chloe is stunning. I hope everything goes smoothly tonight."

Unbeknownst to Julian, Chloe was equally excited. She found herself daydreaming about her date with Julian, her thoughts lingering on his name.

As 5 pm approached, Julian made sure he was impeccably dressed and ready. Just then, the doorbell chimed, and he hurried to answer it. Standing before him, Chloe wore a striking black dress that outshone her previous outfit. The dress accentuated her curves, and she even wore stockings, leaving Julian utterly impressed by her beauty.

Julian couldn't help but comment, "My, Chloe, you look absolutely stunning. It'll be a challenge to keep my composure."

Chloe responded with a flirtatious tone, "That's exactly what I'm aiming for."

She approached Julian, taking his hand, and although Julian felt a surge of excitement, he maintained his self-control, determined not to give in to temptation so easily.

Julian extended his hand with a charming smile and asked, "Shall we?"

Chloe, though initially a bit disappointed that her attempts to gain the upper hand didn't work, found herself drawn to the playful competition between them. She gladly accepted his hand.

Throughout their date, they shared laughter, stories, and moments that drew them closer. Chloe made several playful attempts to see if she could break Julian's composure, but he proved to be as unyielding as a fortress.

As their date neared its end, Chloe couldn't help but feel a bit defeated. She had underestimated Julian's determination and willpower, and a sense of respect for his strength of character began to grow within her.

After their enjoyable date, Julian and Chloe found themselves outside the restaurant, the night sky studded with stars overhead. There was a moment of comfortable silence between them, a sense of unspoken connection.

Julian finally broke the silence with a warm smile. "Chloe, I had an amazing time tonight. I hope you did too."

Chloe, despite her earlier feelings of competition, couldn't deny that she had thoroughly enjoyed herself. She smiled back at him, her eyes sparkling. "Julian, I must admit, I had a wonderful time as well. You're not only charming but also quite the challenge."

Julian chuckled. "I like a good challenge, and I have a feeling there's much more to discover about each other."

Chloe's curiosity was piqued. "Is that so? Well, I'm intrigued, Julian."

As they stood there under the starlit sky, the initial playful competition between them had evolved into a genuine connection. It was clear that their journey together was just beginning, filled with exciting adventures and perhaps a few surprises along the way.

Chloe looked at Julian with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "By the way, Julian, when are you leaving?"

Julian paused for a moment, considering his plans. "I think I'll challenge the gym today and then make my departure."

Chloe's expression softened. "Will I ever meet you again?"

Julian smiled warmly, his feelings for Chloe evident. "If you want, you can come with me. I've really enjoyed our time together."

Chloe hesitated, her thoughts on the unfinished business she had in this town. "For now, I can't come with you. I have some things to settle before leaving. But as soon as I finish everything, I promise I'll call you."

Julian nodded, understanding her situation. "That works for me."

He leaned in, kissing her one last time, a silent promise of their connection before he walked out of the room, leaving Chloe with a mix of emotions and a newfound hope for the future.