
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

JunStark · Cómic
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94 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

In a hospital room, there is an old man lying on a bed, his eyes staring at the ceiling as he contemplates his life.

Julian, an ex-war veteran, reflects on his life as he celebrates his 82nd birthday in a hospital room. He can feel death approaching, but he harbors no regrets, even though memories of his time at war have haunted him throughout his life.

Participating in the war turned him into an emotionless rock, weighed down by the burden of the lives he took. However, life didn't abandon him. He met a woman, fell in love, and married her. After the war ended, he retired due to a bullet wound in his spine. His son grew up into a fine man, found a beautiful wife, and had a child of his own. The day he held his grandson was the happiest of his life.

As the years passed, Julian and his grandson spent a lot of time together. The young boy introduced him to anime, and they both developed a love for Pokémon. They often argued about which Pokémon was the best. Julian chuckled at the irony of an old man arguing with his grandson about anime, but he felt no shame. He had found a way to relive a childhood he never had.

Reflecting on his journey, Julian realized that even though he had once doubted the existence of God in his youth, life's experiences had convinced him otherwise. He believed that, even if God didn't reveal Himself to us, He still watched over and guided us all.

Julian sighed, "Being alone in the hospital is quite dull, and this excruciating pain in my spine is unbearable."

Julian thought to himself, "I wonder when my grandson will come. He said he'd visit me after school, but it's going to be another long day. I suppose I'll get some rest."

As I closed my eyes, I found myself surrounded by darkness, and my consciousness was slipping away. In my head, I began cursing, 'Death can't even let me meet my family one last time.'

After my passing, I felt nothing, but it was strange that I could still think. Panic set in, and then suddenly, everything turned white. Before me stood a middle-aged man, smiling. It took me a minute to calm myself.

Julian asked, 'May I know who you are?'

God spoke, "Some call me God, some call me the Creator, but it is up to you to decide who I am to you."

After listening to Him, Julian was shocked to the core. He began to question himself while looking at the man before him. No matter how much he thought, he could only come to one conclusion: "Yes, I am dead, and God is standing in front of me." He suddenly dropped to his knees.

Julian said, "Thank you, Lord, for granting me a good life."

God said, "Rise, I don't need your thank you. I'm pleased that you don't blame me for giving you a difficult start. There are very few souls like you."

Julian replied, "I wouldn't dare accuse you of anything."

God continued, "I am quite happy today, so I will grant you a second life with three wishes to go with it."

Julian was genuinely excited to hear this offer. Despite being an old man, the chance to live again was tempting. He began to think about what he should wish for and finally made a decision.

Julian said, "Lord, for my first wish, I want to be reincarnated into the Pokémon universe, specifically in the Kanto region."

Julian continued, "My second wish is to retain my memories from my past life."

Julian added, "My third wish is to have an AI-based system."

Julian had thought carefully about his wishes, wanting to ensure he wouldn't take any unnecessary risks. He needed his memories intact to make the most of his second life, and the AI system would assist him in navigating the Pokémon world.

Upon hearing Julian's wishes, God smiled.

God replied, "You are clever, asking for your memories to be preserved. Many people overlook this crucial aspect and find themselves reincarnated without their memories."

God continued, "Now, I will ask you how you want to be reincarnated. Do you want to start as a baby, or do you want me to create a body for you and send you there? If you choose the second option, you can select any starter Pokémon you want for the beginning of your journey."

Julian, like any reasonable person, chose the second option.

Julian replied, "I choose the second option."

God smiled and said, "Very well."

Suddenly, a screen appeared in front of Julian. As he examined the screen, he realized he could customize his new body. A sense of excitement washed over him as he began shaping his appearance. He chose a slender, muscular physique with a subtle tan, set his age to 18, selected a height of 6 feet, opted for striking red eyes, and decided on black hair. He also made his little brother 9 inches tall.

Afterward, he moved to the section featuring starter Pokémon. Scrolling through the options, he settled on Chimchar, drawn to its final evolution and its Blaze ability. Once he finished designing every detail, he looked at God, then suddenly recalled something important.

Julian inquired, "Lord, how does the timeline work in the Pokémon universe?"

God replied, "Ah, I almost forgot to inform you. The planet you are going to reincarnate into is 100 times larger than your previous one. So, 1 year in your new world will equate to 10 years in your previous world. Additionally, the environment in your new world is incredibly rich, which results in people living exceptionally long lives and aging slowly. That's why you don't see characters like Ash growing old."

After listening to this explanation, Julian couldn't help but ponder that if his previous world had operated on the same concept, he might have lived up to 800 years on average.

Julian exclaimed, "Lord, I am ready."

God smiled and replied, "Good. May you enjoy your new life to the fullest."

With a wave of His hand, a portal suddenly opened beneath Julian, drawing him in. Before he knew it, he had become unconscious and drifted away.