
Pokémon: Global Invasion

Twenty-three years ago, a series of mysterious spatial rifts appeared around the world, leading to an enigmatic realm that humanity dubbed the Secret Dimension. Within this dimension, extraordinary creatures known as Pokémon emerged, using the rifts to invade the human world, igniting countless battles. However, during an adventurous exploration of the Secret Dimension, humans uncovered a hidden Pokémon Research Institute. This groundbreaking discovery could change the course of their struggle and open new possibilities for coexistence with these fascinating creatures...

DaoistaHADNk · Cómic
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62 Chs

Chapter 62: Training Dig

Due to Professor Sato organizing an intern assessment, Ryoma had inadvertently become a target for the senior students, as many came to challenge him daily. Naturally, these challenges served as the perfect opportunities for Professor Sato to gather valuable data.

After a week of continuous battles, Ryoma's strategies had been mostly figured out by these seniors, leading to several defeats for him.

Those seniors who managed to defeat Ryoma earned the coveted position of being Professor Sato's interns, granting them the chance to observe and learn. However, no one was allowed to participate in the core research on Sandstorm moves, which remained Professor Sato's specialty.

Another uneventful week passed, and Ryoma continued his routine of spending time in the library, soaking up knowledge to refine Sandshrew's future training plan.

During this period of battles, Ryoma noticed that although Sandshrew could summon Sandstorm, its ability to utilize the Sandstorm weather was still quite limited.

Relying on Sandstorm for simple tasks like accumulating Rollout energy didn't truly harness its full potential.

"The simplest way to utilize Sandstorm should be to develop Sandshrew's abilities," he pondered.

Whether it was Sand Veil or Sand Attack ability, both could maximize the utilization of Sandstorm, paving the way for specialized battle strategies.

Ryoma mused this over; he had tried to explore Sandshrew's abilities, but given the current state of ability research in the world, it was still largely uncharted territory for him.

"It seems I'll need to start with Sandstorm itself. Enhancing control over Sandstorm might be a great direction to take," Ryoma thought, scribbling notes in his notebook.

"Perhaps leveraging Dig moves to train sand control could work!"

Reflectively, Ryoma wandered to the section detailing Dig moves. Although none provided a step-by-step guide to training Dig, many concepts could be adapted to formulate a training method suitable for Sandshrew.

In the evening, Ryoma retrieved Sandshrew from the laboratory and headed to the hills, intent on beginning Dig training.

From a literal standpoint, the concept of Dig was simple, but the challenge lay in using Ground-type energy to assimilate the hard ground, transforming it into sand for rapid burrow creation.

"Sandshrew, start by using Sand Attack on the ground!"

Standing on a muddy patch, Ryoma began explaining the key training points he had developed.

Sandshrew nodded and, under Ryoma's direction, focused Ground-type energy into its claws, slashing down at the ground!

Instantly, sand and stones flew, and the soft earth was swiftly gouged out, turning into a cloud of dust that spread into the distance.

Instant the ground erupted with flying sand and stones. The soft earth was quickly gouged into chunks, transforming into a cloud of dust that spread into the distance.

"This might just work. Sandshrew, keep using Sand Attack and remember that feeling of assimilating the soil."

Ryoma's eyes lit up as he directed Sandshrew, who now resembled a diligent farmer, to dig out patches of land.

After a small trial in the mud, Ryoma took Sandshrew to a harder patch of ground and had it use Sand Attack again.

This time, the Sand Attack was not as effective: Sandshrew's claws only managed to stir up a light spray of sand across the surface.

"It seems it's not quite there yet, but at least my method shows promise. By leveraging Sand Attack moves, Sandshrew should eventually master Dig."

Ryoma breathed a sigh of relief, then picked up a stone and handed it to Sandshrew. "Your training now is to use Sand Attack to wear down this rock. Once you can quickly turn this rock into sand, we can move on to the next step of training."

Sandshrew took the rock, nodded, and attempted to channel Ground-type energy to use Sand Attack, trying to grind the rock into sand. Naturally, the result was an expected failure this time.

"Take it slowly, there's no rush."

Ryoma smiled, giving Sandshrew a gentle pat on the head before returning it to the Poké Ball with a reassuring smile.


Following Halloween, Kenkoku Kinen no Hi quietly arrived.

During this seven-day golden week, students buzzed about where to go for fun, creating a lively atmosphere.

In this environment, Professor Sato drove away from the school, taking Ryoma and Yuto with him.

As they passed the Laboratory Building, they noticed some senior students already waiting there, clearly eager to challenge Ryoma.

"Poor seniors."

Seeing this, Yuto couldn't help but laugh, silently mourning for them for five seconds.

"You all should not relax in your training. What I said before was serious. If any of you lose to those outside students, I will have them replace you in the upcoming experiments." A cunning glint appeared in Professor Sato's eyes.


"Professor, you must be joking!"

Yuto immediately exclaimed, a look of disbelief on his face.

"I'm not kidding."

"The third stage of our research will take place in the Secret Realm. If your strength isn't up to par, I can't take you with me."

Hearing Professor Sato's words, both Ryoma and Yuto were taken aback. The third stage of research involving Sandstorm would actually be in the Secret Realm!

It's known that the Secret Realm is filled with countless dangers, and without the strength of advanced trainers, it would be extremely perilous to enter!

Seeing that his words had successfully intimidated the two little guys, Professor Sato smiled, stepped on the gas, and sped toward the school gate.

After about half an hour of driving, the vehicle slowly entered the vast mountains behind the school and finally stopped in a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides.


Not long after the vehicle stopped, a roar echoed from the valley, and they soon saw a Rhydon walking slowly toward them, accompanied by a young Rhyhorn.

"Hahaha, it's been a while!"

Professor Sato greeted the approaching Rhydon and then threw a Poké Ball, releasing Rhydon in a flash of white light!


Once Professor Sato's Rhydon emerged, the young Rhyhorn nuzzled against Rhydon affectionately, causing a gentle look to appear in Rhydon's eyes.

It was evident that the Rhydon approaching from the valley was the mate of Professor Sato's Rhydon, and Rhyhorn was their child.