
Pokémon Dark Edition: Arcane’s Rise

Arcane, a typical teenage boy with a love for Pokémon, wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a four-legged creature with fur and a bushy tail. His initial shock turns to bewilderment as he realizes he has become a Hisuian Zorua, a Pokémon known for its dark illusionary powers and ghostly appearance. To his delight, he discovers he has been transported to a forest region. However, he soon learns that this is a world vastly different from the cheerful Pokémon universe he once knew. This world is a land ravaged by conflict and darkness. Far from the vibrant and friendly world depicted in games and shows, this realm is a harsh and brutal place where survival is a constant struggle. Pokémon battles are bloody, fierce, and merciless, and the landscape is scarred by battles and treacherous terrain. Arcane must navigate this grim environment with caution, as he quickly learns that the Pokémon he encounters are not the friendly companions he’s used to but fierce and territorial beings. Struggling to adapt to his new form and the harsh realities of this world, Arcane must reconcile his human instincts with those of his new Pokémon self. His human side craves safety and normalcy, while his Zorua instincts push him towards battle and survival which often clash with his former sense of morality. As he fights to restrain his human impulses, Arcane must learn to harness his Pokémon abilities.

Nii07 · Derivados de juegos
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17 Chs

Chapter 7

Felicia's gaze lingered on him for a moment longer before she finally relented. "Alright," she said reluctantly. "But don't cause any trouble. If our leader doesn't approve, you'll have to move on."


Ember and Lily cheered in unison, delighted at the prospect of a new friend joining their journey. Felicia still looked wary, but she turned toward the path ahead with a resigned sigh.


"Let's get moving before dusk," she said. "The meadow is still a day's journey from here."


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest, Felicia urged the group to pick up the pace. Arcane struggled to keep up, still unaccustomed to running on all fours. His running form was quite unrefined, making him much slower than the others. Felicia, noticing his difficulty, insisted that he run in front of her while Ember and Lily followed closely behind.


"Have you never run before?" Felicia asked, her tone both curious and slightly exasperated. Ember and Lily giggled at the question, their playful laughter echoing through the trees.


Arcane's ears flattened in embarrassment. "I was just born a few days ago," he admitted sheepishly. "I don't really know much yet."


Felicia raised an eyebrow, her surprise evident. "Impressive that you've managed to survive as a newborn," she remarked, a hint of respect in her voice.


Before Arcane could respond, Lily interrupted, her voice filled with excitement. "We're here!" she yelled.


Arcane looked ahead and saw a massive tree towering above them, its branches sprawling out like a protective canopy over the surrounding area. The sheer size of it took his breath away.


As they approached, a stern voice called out, "Halt!" A bush to their right rustled, and to Arcane's surprise, it shifted color, revealing a Kecleon that had been perfectly camouflaged. At the same moment, a Sneasel leaped down from a nearby tree, landing with its claws extended menacingly toward Arcane.


The Kecleon and Sneasel glared at Felicia, their expressions hostile. "Why have you brought an outsider to the Great Tree?" the Sneasel demanded, its voice sharp with accusation.


Before Felicia could answer, a calm, authoritative voice came from above. "Everyone, calm down."


A Noctowl descended gracefully from the branches of the Great Tree, landing softly in front of the group. Felicia, Ember, and Lily all bowed their heads respectfully for a moment before greeting the Noctowl as their leader.


The Noctowl hooted softly, his presence calming the tension in the air. "Relax," he instructed, his gaze sweeping over the Kecleon and Sneasel before turning to the younger Pokémon. "Ember, Lily, did you have a fun outing?"


"Yes!" they answered in unison, their eyes shining with excitement as they tried to tell him about their adventure. But the Noctowl chuckled and gently interrupted them. "Head over to the tree, little ones. I'll find you later to hear all about it."


Ember and Lily nodded eagerly and scampered off toward the tree, leaving Felicia, Arcane, and the two guards with the Noctowl. Once they were out of earshot, the Noctowl's tone grew more serious as he turned his attention back to Felicia.


"What's going on, Felicia?" the Noctowl asked, his calm demeanor replaced by a tone of concern and authority.


Felicia straightened up, her expression firm but respectful. "I found him injured and alone in the forest. He's only a few days old and doesn't seem to know much about the world yet. He requested to be brought to a place to rest. I thought it best to bring him here and let you decide what to do with him."


The Kecleon and Sneasel exchanged skeptical glances but remained silent, their eyes now focused on Arcane, who stood nervously beside Felicia.


The Noctowl studied Arcane for a long moment, his keen eyes taking in every detail. "A newborn, you say?" he mused, more to himself than anyone else. "It's rare for one so young to survive alone in these woods."


Arcane shifted uncomfortably under the Noctowl's gaze. He had never felt so vulnerable before.


After a moment, the Noctowl nodded slowly. "Very well," he said, his voice softening. "You may stay, but your presence here will depend on your behavior. You must prove that you are no threat to our community."


Arcane nodded, relieved but still anxious. "Thank you," he managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper.


The Noctowl turned to Felicia. "Show him to a place where he can rest. We'll discuss this further in the morning."


Felicia nodded and motioned for Arcane to follow her. As they walked toward the Great Tree, the Kecleon and Sneasel kept a watchful eye on him, their suspicion lingering.


Arcane glanced back at the Noctowl, who was now deep in conversation with the two guards. He knew that his stay here was conditional, but for now, he was grateful for a place to rest and recover.


The Noctowl then turned to the Kecleon, his tone taking on a more commanding edge. "Cleon, keep a close eye on the pup. I want to know his every move while he's here. If he shows any signs of being a danger to our community, you are to eliminate him immediately."


The Kecleon's eyes gleamed with a hint of understanding as he nodded. "Understood," he replied, his voice low and steady. With that, Kecleon's form shimmered, his colors blending seamlessly with the surroundings as he faded into the background, almost invisible.


Satisfied, the Noctowl returned his gaze to Arcane for a brief moment before turning away, signaling the end of the conversation. Arcane, unaware of the exact orders given, followed Felicia toward the Great Tree, unaware of the weight of his precarious situation and what they could lead to.