
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Cómic
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34 Chs

Suprise Visit

A month has passed, and the daycare grew.

Its reputation had passed Floaroma town, but many thought of it as just a second-rate daycare.

Evan had gotten lots of requests to do a motivational speech about how working yourself up from the bottom was good but wasn't fit for television with no voice, not to mention that Telepathy only worked in people, so he would have to get someone to interpret his psychic energy.

Who would do that?

just give them a script.

The summer heat got warmer, and Evan watched as the daycare slowly started to develop more and more.

He had gotten the rest of the trade contract he established with Alicia, with the daycare selling and buying pokemon.

He had made around 1.4 million pokedollars the last month, with some helping the orphanage, and some donating to charity to help his business grow a better reputation and to make Evan feel better.

His psychic energy grew, but he was nowhere near stage-2, as people take months if not years based on aptitude.

He was stumped on what to do.

Should he go on a break?

that sounded nice.

Where should he go to?

as much as he would love to go and sit with his sister right now, he couldn't, and that fact stung him.

He sent off the young kids with a smile and 3 thousand pokedollars each, as this was their final day due to it being half-term.

Tomorrow, people would come and see if they want to be their parents.

He hopes none of them will ever have to feel the pain the pokemon hunter or terrorists does.

Bored, Evan turned on the TV and sat down

Breaking news!

A Crystalline cavern in the kalos region has been found containing several hundred mega-stones!

Competition has risen over the ownership over the cavern! and tension is rising!

Evan sighed.

around 2000 years ago the mega stones were found.

Galar and Kalos were combined and in an empire that prospered.

That was until the emperor died.

The mega-stones were unlucky as them, as Sinnoh and Hoenn swooped in and fought a brutal war, not to mention kalos was suffering a civil war with galar.

That was a big explosion that wiped the entire army of Sinnoh, Hoenn and even Kalos people.

Nobody knew what it was, but the Unova government, ran by the daughter of truth, the daughter of the "Hero" that owned Reshiram, created a peace treaty that must have saved millions if not billions of lives.

The daughter was truly someone Evan respected, she made the roots of Unova strong once more after the genocide of the two brothers that made it unstable.

Sinnoh was built on a bridge of blood, alongside most regions except Unova.

In a world of politics and schemes that aren't run by wars or bloody battles anymore, it was time for the world to pounce on this once again.

Mega stones could make a nation.

But it could end one, as well.

He was rich now, so how was he supposed to enjoy himself?

He hated to admit it, but he was quite lonely.

He didnt have any friends, nor did he have anybody that he would fully go out with.

The knock on the door caused him to sigh.

Opening up, a young energetic woman met him.

"YooOOOOO!" She squealed, a shroomish in her hand

"Gardenia?" Evan frowned "What are you doing, it's past 18:00?"

"There's a pokemon auction in Floaroma town, wanna go?" She smirked

"Why me?"

Gardenia had been visiting every now and then wanting to play with the grass-type pokemon, the deal with her flower shop already settled and underway

"Just, y'know, cause uh...."


"I don't have anyone to go with! also you see a pokemon you want!"


She's a gym leader!

"And thanks for giving me this shroomish."

"You brought it."

"Yea, but thank you anyway."

The shroomish was popular for ruining so many trainers dreams on the internet.

It had gotten so much hate that Evan was concerned about its well-being.

"People of power will be attending! this is a good opportunity for you to get some pokemon AND make some connections?"

"Why do you sound so desperate for me to come?" Evan said, "Arceus, I will come, so please just be quiet."

Gardenia looked happy, as she rudely walked into the house

"Kay', we will go in 15 minutes."

She went to the field section to play with the pokemon while Evan put on a simple tuxedo that his father used to wear.

Simple black and white with a bow tie.

Going back-down stairs, Gardenia was eating stuff out of his fridge, as he slowly sighed

"You finally done?" She said, moaning "Bout time."

"I took 7 minutes."

"5 minutes too long."

Evan ignored her, as she walked out the door and went straight into a parked black car.

Evan followed as they both went into the car.

It was luxurious, befitting of a Gym leader's car.

"You like?" Gardenia gave a toothy smirk seeing Evan's expression

"No, I just really hate cars," Evan said, as he slowly looked towards the bottom of the car, where the warm interior was filled with dark thick engulfing smoke that instantly killed you if you breathed too much of it.

Evan shook his head.

"So, you wanna tell me about this auction?"

"You know, the usual." Gardenia said, "Gym-leaders, enterprises, day-care owners, you know the usual?"

"No," Evan said, sweating slightly.

She said it so casually, but these people were incredibly influential.

"Anything notable?"

"All of the previously mentioned people are here for, well, a Bagon egg."

Evan knew why this was a big deal.

Salamence was one of the strongest pokemon that isn't legendary, and its status is so incredibly strong and unmatched in the world of pokemon.

It was time for the auction to commence.