
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Cómic
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34 Chs

New batch of pokemon

I didnt upload yesterday cause I had rona and a migraine , not a good mix.



Today was the first day they will open the daycare again.

Only children older than 12 year's old were allowed to work in the daycare, for safety and moral reasons.

"Im Scarlet Rohan, here at Floaroma town to the local orphanage, with the owner Evelynn." She gave a smile before the camera panned over to Evelynn "Rumours of you and Green-grove day-care helping eachover out have been circulating, do you have any comment on this?"

Evelynn also smiled, before saying "It is true, as I and the owner had made a deal to support eachover, and most importantly, the vulnerable kids in the orphanage."

"Can you please tell me the specifics of the deal?" The reporter started to apply pressure to Evelynn, whose smile became weaker

"An apprenticeship for children over 12 year's old."

The reporter's smile became bigger, before asking "Do you believe the owner of the day-care is using the free labour to exploit the kids and gain free labour?"

Evelynn's smile was gone, replaced by anger concealed in a frown.


"How so?"

"The children get paid for their hard effort, and the 10 people selected from the program each get to choose pokemon to keep as their permanent partners."


"Let me finish please." Evelynn took tempo of the conversation "as we know, 75% of terrorists and pokemon hunters, are orphans that grew up without a loving family or a person to put their back too, as such, I see this opportunity as generous and kind, and the young man that runs the orphanage is young, at the tender age of 16, and also an orphan."

"Even so, isn't giving children jobs too stressful for them?"

"Absolutely not, as it teaches the children about morals and the light side of the world, and it even gives them life-skills to carry on in the later life."

The female reporter sighed before asking something else.

"Do you believe that Sinnoh should invest more in orphanages?"

"Yes, as it means that so many vulnerable kids with mental issues don't end up as the previously mentioned terrorists and pokemon hunters."

"Thanks for your time."


Evan watched the tv screen with a smile, before going to the Ecology park section.

young children to teenagers could be seen playing with the pokemon, each showing smiles while playing with each of the pokemon.

5 days have passed since he made the deal with Evelynn, and he had been training and teaching the small kids about pokemon breeding, how to gain the trust of pokemon and the most effective way to their hearts, which is, of course, food.

Evan had complied a list of all the pokemon he had gotten and was pleasantly surprised he had gotten two high-orange aptitude pokemon.

most of the valuable pokemon were orange, and Evan had good luck.

He got his 15x medium orange, -2 of course for his high orange


x2 Marill - Medium Orange

X1 Magby - Medium Orange

X1 Eltrekid - Medium Orange

x2 Buizel - Medium Orange

x1 Cacnea - Medium Orange

x1 Shinx - Medium Orange

X1 Roggenrola - Medium Orange

x1 Machop - Medium Orange

X2 Sandshrew - Medium Orange

X2 Shellos - Medium Orange

X1 Numel - Medium Orange


The rarest and eye-catching ones were always the foreign ones, such as the Machop, Roggenrola, and Marill.

But Evan was blessed by heaven.


Shroomish - High Orange

Gothita - High Orange - Shadow tag


Gothita... with shadow tag.

Evan shaked in exictement.

Yes, this would be on his team.

Abra and psychic types were rare, but Evan managed to procure another one, which would help him cultivate even more of his psychic energy at a faster rate.

He would have thought that he could reach stage one tomorrow, but he could be doing it tomorrow.

Speaking of Abra, Evan did some training with it, but not in the way you think.

Teleport was where Abra could shift a small portion of weight and itself over a short distance, with around a 5 minutes cooldown.

Under training, the conditions seemed to get better, as abra managed to reach a 50m teleport by teleporting by itself.

Its level also raised from level 3 to 6, which although that seemed small, was not for any pokemon, and it was solely due to Abra's intense growth in psychic energy and its aptitude.

People say that Abra turns into Kadabra at level 16, but that isn't really the truth.

Scholar of Sinnoh, professor rowan proposed an idea of a fundamental limit that blocks the pokemon from evolving until it sees itself worthy or has a spark of desire to protect the trainer or to win a battle to speak.

Of course, a level 3 Abra couldn't just turn into Kadabra, both conditions need to be fulfilled to a certain point.

That's why so many pokemon evolve when feeling weak or in a pokemon battle.

The level is just the average limit reach of a pokemon summarized in simple numbers.

Some pokemon evolve earlier, some evolve later.

But the more delayed the limit is, the stronger the evolution.

That's why the evolite item is so heavily sought out even though its availability and number on the market is small.

Evan had retrieved the Gothita Pokeball, before releasing the pokemon.

Gothita is a small, humanoid Pokémon. A small tuft of hair sticks up from the top of its head, and it has two white, bow-shaped feelers on each side of its purple head and a third bow-shaped feeler on its neck. These ribbon-like feelers are used to amplify Gothita's psychic power. It has two large blue eyes with three eyelashes on each and small red lips.

Gothita said to stare at things that aren't there, most people proposing that they look at their shadows, who are sentient beings in their own.

Some say that Gothita could be cultivated via Wilted energy, which is the ghost type of version of psychic force.


Gothita curiously looked around, its eyes showing the only expression.

They are known to be quite emotionless, but I know who wasn't.

Abra looked at gothita, before sending a link of psychic energy out to gothita, which responded with its own.

"They grow up so fast." Evan looked at the two, as Abra gave him a distinct stare.

Evan still had an hour until they opened, so it was time to do a moment of last-minute cultivation.