
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Cómic
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34 Chs


Evan looked towards the specialist, that walked through every 5 biomes and continued to tick things on his checklist.

The biomes in the ecology park were incredibly advanced, each made to replicate the wildlife.

Ocean, desert, meadow, Air and rock were the biomes that occupied the ecology park.

His parents had recently made the rock biome, which meant that they were a lot poorer when they died than what they would normally have.

"The cost will be high." Jonathan said, "Since you requested an Advanced life checkup, everything needs to be in pristine condition.

He went into large detail in everything that was wrong, everything that needed to be changed and everything that needed to be repaired

"The cost will be around 500,000 pokedollars."

Evan breathed in, before shaking his head. Advanced Life checkup meant that everything will be clean and more powerful than before.

It would give him the reputation he needs to gain trust in Sinnoh, as those with advanced checkups are normally chosen even if they have high prices due to hygiene.

That was practically half of his money gone.

"On estimation, the electricity bill will be around 100,000 pokedollars per year and water will be around 10,000 pokedollars although that may change overconsumption.

so, Evan paid 630,000 pokedollars

What a large amount of money

Handing over the contract to Evan, he read it very carefully before signing and then paying for the change.

Poketech had online banking, even though you couldn't withdraw money from it.

"People will come over tomorrow." Jonathan said, "Around 10-20 people should come to give you maximum speed."

If someone requests to get a change on day-care, they are normally top priority due to the fact that public consumers can get pretty angsty if a day-care closes for too long.

"The repairs will take around a month to complete." Jonathan said, "Well, that's max, it could take anywhere from 2 weeks at the slightest."

The repairs were essential, and it was nothing that can't be rushed, especially with high life checkups.

"Good doing business with you." Evan showed Jonathan out, before looking at the time.

It was around 14:30, so the man took two hours and a half.

Rating him 5 stars on Poketrust, Evan went down the hill with minccino and wondered what to do next.

Going food shopping for some general food, Evan looked at the tv screen


Kanto? that's rare. After the war with Johto a while ago they haven't really stuck their heads in with other nations, but it shows that they are slowly gaining back the confidence that made people fear them.

The youth competition is for young trainers that would become pillars for Sinnoh later on.

Kanto obviously wants to make a relationship with Sinnoh, which wasn't rare judging on Sinnoh's economy.

Taking most of the food back, Evan turned on the radiator, which had finally come on with the access to heat and water.

"their fast." Evan thought, taking a bath with great struggle and putting on the radiator.

It was a nice feeling, but right now he needed to find a way to get a passive income that could let him.

Going back into the libabry, he decided to do some revision.

He needed money to gain money. How ironic.

His mother and father used to teach him a lot of things9-, and he wasn't stupid.

He was going to do the breeder's examination.


One month later

People of all ethnicity, ages, genders came to a quiet building in Jubilife city.

Most people here were nervous to take the exam that could possibly dictate their life choices further on.

A boy in a wheelchair wheeled into the examination room, as several looks went onto him.

Some scorn, some pity and some people were snickering at him.

Slowly going into the examination room and going to his designated spot, more people flooded in.

Basic Breeder's examination happened every 2 month's, and people that have failed previous tests had come here before.

The examiner comes into the room, his eyes and face showing little to no solemn


The room was quiet. Even the cocky boys on the back row went quiet.

"You are now under exam conditions." The man said I'm "Im Dr Isaac, a pokemon doctor and breeder."

Dr.Isaac? Evan swears he read an article about this man.

He was a prodigy, even if he was old, a Medium pokemon breeder and Medium Pokemon Doctor, his achievements were not low.

"You will give your exam papers." Dr Isaac scanned the room "Any amount of laughing, talking or cheating is not tolerated, and anybody that gets caught will be harshly punished, do you understand?"

People in the room nodded, as they already knew about the consequences.

Not only would your test paper get voided, but you would also get banned from all breeder and doctor related tests again.

Cheat and your life is ruined was the base of it.

"Noctowl , come out." Dr Isaac threw out a Pokeball, revealing a strong pokemon that cooed before sitting on a wooden pole.

This was the Noctowl that had ruined lots of people lives.

Noctowl eyes are one of the most advanced in the pokemon world. Murky light and sight-removing moves barely even work on it, and this cowl probably has a Keen eye to top it off.

Some people were shaking, obviously betting the exam off cheating.

"Dont be afraid, since if you fail there is always the next one."

Sinnoh gave you infinite tries, which is the opposite of Hoenn, of which three tries are the maximum you can take before you get denied.

A thick stack of paper was given to Evan, who didn't touch it quite yet.

"The exam is an hour and a half." Dr Isaac said, "You may begin!"

Opening the page, Evan was met with the first question.


Question 1: How Lethal is Ekan's poison?

Evan looked towards the question with a raised brow.

What a bold question.

Answer: Ekan's poison is not lethal, as it is a paralysis poison. The paralysis lasts for around an hour and a half.


Question 2: About how long is Lickitung's tongue?

Answer: 7 feet - 2.1 metres


Question 5: Name the Egg cycle belonging to the pokemon "Rattata"

Some people would find this hard, although this question was on a previous exam paper.

Answer: Field 1


Question 4:What is the Sinnoh Pokemon Protection Act?

The Sinnoh protection act is a law that states that all pokemon should be given human rights, whenever it is wild or domesticated.


Question 10: If two Raichu that knows Volt tackle mate, would the offspring possess the move?

God, these were the best trick questions Evan had ever seen.

No, this was impossible because for Two Raichu to have their offspring learn volt tackle, they would need a light Ball close to the egg at all times to manifest the child's power.

Answer: No unless a light ball is present.


The test got increasingly harder and harder, as by the end of it people were scratching their heads.

Two people still took the chance and got kicked out because of cheating, while Evan was on the last question


Pokemon fever is cured by what?

Give a clear full process on the stages of the fever, and give several ways to cure it.


The examination is coming to a close.