
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Cómic
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34 Chs

Examination pt.2

Pokemon fever is cured by what?

Give a clear full process on the stages of the fever, and give several ways to cure it.

This question was incredibly tricky, but since pokemon fever was a common thing in the pokemon breeder's world.

Answer: Pokemon fever is divided into four stages.

Stage one - The "virus" infects the host, and little to no symptoms appear

Stage two - The fever learns about the general Anatomy of the pokemon's body and adapts and hijacks healthy cells.

Stage three - The fever learns and hijacks healthy cell's and then reproduces by using the outer shell of the formerly healthy cell for protecting against antibodies and the immune system.

Stage four - The fever bursts the layer of protection of the healthy cell and new cells of the virus spread to newer healthy cells.

Stage five - The pokemon becomes extremely sick, and depending on the pokemon, fatal.

The way to circumvent this is to

Make sure elder pokemon have regular check-ups, as pokemon that are older have less resistance to viruses.

Prescribe antibiotics and get the pokemon vaccine.

Younger pokemon can overcome the virus in around 10 days.

Trainers with sickness not to come in close contact an old pokemon, nor a young pokemon

If travelling, to go to the nearest day-care or Pokecenter

Emergency treatment is an antidote poured into a container, crushing up a revive and adding to the antidote. Slowly stir the liquid in the flask then add an awakening by putting it whole into the container. For stronger effects, use a Calcium/Elixir. Slowly heat the liquid in the flask for 30 minutes on low heat and immediately apply it to the sick pokemon

"Time!" Dr Isaac said, as people started to collect the people's test "Dont be discouraged if you fail, as there is always next time."

Evan looked nervous when he looked at the board, as he hoped he had passed.

60 marks was a pass

70 marks was a great pass

80 marks was an excellent pass

90 marks was a distinction

these grades determined how much fame you get, the likely hood of a supplier agreeing to your contract, as having someone with an excellent pass was a great opportunity for a supplier to pump and dump pokemon and pokemon eggs as people would rush into daycares with high grades and choice.

The grades come on board

he wasn't on the list of people who had failed! he had passed!

Evan was feeling overjoyed before everyone that had failed had left the room

1st place - Robert Erel - 95 marks - Distinction

2nd place - Lissandra Parator - 95 marks - Distinction

3rd place - Evan Zyra - 92 marks - Distinction

Evan looked at the screen.

Excuse me?

was there a mistake?

"Please come and get your forms of identity." Dr Isaac said, "Those who lose these have to wait over a year to get a second one, so don't lose it." Dr Isaac said

Going down the disabled ramp, Evan lined up.

The group of obnoxious boys from before muttered about him

"A cripple managed to get a pass, huh."

"Suprised that everyone didn't get it if he could."

Evan gave a smug smile before writing down his name on a piece of paper and giving it to the examiner

Evan Zyra was put on the paper, causing the examiner to look confused, shrug and then pass him the paper.

"Evan Zyra huh?" The person said "Good job kid."


Evan looked down at the slip of paper, which had several paragraphs, stamps and piracy preventers.

A Girl and A boy that looked 17 or so started to walk towards him, as Evan noticed that the girl had expensive clothes, and so did the boy.

"Evan Zyra, right?" The girl spoke first with a polite manner "Im Lissandra Parator,split 1-"

"2nd place." The boy "2nd place..."

"YOU IDIOT! WE SPLIT FIRST PLACE!" The girl popped off.

"No-no-no, it says 2nd place?" The boy had the smuggest expression a boy could conjure "Losing to such a lowly person like me, can you call yourself the successor of the Parator household."

Lissandra calmed down, before saying "May I ask what day-care you come from?"

Writing down on a piece of paper and handing it over to them, they looked at it

"You mute?" Lissandra frowned, before muttering "Green-grove.."

"You heard about this daycare?" The boy said to Lissandra

"No, be quiet Robert."

Evan was already beginning to get bored, as he watched the two bicker

Politely bowing his head, he slipped out of the two's "conversation" and went immediately to a pokemon supplier.

It was around 15:00, meaning that it was still quite busy.

As much as he didn't want to bother Syndra right now, it was a Saturday and her flower shop was closed.

He sent a text to her and after waiting an hour the familiar woman looked towards the large building in front of her

"Why did you come here?"

Evan passed her his paperwork, as she examined it

"Distinction!" Her eyes opened "Your mother got an excellent pass!"

the reason why Evan's mother made so much was that she was trusted due to the excellent pass.

"I see, you probably want to make a supply deal, right?" Syndra said as Evan nodded, before handing her a script once more he had made in the hour.

He wanted to be quick and register a supply chain before anybody else does, as it gives him more opportunity. Unlike the rich young masters that have millions to spend and have a large golden spoon in his/her's mouth, his golden spoon was only a minimal one.

Most people that passed have gone home to tell their families, but since Evan wasn't in no rush in that accord he quickly walked into the large skyscraper.

This was a wholesaler, and Evan was here to get a deal on pokemon, Pokemon eggs and the possibility of items.

He had around 700,000 of the inheritance left, which isn't a small amount, don't get him wrong, but it wasn't enough to get him a high-quality batch of pokemon eggs.

Pokemon eggs are divided into several and more categories, but it always ends up as

Apptutuide of pokemon

Breed of pokemon

Strenght of parents

Egg birth

How the egg was found

The aptitude of pokemon was divided into again, several categories.

From bottom to highest aptitude

red, orange, yellow, green , blue, purple, gold

Aptitude shows how fast a pokemon evolves, the ability to learn moves, the strength of parents etc.

It also determines the strength of offspring.

Several breeding techniques can be used to raise potential via offspring, but Evan hadn't got that much time because he was revising for the exams.

And such, with a heavy heart, Evan walked into the wholesaler's with a small smile