
Poison Master: The Estranged Heiress

Trapped within the damaged walls of her mansion located in Yuchang City, Princess Cheng found herself confined alongside her grandmother, a fallen figure within the royal circle. The elder royal was placed under house arrest, accused of involvement in promoting illicit markets and fostering corruption within the realm. Xuan Cheng, residing in poverty alongside her grandmother and two aged attendants, was compelled to mature prematurely due to these circumstances. Motivated by a fierce will to escape poverty and make sure that no one could mistreat her, Xuan Cheng committed herself to learning a variety of trades and skills in order to support herself. Xuan Cheng was gifted with the ability to heal herself in addition to her grandfather's Seven Cultivation and grandmother's Jade Eyes. She immerses herself in her grandfather's collection of books and risks everything to cultivate fearlessly on her own. At night, she would go out and battle evil cultivators who would frequently obstruct her travel plans. She founded "Duyi Pharmacy" in order to aid the underprivileged and give back to the Almighty in the form of charitable donations. Xuan Cheng is a lone cultivator of Qi who exceeded the Tian Limit. In a world where the Evil Lord had eradicated factions and groups of cultivators, Xuan Cheng encountered someone akin to her: Prince Zhao Ming, the sole individual wielding demonic Qi across the entire Diqiu realm. They both had weaknesses that affected each other, but their unspoken love made them each other's pillars of strength. Betrayal by people they trusted brought them closer, forcing them to rely on each other even more. However, fate kept testing them with many challenges and trials.

PEARL_WANG · Fantasía
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173 Chs

Losing to Destiny

The Crown Prince stood before his father and read out a letter from Jia State, surrendering themselves and becoming a vassal state, just as he ended, a page ran in and reported.

"Heavenly Jade Princess Shu departed from the world yesterday night," he announced with a heavy heart, gasping.

There was an eerie silence in the imperial court, ministers seemed to have forgotten their manners as they looked at each other dumbfounded, they had heard the rumor of a secret decree conferring Grand Imperial Princess Shu as the Heavenly Jade Princess.

However, they were not sure if it was true, they had asked the Ministry of Rites but they didn't confirm the rumor either.

If they knelt it might offend the emperor, as kneeling for criminals is a sin for them. They all waited patiently for the emperor to react.

In the side chamber, Prince Zhao Ming was playing with an iron ring puzzle, it fell from his hand, his jaw dropped and pupils expanded, the eunuchs standing beside him hurried to pick up his puzzle.

The emperor's face changed, dull and pale, he rose from his throne as the ministers fell on their knees to pay respect to the deceased, following the crown prince.

The first thing emperor did was to check up on the Xuans. Prime Minister Xuan knelt on the ground with literally no expression on his face, he looked like grieving for the deceased like any other minister would, not as someone who is supposed to react upon hearing the news of his mother.

It puzzled the emperor, he then shifted his gaze to the military row and saw Xuan Wu, the prime minister's younger son, his eyes were still, teeth-gritting, and cold just like his father, emotionless.

Their reaction took him aback, but then he thought it must be because they are too professional to lose their composure in front of so many nobles, that they were not showing their true pain.

He tried to understand the indifferent attitude of the father and son duo towards the old princess's death, but something kept bothering him. Had they cut ties with her even when she regained her prestige, they didn't attempt to reconcile?

After giving it a second thought, the emperor opened his trembling mouth to speak, "My aunt is supposed to be buried next to her husband in High Tomb, thereby, I appoint Xuan Wu to bring the coffin from Yuchang City."

Xuan Wu didn't respond, in an act showing he agreed to the emperor's oral decree.

"Ministery of Ceremonies must prepare for a grand funeral according to the rank of Heavenly Jade Princess." The emperor demanded and left the court.

He was supposed to take this unhappy news to his grandmother, the Grand Empress Dowager, and tell her that her daughter has departed from the world. The worst feeling for a mother is to see her child leaving the world before her.


Climbing down the long stairs before the Imperial Court, the ministers exited in rows, all of them talking about the old princess and sighing, feeling sympathetic and showing pity.

They were worried about the Grand Empress Dowager who was about to hit her ninety years of age and experienced the loss of another child she had not seen in twenty years.

Meanwhile, a wave of gossip emerged accusing the Xuan Family of killing their old woman purposely to gain her wealth and some spoke ill of the old princess that she was vengeful and selfish.

The Crown Prince had heard of his Grandaunt Shu and her beloved granddaughter Xuan Cheng, he could not help but approach the Prime Minister and his son, who didn't speak to anyone and sprinted their way down.

"Uncle Xuan, are you okay?" Prince Wu blocked his way on the stairs and asked worriedly.

"Yes, Your Majesty need not worry," he replied, in an extremely calm tone, the ministers passing by were bewildered and murmured among themselves. Xuan Wei, the prime minister noticed them gossiping but he chose to ignore them.

"Xuan Wu, it must be hard on you to bring back the coffin alone, how about I send Zhao Ming with you....

I know he is a good-for-nothing, but at least he can accompany you..." Prince Wu suggested as he noticed his brother, lost in his zone again, coming out of the side chamber.

"Your Majesty, no need to trouble yourself, I am fine and so is my father, we all knew she was ill and had to leave now or later...please don't tire yourself worrying for us," Xuan Wu replied, in the coldest manner ever.

Prince Wu's eyes widened; he had never seen this side of a distant cousin who used to follow him around when they were young.

The prime minister and his son continued moving down, acting as if they were assigned a new task and they had to complete it regardless of its nature.

No grief, no mourning, not even a pinch of sorrow could be seen on their faces. Let alone the tears they should have shed for the deceased.

Prince Wu stood at his place and stared at their backs, feeling an extreme chill in his bones, he rubbed his arms and shrugged.

The next moment, he noticed his brother walking past him, lost in his daydream, however, his complexion was paler than the emperor's.

"Ming'er! Wait!" Prince Wu caught up with him and walked side by side.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked, completely clueless.

"Do you need anything from me? if not then, I am going back to my palace," he reacted, his eyes were crimson, not from anger but from sadness, it was as if he could cry any moment.

"Are you disturbed because of Grandaunt's death? That's so unlike of you..." Prince Wu didn't want to accept but it was clear from Zhao Ming's expression that he had a huge blow after hearing the news.


Brother, do you remember the painting Princess Cheng gifted Eunuch Su?" he asked, his eyebrows touching his hairline.

"Yes, I do... Ayee...don't tell me you are concerned about her?" Prince Wu asked seriously.

'I certainly am, remember how eunuch Su described her condition...

She is all alone...dealing with the loss of her beloved grandmother all by herself.

Nobody is taking care of her, giving her their shoulder to cry on, she is after all a woman, how much can she bear?' he wanted to speak this out loud but his words were stuck in his throat, afraid that if anyone else heard him, there would be a chain of misunderstandings.


Why would I be worried about her?

You may not know, but I investigated, the person who sent the letters and evidence proving Grandaunt Shu innocent was nobody else, but her.

Besides, she has two brothers and a father, all three are high ranks officials, being the only daughter of the Xuan Family, she will surely be doted on and spoiled," Prince Ming replied, changing his expression like weather and rushing out to escape the eyes of his brother.

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