
Beast Flow

*** As some of my old readers remember, I usually take inspiration from some of the games I play and enjoy and use some of the beasts or bosses (of course I change a lot) that I enjoy playing against and add them to my story. Today's Chapter is Sponsored by Thundering Mephis from Wuwa. I hope you enjoy the first part of this fight.***

While half of my focus was dedicated to going alongside the Blue Sun and Tao Yang into the bastion, the other half was preoccupied with more important matters.

When and once the Rakshasa comes into the beyond, things will become ugly.

The Rakshasa themselves are already powerful enough inside the bastion to be deadly to Void Stage and Void Shattering Stage Cultivators. As for the Brutes and Silver ones, they're deadly unless one is in the Origin Realm and Shattering Realm.