
900!!! (Please Read Author's Notes!)

Outside Shen Bao's pagoda, time was going differently. The palace hosting the lab where all the research was going on seemed to be in a slight uproar of all that just happened and an incredible sense of dissatisfaction from Xuan Fei.

"Where are the reports?" Xuan Fei's voice echoed sharply across the lab, his gaze scouring the room with unmasked irritation. Half a day had passed since Shen Bao and his team entered the portal to the strange realm within his lab, and Xuan Fei's patience was wearing thin. He was not one to let precious time slip by unutilized, especially when he believed his own brilliance was at stake. This was not a simple project of exploration; it was a matter of securing his own legacy. He needed results—fast—and if stepping on Shen Bao's reputation could accelerate that process, he would take every advantage.