
Chapter Thirty Six: Lion and Tiger

Disclaimer: I own nothing here, but how did this happen? We're smarter than this.

AN: I think this goes without saying, but in case anyone was expecting this story to be canon compliant, uh no, it is very much NOT and was never meant to be. This story was always just a plot line idea I had after realizing Reylo was the Star Wars version of Beauty and Beast. (Thanks to Vincent Vendemption on youtube, of course!)

So no, don't expect this story to end anywhere to what TROS is headed for. What happens is what I've had planned from the beginning and nothing I've seen in trailers or leaks has influenced my original vision. When I see TROS in two months, I want to be as surprised and blown away as the rest of you, although getting one or two things right might be kinda nice... Ha. Enjoy!

Chapter 37 will be up 11-2-19 unless I finish 38 this week!

---Sublight engines roared a furious song as a pair of Jedi Interceptors streaked towards the monstrosity that was the Supremacy.

Inside his red fighter, Ben scoffed at the meager force of Resistance ships already engaging the First Order fleet. It was a pathetic distraction at best, but it would have to do. Curiously, the fleet was still stationed near the Mawan system, probably due to Hux's complacent eagerness to assume his new role with a public coronation.

It would be his last mistake.

"Fighters, incoming," Rey called over the comlink. "Looks like they noticed us after all."

Oddly, she didn't sound too disappointed by this. Ben glanced to his left to see her blue fighter racing alongside his, a pulsing, growling machine with S-foils poised for battle. "Let them pass between us," he told her, hoping she wouldn't engage and get pulled into a dogfight.

Glaring at the squadron of TIEs screaming past and spitting deadly blaster bolts, Ben spun and weaved his fighter, deftly avoiding the assault. A sidelong glance told him Rey had managed a similar outcome as she eased back into position beside him. "That wasn't so bad."

"They're banking back around," Ben grumbled with a sharp annoyance as his troops him. " is dead ahead. Full thrusters for the nearest hangar."

"Well have you noticed the shields are still up?" Rey snapped over the com, sounding a little frantic as her port wing caught a glancing wayward bolt.

"Sorry sweetheart," Ben replied and quickly targeted the shield's power couplings, reducing them to fire and ash. "My mistake."

The blast doors began to clamp shut as they raced for the opening. Rey eased into her controls, frowning. "Oh, I have a bad feeling about this."

"Don't ," Ben replied, a rare, optimistic humor in his voice as they were forced to dodge another volley of TIE fire. "This should be fun."

"You and I need to have a long talk after this about what qualifies as fun."

"I can think of one or two things," he replied with a devilish smirk and projected a suggestive image at her.

"Ben!" Rey yowled at him, indignant and fiercely distracted with staying alive. "Now is really not the time!"

"Agreed. Later, then," Ben replied with such an idle tone, attempting to project the illusion that they surely weren't nearly plunging to their deaths. "Works for me."

"Look you," Rey grumbled at him, quickly losing her patience with him as she dodged more laser fire. "Less talking, more flying."

"Remember to stick to the plan," Ben responded and re-positioned his fighter to fly symmetrically with hers. He noted offhandedly how the hulking mass of a destroyer, specifically the Fellfire, had crept up behind them, cutting off any potential escape, as if that was an option now. "We land, we jump out, swords blazing."

"Right," Rey said, teeth gritted, her mind drifting briefly to Zeroes and his squad. "But at least not kill anyone if you don't have to?"

"I try," Ben replied, sounding genuine, though his tone shifted to a stern one. "But have to focus on surviving, or else all of this will be for nothing."

"Agreed," Rey said firmly as their fighters howled towards the hangar bay opening, towards their destiny.---

The hangar was eerily quiet and deserted as Rey's boots thumped against the slick, black floor, Ben lighting beside her an instant later as their fighters hissed and ticked from their hasty entry. "We were expected," his deep voice grumbled, gaze locked on the nearest double-doors as they parted in deference to three dark clad figures.

Three red blades screeched to life as the doors closed behind them. "Welcome back Ren," Vallis' distorted voice crackled a sickly sweet tune through her helmet. "We were growing entirely too bored without you."

Ben stepped forth, his gaze drifting suggestively around the hangar. "What, no special forces?" A taunting smirk, a nod of his head. "Just you three? Where are the other knights?"

Rey matched his stride and took satisfaction at how Vallis seemed to bristle ever so slightly in response. "I'm not so stupid so as to supply you with an unlimited supply of blaster fire to deflect back at us." She tipped her head smugly and gestured at her two companions. "As for the three siblings, I assume they're waiting to join the victor here. Not that it matters, you're still outnumbered, if you couldn't tell."

"Hardly," Ben scoffed as he and Rey came to a halt, their Lion and Tiger spirits materializing for only them to see, both growling with fierce anticipation. "If you only what stood with us."

"We have a job to do, Ben," Rey chastised with a smirk. "You could at least not to upset her."

"Enough of this," Vallis hissed and jerked her head at her two cohorts, spurring them into a prowling march. "It's time we ended this aged game."

With their enemies fast approaching, Ben hurriedly turned to Rey and clasped a hand over her wrist, the one bound by his engagement gift. "Just as we planned," he told her, their eyes linked for a fleeting instant. "You have everything you need."

Rey smirked back at him, her gaze flitting to the shield door, or rather, what drifted it. "So do you."

They drew apart reluctantly as Kento and Marek came into range, their red lightsabers spitting fire and rage, their combat stances exuding a savage, killing intent.

Ben did not like his role in this fight, nor did he agree with it, but he would accept it. He trusted Rey would play her part and play it well... so long as they both just stayed focused. He knelt down on the floor and, going against every instinct in his body, closed his eyes, his Ralltiir Tiger rumbling above him almost encouragingly.

Violet saber ignited, Rey lunged, her Rock-Lion roaring along with her as she entered the fray, ducking, weaving and slashing at her dark clad opponents.

The two men were immediately put on the defensive, momentarily bewildered by their former master's odd behavior. Rey on the other hand, felt such a powerful surge of energy pass through her that she was sure time had slowed around her. It was energy, intense and confident. It was as if his very fighting spirit had merged with her own.

With her movements suddenly flowing as fluidly as the light through hyperspace, Rey danced and struck at her sluggish opponents, scoring only superficial wounds and stunning them into submission when Vallis suddenly fell upon her, snarling and spitting ancient curses.