
please reset the booktitle WinterFox 20231218092329 95

"if a person is thirsty, I shall give them water. If a person is hungry, I shall feed them. If a person need shelter, I shall let them in. if a person started acting like a monster, I shall kill IT. " A kind hearted person yet demonic way of thinking, great mind and high tempered, wise and dependable, a guy either good or bad,a guy who never will never stop dreaming, a guy who never say awful words, a guy that never lose his composure and a guy who want equality. It's Ren Onizuka! "you used me but I won't take revenge, you mocked me but I won't retort, you bullied me but I won't fight back, toyed me but I won't teach you how it's played, made me lose face but I won't do the same, you break me but I won't harm you, you killed them so I'll kill you too"

WinterFox · Horror
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4 Chs

"Don't Neglect Your Training!"

Lelita hurriedly took off her phone from her pocket and dialed a number.

"Hello? Satsuki nee-san" said lelita when someone picked up the call.

(Nee-san means older sister,it can also be called Aneki and Aniki or nii-san for older brother)

"Lelita? Need something?" Satsuki answered in the other line.

"Can you come pick him up now?"

"I guess. . .why?"

"He's being bullied at school and won't even tell me what's wrong, I guess if it's you he might have a peaceful day at school" Lelita explained.

". . . . Got it, I'm on my way now" Satsuki answered in an annoyed tone, she then hung up.

". . . ?" Lelita was confuse why Satsuki answered annoyedly .




After a few minutes of waiting, Satsuki opened the orphanage door with a bang!. Panting from exhaustion while showing an angry and annoyed expression that almost ruined her beautiful face, she came in,going straight to Ren's room.

Lelita was there but she thinks stopping her sister would be bad

because it's her first time seeing her that mad.

"Ren! You better come out here, right now!" Satsuki shouted in front of Ren's door. Ren quickly open the door and was so surprised to see her "Oni. . .zuka-san?" said Ren.

She grab Ren's shirt collar and headbutted Ren. "Trying to neglect your training? I'll freaking squeeze your soul outta you!" She headbutted Ren again that made both their heads started to bled "who are you calling Onizuka? The three of us are Onizuka's idiiiiot!" .

Ren looked away and said "I'm sorry" . Satsuki put Ren down and started to launch an attack, Ren can feel her faint bloodlust so he already know that she will attack in seconds.

A punch from Satsuki was about to hit Ren's eyes when Ren sluggishly

avoided it by moving his head slightly to the right. Followed by another left punch to the right middle side of Ren's body(stomach), Ren blocked it using his hands.

A right punch was aiming to Ren's left shoulder,Ren dodged as the right punch change route from the shoulder to the stomach, Ren dodged by jumping backward inside his room.

"You've really gotten yourself better huh?" Satsuki smiled and standed

straight,her smile vanished and a serious and angry expression appeared on her beautiful face,"now,strip!" She ordered.

"Huh?" Ren asked confusedly at the same time afraid,afraid that he might got cought lying about not being bullied.(I kinda like what you're thinking(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻)

"Have you gone deaf?!?, Take off your clothes and leave your underwear behind!!! Hurry up!" She ordered impatiently and crossed her arms.

She's not the kind of girl who's patient and timid,she's scary but kind,has some screw lose sometimes but a real genius when serious.

That leaves Ren no choice but to do as he was told. Ren first took off his shirt and bruises,scars, bleeding wound,scrapes,and scrathes can be seen. Satsuki facepalmed as she give off a long deep sigh before saying "turn around".

Ren turn around and that revealed an old scars and fresh wounds from when he was pushed to the wall. Satsuki comes closer to Ren and poke the fresh wound. "Does it hurt?" She asked like she didn't know the definition of 'common sense'.

"Yes." A short reply from Ren. Satsuki patted Ren's head and said "idiiiiot, If it hurts just say so! Don't just bear with it!" She comforted with a . . . How do I say this?. . . unique way?.

". . .okay" Ren answered. Satsuki sits on Ren's bed, "now, take off your pants, why are you even wearing those? It's hot here at night"

Satsuki ordered again.

Ren took off his pants and purple bulges and scars are seen from his milky white legs.

Satsuki wanted to ask what in the world did Ren has been through all his five years on hands of that mad scientist that has been jailed and ten years of training from his deceased father but words can't seem to be uttered from her mouth.

Satsuki closed her eyes as tears started to fall from it. Ren stand still, no reaction about what he was seeing right infront of him. "Satsuki-san why are you crying? Please do not cry, I feel like I'm bullying you" said Ren without joking.

Satsuki gasped, forgetting about Ren infront of her, "idiiiiot! Who's crying? I know I don't" said Satsuki and wipe off her tears then pat Ren's head." Put on your clothes, we're going home".

" Home? Isn't this my home?" Ren confusedly asked.

" Long story-short. Father said I must take you in when he dies also he wanted me to deliver a massage to you, he said "you don't need to waste your time working on the orphanage,live a healthy life,stay away from drugs gamble and sex,don't drink alcohol until you're twenty,don't sleep late at night,forget about me because I'm in a lot more beautiful place than you guys are, don't neglect your training and do what Satsuki told you to do" Satsuki explained patiently.

Although the old man died month ago right before his wife died, Satsuki was just to lazy to go to the orphanage just to pick up Ren.

" Gramps died month ago" said Ren. "Yeah-yeah my bad, I'm too lazy to pick you up so I'm a bit la- I mean a month late" Satsuki answered honestly though,if I were Ren I would certainly hit Satsuki in the head for being too lazy.

"Satsuki-san doesn't look like she wanted me to live with her so why not just let me stay here?" Ren noticed it!. Satsuki was speechless,though what Ren said was true,she can't possibly let Ren get bullied and overworked,and she can't possibly disobey her father's last order,can she.

"You're right . . . but I can't agree with you on that,were going home wether you like it or not" Satsuki must convince Ren or force him just to go with her home.


(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻

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