
please reset the booktitle Shane_Dalton 20231218092329 26

A meek woman living as a commoner in the warring era. She gets captured by enemy troops, and brutally tortured for information on her nation. But what does a commoner know about the dynamic of her country? She isn't in the know, so they continue to torture her. They take turns doing unspeakable things to her, and one day she snaps. They toss her away in a remote location in the mountains, leaving her to die. She prays to any god that will give her the power to take her revenge out on the world for treating her so. And one goddess hears her plea. Nyx, of the Night. She bestows a gift to this hurt women. The power of shadow and darkness, the power to wreak havoc on all living creatures. She grants her the power of the Vampire. What's more, she offers a boon along side it, making her a pure blood vampire, a being whom isn't affected by the usual weaknesses of the vampire race, such as sunlight, or religion. There is just one thing the goddess asks,"Destroy the world, and you shall gain entry into my loving embrace." What will Evangeline do? Will she become death itself, or be the same weak hearted commoner? Or will she go one step further, and give her new goddess a boon that even she couldn't anticipate? (Author's Note) I will drop 4 to 6 chapters a week starting on Monday every week. I just don't write on Friday or Sunday.

Shane_Dalton · Fantasía
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8 Chs

The Plan, and More Sex

I feel something bump into my face a bit. I'm so tired, I just let it go though. This spot is comfortable. I feel another bump, so I decide to bite whatever is bumping me. My teeth connect and my eyes open. 'Shit, this is Melissa's pussy...'

"Ahhhhhhhh," Melissa shouts, sitting upright and grabbing my head pulling me closer. I close my eyes and think to myself, 'She just squirted in my mouth. I totally just started another round of sex, didn't I?'

After a few hours of intense and powerful orgasms, I'm finally out of bed. That orgy we had yesterday was fun, but this morning, this morning was intense. I probably shouldn't have fallen asleep between her legs last night.

I'm still walking to my new barracks, ready to plan for this upcoming war. Melissa is beside me as well, walking with my ass in her hand. Since everyone in town has done the deed with one another, none of us walk with clothes on. So when I say my ass is in her hand, I mean that literally. And we are both limping a bit from all of the activities we have been doing. I know, how in the world are vampires limping from too much sex? Well, I don't really know, but damn I'm sore. We are all female, so how are we sore? Easy, it seems fisting is common now. I swear, I don't know who decided that was a good idea, but I will be doing it a lot more with all of these beautiful women.

Anyway, back to the war. I finally made it to the barracks where everyone is waiting for me, naked. "Hmph, I wanted everyone here to let them know we are going to be attacking the country of Willow tomorrow. The plan is simple, we will run to the city of Charleston, in the dead of night, and eliminate the military forces there. The night gives us the advantage, and no one will see us unless we want them to. Any questions?"

One of the girls in the front, who was just rubbing her pussy while watching me speak, stepped forward playing with her tits some more. "My queen, can we capture some females to bring back? I want some more fun." I look at her, amused.

I nod my head to her, "Yes, Joanne, we will be converting the whole city actually. Though, I plan on our city to be female only. I don't want men around seeing me naked every day. Plus, everyone has sex when they want around here, even in the middle of the street. So yeah, converting but leaving everyone who doesn't want to be like us, and no men. All vampires will be female."

Joanne looks at me with heat this time, and walks over to me. She crouched between my legs and started to eat my pussy, making me sway. The next thing I know, everyone is apart of another orgy. 'I swear, how did we all become sex addicts,' I think to myself, cumming in Joanne's mouth. Well, at least we have a few more hours before we move out. Can't complain too much with a beautiful woman's mouth on my pussy...

Hope y'all don't mind this chapter. Basically a tiny build up for the next chapter which will include a blood bath and the spreading of Etherium. I will drop a hint, vampires aren't the only supernatural creatures...

Shane_Daltoncreators' thoughts