
please reset the booktitle Monu03 20231218092329 72

“I was before everything and I will be after everything destroyed.” Witness being overpowered in a society in which civilians somehow got the power of the gods.

Monu03 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs


"Lord, group four consisted of all herbivores. They are familiar with all herbs and edible plants. And as you have commanded, they are only at your service.

And Finally group five, my apologies, I created this group without your permission, but the group consists of undead insects. They can be used as spies."

Om was looking at the army with wide opened eyes. He was astonished that few days ago he was a normal human being, and now he became an owner of an army that can easily rival any nation in his world. Astonished, Om looked at Yama, "did you say something?"

Proudly looking at the army, Yama, "I distributed all dead in my arsenal according to your instruction and also added a group five for secretly spying purpose. I hope you are satisfied with my arrangements."

"Hmm, You did an impressive job. Keep it up", baffled Om replied.

Yama lifted his whip hunter and slapped it on the ground. As the slap was done, all five group similar to human armies got into attention position. Yama kneeled, "lord they are at your service, command them."

Om was already shocked at their might, but he never wanted to dull his colours in front of them, so, he did the same. Let them witness, what their lord is capable of. He activated the combination of Rage of god and weapon master skills. His entire body released a Massive amount of red black aura, the pressure from Om made all skeletons and Yama to step away from him. Om looked at the sky. The aura he released started to increase at tremendous rate and soured even towards sky. The black night sky that was clear until now was covered entirely in pitch red clouds. Those clouds started to roar and release red lightening from them. Witnessing the strength of their Lord, the whole army felt motivated and also release their white black aura in respect to their king. The Graveyard was now looked like it was on fire.

At the same time, three opposite side of the forest, Nandi, Damon, elf princes and respective their follower, were looking in the direction of the Graveyard. A pressure that can be felt from miles terrified them all. Nandi, Damon and elf princess were able to stand against the pressure, but their followers started to fall unconscious.

Nandi and Damon were sure that this pressure is the same as they felt previously from that red mass of energy. According to Damon and Nandi, the source of pressure was coming from the restricted zone of the forest.

When any beast was about to die they walk towards the graveyard and what happened to them afterwards was unknown to them. But What all residents of the forest formulated a tale that, in their final breaths, the dying beast goes there to sacrifice their body and fertilize the Forest. In respect and also in fear, no one until now dared to go inside the graveyard. But now, the Graveyard was releasing an enormous amount of oppressive pressure.

At the same moment all three, Damon, Nandi and the Elf princess, "a storm is about to come. We need to prepare Our self. Call everyone."

In the graveyard, the undead Army of skeletons first stopped their death aura behind them, Om stopped. The red clouds above the graveyard slowly disappeared, and the sky turned normal and stars became visible. Leaders of the other four groups came and kneeled in front of Om, "I want to avoid disturbing the residents of the forest. Therefore, we do our work at night and again gather at the graveyard before sun rises. If any urgent case appears, send the fastest member of your group to deliver the message."

Om made a tyrannical face and again activated his skill rage of god. His body leaked a little bloodlust. His eyes were on dark red flame, "This is your first mission, you are responsible for completing the task given to you successfully. I hope you do your best. In case, if I will not feel satisfied of your performance. You will find what chaos means. I hope you give your all.

Now everyone, go and show me what you are capable of."

At Om's command, all the leaders returned to their respective groups started to depart. The first group to depart was the group led by the king of birds-Jatayu. Upon signal from Yama, the second to depart was the group five of insect spies, third was Group three leads by werewolf Yaksa and fourth was group two led by king of apes-Sugriva. Only the last group that was about to be led by Om remained there.

All undead skeletons were on black white flames which can be noticed from a long distance. The sky was now looked more decorated than it was before with stars. The land looked like it was on fire. This massive army little by little disappeared in the more massive forest.

Worried Om, "I don't mean to disturb the residents of the forest, but the flames on the dead make me worry about the future. Hope everything will be fine."

Yama came close to Om and asked, "my lord, I want to remain here."

Om asked, "why?"

Yama replied, "I now control all dead that were present on the land, but there is also a massive pond. This Pond also continuously releasing death Aura. For some unknown reason, I was unable to control the dead that are inside the pond. My lord, if your army get a group that is capable of performing underwater, then it will be a good addition. Furthermore, I will control Group five from here."

Every time Yama do something, he amazed Om. what Yama did was always well planned with the best possible results without many loopholes. Amazed, Om, "I now believe in you. Do what you want and also there is no need to always ask for my permission. Just never over do and don't bring me shame."

The horse that Om came riding on, came. Om sat on it with a jump and turn towards the forest. All the members of group four were behind him. The purpose of this group was to locate edible food and herbs. But the main objective of Om was to try his newly acquired skill, 'divine eyes'. His divine eyes let him know about any of his target. With combination of his skill and expertise of herbivores, their search will become more efficient.

Floating above the forest, Soul also felt the pressure from the graveyard. He immediately knew that it was from Om. he may have felt the pressure from Om many times, but every time he was amazed at how can a person who just acquired these abilities and responsibilities perform so perfectly. Amazed, Soul thought, "So Om and Yama are on the move. How they deal with the situations in the forest will be a sight to see. "

Terrified of that pressure, the whole forest was in turmoil. All the residents either it were herbivores or carnivores, similar to them other races that were led by elves were now on move to find a safe shelter. Only the strongest member were allowed to stay out, but only to guard. For herbivores, carnivores, and alien races, that pressure was a clear warning that something dangerous is coming. It was a clear warning to them that the enemy was showcasing his might.

A group of monkeys was escaping by jumping over the tree from branch to branch. A monkey from the group noticed that a blinking light was approaching towards their direction. One by one more monkeys noticed and all of them stopped. As the light approached toward them, it turned from one to many blinking light and from many to lights to floating flames. Not just in front of them, but above the forest over them and also on land. Their look changed form, curious to know what those flames were to what terror means, as those flames started to turn into moving skeletons on flames. In front of them was the Sugriva's group.

A monkey noticed that the dead in front of them were of an extinct beast race called Vanara, he immediately shouted, "Vanaras are back. After they extinct we took their place for ourselves now they came back to seek revenge. Run, run for lives."

Hearing the words from that monkey, monkeys became more terrified, but they were unable to move. In front of walking dead, their bodies didn't listen to them. As the Vanaras and monkeys were near to each other, monkeys fell unconscious due to fear. The Sugriva's group thoroughly ignored them and passed through the small group of Monkeys. Not just monkeys, but all other native races of the forest witness the same miracle in front of them. In a single night, the whole forest now knows what chaos and terror means.

But races that were not native to the forest, ogre, orcs, goblins, and elves were war loving races. They were terrified at the scene in front of them, but they didn't fall back, instead took weapons in hand, ready for battle. The group of dead that was in front of them was group three led by werewolf 'Yaksa'.