
please reset the booktitle Monu03 20231218092329 72

“I was before everything and I will be after everything destroyed.” Witness being overpowered in a society in which civilians somehow got the power of the gods.

Monu03 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs


Somewhere in the forest, Soul was floating above the trees looking below. His both hand were folded. There, he was watching some humanoid figures brutally killing animals. He witnessed the whole scene from abduction of animals to brutality of their deaths. He slowly moved down towards those figures. Upon closer look, he found out that those figures were of some different humanoid races. Those races were of orcs, ogre, goblins and elves. Their group was of around a hundred and made of some warriors and mages.

Orcs were wearing bones of beasts like armour, Their skin ranged from green, to brown, to gray and shades in between. Most orcs had fangs or tusks of some sort, lupin ears, red eyes, claw hands, and an aggressive temperament. They were very disorganized and continuously slashing even dead beasts. They enjoyed cruelty and suffering from beasts.

Despite having unappealing looks, goblins were beings having human characteristics. They were small, dark-skinned creatures, almost resembling a dwarf, there were some giant goblins whose height was up to six feet. They had big ears and noses, with filthy, yellow, crooked teeth. Not only that, but they just wore animal skin to cover their bodies. Furthermore, there were some small one with thin and giant one with thick brows. They had a rough, slightly high-pitched voice, mixing human language with their own.

Ogres were seen to be noticeably large. They were all man-like in appearance, but their size clarified that they are not human in nature. They were extremely tall, which tended to give them associations with some types of giants, and tend to be very stout. Their bodies were noted to be strong and sturdy. Ogres had an excess of hair. This only added to their fearsome appearance and made them look even more animalistic. The majority of ogres were also had a skin tone that was not similar to that of humans. The most common colours were shades of green and blue.

The most noticeable one was the race of Elves, they were too organized, just by battle formation, it was clear that they were the one to lead other races. Elves did not possess facial or body hair, They had fair and smooth skin, hair that runs in hues from silver-white to black or blue. Unusually attractive, but their artistically crafted armour made them look more like a war loving race.

Soul thought, "This races never were part of their universe, so how do they come to this universe more over to this dimension?" to get further information about this unknown changes in stages, he was spying over these intruders. He took advantage of him, being invisible to other's except of Om and those who already know about him, like final bosses.

When he was guarding Om in the graveyard, he noticed that all living beasts feel scared near the graveyard and never tried to enter in. So, he thought to leaves Om in there and started to get information by wandering the forest. He wanted to know why plans to improve Om were continuously disturbed. When they entered the forest for the first, Om may not have noticed, but Soul immediately noticed that they didn't get the mission notification for stage 2 or to clear this dimension.

Soul went near them to have a closer look there, he wanted to save the abductees. But since he didn't have a body to begin with, him wasn't able to touch any of them. He continuously tried to attack those humanoids, but wasn't able to. Every time he tried, he passed through.

In the midst of that, Soul noticed that someone was continuously gazing at him. That was a young female elf with silver-blue hair, golden rob and a wooden magical staff which was continuously emitting a green aura from it. Her age from the looks of her should be around fifteen to twenty years, but elves tends to live longer and grow slower that humans, so knowing her age was impossible for Soul. Her sharp gaze was full of hatred, everywhere Soul moved she turned her head in that direction. Soul was now certain that, "She can notice me, but she is not reacting, why?"

Soul stopped moving, the female elf turned her gaze away from Soul. She closed her eyes, lifted her magical staff using both her hands and started chanting. Mana surrounding the whole group started to gather at the top of her staff.

She quickly opened her eye's and shouted, "Flames of Agni, turn my Enemies to ashes". Gathered Aura at her staff started to turn into red-saffron colour. The temperature from her spell didn't harm her, but other's around her took steps back. She catapulted her spell at abducted beasts. In a fraction of a second, everything there disintegrated. Even the ground there melted. Except of elves, all other races hesitated to look at her. Heads of all were down. Together, all elves, ogres, orcs, and goblins kneeled and shouted, "hail to the princess of Elves".

Soul quickly picked pace and ran away from her. The direction he went to was towards the graveyard.

Inside the graveyard, Yama, "my lord, these are the fasted and most agile undead in my arsenal."

Om's mouth was opened and was in awe. In front of him, lots of giant large birds, insects, reptiles, and beasts like cheetah, wolf and species of apes were there. There were also some undead skeletons who were half human and half beasts.

He was faster than those skeletons if he uses his skills, but in his base he was not even close to the weakest of the undead Yama had. He was amazed at their speed and abilities. For Om, those undead were merely just animals, but witnessing their organized formations, he understood that these guys were not just any beasts, but beast warriors. He was amazed at their performance, but behaved like he was not impressed much.

Shocked, Om, "This is the best they can do. They are not as fast as me."

Yama replied in respect, "off course, my lord, You are the mightiest in the entire creation. They must be blessed, they were compared to you by yourself." Om's heart was pierced as he heard words from Yama. He coughed in shame. Yama may have said those words in respect for his lord, but for Om, those words were full of sarcasm.

Again picked himself up, Om took two steps forward, and commanded Yama, "Yama! Summon everyone and distribute them in four groups. Name them from one to four. Group one for surveying the forest from above, group two for gathering information from land and trees, group three for finding and collecting equipments and treasures from the forest and finally, group four for collecting herbs and food. I will lead group four personally."

Yama first summoned his black hunter, Yama's eyes release a combination of white and black flames with it the hunter in his hand ignited itself in similar flames. He swung that hunter from his right to left side. The flames released from his hunter expanded for miles and one by one more and more skeletons started to appear from the burning land. In front of them were about a hundred of thousands of undead skeleton's already arranged in four groups.

"My lord, I summoned all your loyal subjects according to your instructions,

Group one, led by this giant vulture's skeleton named 'Jatayu'. He was the former king of Birds. This group is consists of birds. They have good agility and speed. They are for surveying the forest.

Group two, led by this half humanoid and half ape skeleton named 'Sugriva'. He was the king of a race called 'Vanara'. All the members of Vanara race are part of his group. They are agile on land as well as on tree. They also possess enormous strength.

Group three, led by this skeleton of werewolf named 'Yaksa'. He was the king of the race 'Yaksha'. They were also known by the name of 'keepers of treasures'. They might know the location of all the treasures hidden in the forest.

My lord, why wanted to search for equipments? This beast certainly have intelligence, but they are not that developed yet, or they may have lost the knowledge to use objects. Even if they find some equipments in treasures. Those equipments may not be useful any more."

Om replied calmly, "if you have noticed that I came on a horse that had a saddle on it, Means there are still some people who ride horse and use equipments. Also in the outside region of the graveyard the bodies of recently died beasts were found and in the middle where we are right now this beast according to you are extinct species. And the condition of the saddle is still good, means he died recently. There might be a good chance that we find something useful."

Yama felt pleasure at his lord's wisdom, "My lord, your wisdom knows no bound. I would rather not waste any more time and finish explaining, so, I can learn more from you."