
please reset the booktitle JiMMY 20231218092329 96

This is the story of a king who was cursed to death by his own family. Newa Johnny is the son of demon king henry and Holy angel continent Princess Jane. Both were never meant to be together still there feelings got better of them and Johnny was born, only to get betrayed by his own mother's family, left to die in death valley. This is the story of "Johnny the demon king" as how he strives to survive in this cruel world for only one dream in eyes "One day I'll unite and rule this whole world" Hello Its my first time to write something, so I hope everyone will help and point out my mistakes in this, so I can do better in future. [P.S- I dont own the cover, pls tell me if there are any complaints, I'll take it down]

JiMMY · Historia
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2 Chs

Meeting at Holy Angel Continent

In Royal Palace of Holy angel continent,

There was a meeting going on between queen of holy angel continent and king of sky Conquering continent. The all top figures of both continent are present here and were discussing how to defeat this new and talented demon king Henry.

Queen of Holy angel continent chelsa and also both her daughters Jane and Yelin as well as general of Holy angel continents army Mira was present.

From sky Conquering continent the king Philip and his only son crown prince Lucas and general of their army Sebastian was there.

"So what should we do now? Since last month there are almost a million casualties from our side and I guess the same for you, right? Is there no way to defeat this new evil demon king?" the queen Chelsa asked.

"Yeah you are right, in fact the casualties from my side are even greater and I'm having headache for what to do, this evil demon Is getting on my nerves now and if this all goes on then sooner or later we will get defeated by him" Said Phillip the Sky demon continent king .

"Ughhh, Is there no way to defeat him?" shouted the queen in rage.

"Mother, I think there is a way" said Yelin the second daughter of queen.

"Shut up! Even all the great figures of both continent couldn't find any way to defeat or kill him and you an eighteen year old girl says you have a way" shouted the queen "have you ever seen the battlefield? do you know anything about war? What idea you have? You haven't even killed an ant until today but you say you have a way to kill the demon king?"

Yelin lowered her head in disappointment. She knew her mother would never listen to her.

since her childhood her mother always biased toward her elder sister and Yelin was always jealous of her.

Yelin always tried to get her elder sister in trouble in every way possible so her mother would hate Jane and love herself.

Oblivious to her little sister's thoughts, Jane was very simple minded and always loved her little sister.

Jane would always try to take care of her little sister, since childhood every time her mother gave her anything as a gift or reward, Jane would share it with her little sister. there were times when Yelin will unreasonably asked for things from Jane that she loves but kind and pure Jane always gave yelin anything she want without second thought.

Jane Her elder sister was most beautiful girl in all three continents, people always called her a fairy that descended from heaven to this world. Beautiful and innocent face, mesmerising figure and kind nature. Not only that but she was also very talented, except for war and battle related things, all the other things are managed by Jane and she would do everything with very efficiency.

Her mother the queen of holy angel continent was very happy with her and because of Jane's help she could focus only on war.

Her mother was even trying to bethrow Jane to the crown prince of sky Conquering continent, but sadly Jane always opposed to the idea. Even so her mother already warned her to make up her mind because after the war she would have to marry the crown prince no matter what.

The crown prince was sitting exactly opposite of Jane and watching at her body with lustful eyes over and over again. Jane was already annoyed by his lustful gaze but there was nothing she could do and the thought of marrying such person was already creeping her out.

As for crown prince Lucas, he already thought of Jane as his own property. He knew sooner or later she will become his and was very eager to pounce on her to eat up his fill.

Jane was already in dilemma because of this issue and now her little sister was trying to spill her secret to her mother in front of everyone from both continent. Jane was cursing herself in her mind for spilling everything in front of her little sister.

Jane was very nervous at the moment because she didn't knew if her sister will tell her secret to her mother. If her sister told her mother about her secret then her life will he living hell.