
please reset the booktitle Irene_Fernandze 20231218092329 1

It has been said that, before you embark on a journey for revenge you must first dig two graves. In a world where power and authority are prioritized over morality and compassion, Athena who is now Luna is born to one of the most powerful families on the continent, possessing the power to control the superior dragon race. Due to the hatred, she bears for the person she loved the most she sets out on a quest for power. Power enough to defy the heavens and slaughter all those who opposed her. Will she be consumed by her thirst for power and revenge or will she find her salvation and heal her wounds from the past. Find out in this book

Irene_Fernandze · Fantasía
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33 Chs


The duke; duchess and Zach were surprised to see Luna suddenly lose her cool. She has always been level-headed and can control her emotions. As soon as Lucy sensed the chilling air emitted from Luna she rushed to the rescue. "Lulu are you alright dear", she asked as she kept her in a tight embrace. "M-mommy you're suffocating me", she complained and Lucy immediately loosened her hold on Luna. "I'm okay mom, you don't have to worry. It's just that I'm a little frustrated", she confessed. "Don't worry darling, your mana will be replenished in time for your next fight and if it isn't you can just absorb an energy crystal, ok", she said with a sweet smile, and Luna quickly nodded. "How precious, I forgot that you're still a baby who still needs to be comforted by mommy Lulu", Zach teased causing Luna to glare at him. "SHUT UP", she yelled with her cheeks flushing red, obviously embarrassed. "Stop it you two, we have guests", Arthur informed and began introducing Luna and her team to the guests.

"Lady Luna, your magic is quite impressive", Samantha commented "But I don't think you should keep tormenting the prince and his group with your words"

"To be honest, the insults were a way for me to take revenge. A few months ago the prince was brazen enough to slap Tiana, so this was my way of repaying him", she explained, "That mutt should know his place".

Samantha and Luna kept up their conversation until it was finally time for Sam to leave as her next match for the day was about to begin.