
please reset the booktitle Honeybae_9 20231218092329 9

To all those people who are still in search of love.

Honeybae_9 · Adolescente
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2 Chs

1 : Introduction

Have you ever felt like loosing all your hope to live a life,

but don't want to die too ?

Like hanging from a thin thread,

from which anytime you had jump to.

From our childhood, we are told about the difference between us, humans and the animals that roam around in the street, but is there really any difference? What's the difference between a human and an animal? Both hunt for their desire, isn't it? An animal hunt for their desire of not starving to death while a human kills in their desire for power, greed, lust, etc. If we see from this aspect, aren't we more inferior than an animal?

You know what makes a human different from other species? It's the empathy. The feeling which we share with others. A normal person's hand will shake while killing another innocent being. Their mind will cross with this question, " Is it really right to kill him/her."

At the beginning of the human civilisation, men's heart used to be filled with love and affection for other fellow mates. It was pure. But with the passage of time and advent of technology, lust, greed, hatred etc started contaminating their heart, diminishing the feeling of empathy.

All my life, I have seen numerous human beings and to tell you the truth, ninty percent of them were empty shells of vanity, hatred, etc. Desire, lust, greed resembles the fire which can engulf the whole earth and transform it into ashes while hatred resembles the slow ice that can slowly freeze the earth to death. Both of them are hazardous.

In all these things we forget what's the most important thing in our life. Falling into despair, taking numerous pills a day and enclosing oneself into the four walls of a room. There was once a man who told that, "It takes long time to realise how miserable you are and even a long time to realise that it does not have to be that day. "

Like that poem of Robert Frost -

It took me years to realise my own mistake.

All the wrong choices I made,

that ate my soul day by day.

It was then I realise, that I must make some amendments, even if it makes me a villain.

During my childhood I was afraid of a certain thing. I used to think that if I fail to make a handful number of friends, I would be left all alone and that loneliness would slowly shatter me into crumbles.

Remember those school essays? When your teacher used to instruct everyone in the class to write an essay about your best friend? I always used to look out thinking that if someone had written my name in their essay but not even one time I ever found my name in someone's handwritten essay. To be honest, that was very disappointing for me.

When I reached my fourth grade, in my section not even a single person was my friend. I had a few friends who got seperated during the new grade.

I still remember coming back to my home and crying out loud because I had no one to talk in my section. My mother became concerned about me, and told me to make new friends. Well the idea was not that bad.

And that's how my journey on making friends begun.

My journey of finding my own identity.

My journey of finding true love.




To be continued ~