
please reset the booktitle Fulmineboltex 20231218092329 72

Ready to swallow the light? In September 2019, the world was thrown into chaos as a monster invasion began to overthrow everything we know – morals, politics, science and society. In the midst of this upheaval, a young man named Deimos finds himself at the center of it all. Despite his cynical nature, he must navigate this new reality and figure out how to adjust to this new environment. Disclamer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Fulmineboltex · Fantasía
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32 Chs

7 - G195(1)

[1 Day after mana entered earth's atmosphere]

[Somewhere in a secluded island]

The leaders of 195 Nations were ready to start the first global meeting in history. The location had been kept secret from the media due the risk of destabilizing the entire world if a terrorist attack was to occur.

In a plain, but massive room thousands of people were impatiently waiting.

A 37 years old man followed by many interpreters finally walked on the stage. He was dressed in a blue business suit with a yellow necktie. The man turned on the microphone.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Douglas Scott. I have been chosen as the moderator for this conference. I'm deeply sorry for the spartan look of this structure, however we had close to no time to set this meeting up.

I'm going to list a few rules in order to make this conference as civil as possible. One, only arguments and problems about mana/magic are allowed, any different kind of topic will be ignored. Two, if you want to take the floor you will have to wait until your turn comes, which is defined by the alphabetical order. Three, unless you want to suggest a law/agreement that leads to a voting session, you will only have 5 minutes on stage.

Ah, one more thing. The scientific community led by the genius Nicola Tusk will share some key information before we begin the actual debate."

As he ended his speech a clearly sleep deprived man walked on stage and snatched the mic from Douglas' hands. The man was dressed with a lab coat, his hair greasy and messy. The dark circles around his eyes told everything on their own.

"Hmhmm Mic test. Can everyone hear me?"

After a brief pause, the scientist kept on speaking.

"Since there are no complaints, let's start. Me and various scientists have been working 30 hours straight to untangle some of these mysteries. Here is what we managed to find out:

Mana is a completely new subatomic particle. Most of the common physical laws don't apply to mana shattering principles that have lasted hundreds of years.

Mana particles emit a unique form of radiation. We used some of the already existing satellites to scan earth looking for that specific radiation signature.

Thanks to this factor, we were able to get an important piece of information. This is of course a rough estimate but, around 3% of the world population emits a significant amount of radiation, 96.9% release a small amount and less than 0.1% emits none. As you can probably guess, the 3% is most likely the people that awakened super powers."

Great murmur could be heard in the room. "As expected from Mr. Tusk! He already figured out this much!" a politician exclaimed.

'Figured out this much? Compared with that person I'm nothing but a clown in a coat.'

Once again he started speaking

"Mana potential is unknown, but one thing is for sure; It is a form of energy, and can potentially revolutionize 90% of the global industry."

He then showcased a gray crystal, just a few cm in diameter.

"This crystal was extracted from a monster inside a spacial crack."

before he could keep explaining the leader of a small country abruptly interrupted.

"Monsters? Nonsense! The existence of mana is undeniable, but I have not seen a single monster."

'Why are morons allowed to lead a country?' Nicola wondered.

"I don't have the footage, but we do have some corpses as proof. They have been provided by Friedrich Schulz. He is Germany most decorated general."

The German leader nodded in approval.

The corpses of 2 unreasonably big beasts were carried into the room. The monsters were similar to beavers, however they had the size of a horse and a duck beak.

Silence instantly fell on the room.

"Here is your proof. These corpses have been extremely important for our research. The crystal extracted from these bodies can potentially be a gold mine. I'm convinced that they have millions of different possible applications.

We haven't figured out a way to utilize them yet, but we are sure we will find a way to convert mana into energy soon. For that reason I trust that you will provide my team with abundant funds.

Mana has more peculiar factors, one of these is mana density. Despite the name it has a different meaning from the usual definition of density. The amount of mana particles contained in the same volume can greatly differ from case to case. These crystals are vital to measure it. Some of my colleagues have awakened, so we tried to interact with the crystal by injecting mana in it. Despite the volume inside the crystal being the same the stone assumed different colors.

Thanks to this phenomenon we were able to discover the concept of mana density. I was also able to measure it using a new scale that I named TDM(Tusk Density Meter).

One last discovery about mana density: Objects with less than 500 TDM and the people with 0 TDM can't interact with Awakeners. We called this phenomenon mana discrepancy. Douglas, care to demonstrate?"

"At your service professor."

Douglas handed a steel box to Nicola. He quickly opened it and grabbed its content. He firmly held a gun. With no hesitation he aimed at Scott and shot 3 times. Under the shocked gaze of the presents, when the bullets made contact with the moderator's body a force repelled them and they fell on the floor.

"You might be wondering…Then why can Awakeners touch everything else normally? It's because of the MANA TRANSMISSION LAW! 'I just made this name up as I speak'.

When an awakened person touches an object with little to no mana, similarly to how thermal transmission works they subconsciously deposit a small amount of their mana. Therefore they are't repelled by the object.

In a nutshell it's reverse magnetic force. If two elements have the same charge they can interact, otherwise, if they have a different one they repel each other.

When an object is too fast there isn't enough time to apply the mana transmission law so, the object bounces off.

This brings to one conclusion: Most of the modern weapons are completely useless against monsters and Awakeners."

The room temperature dropped to sub-zero. The stiffened face of the world's leaders could be seen as they realized how fragile the balance of civilization was. The simple statement "guns don't work" can by itself potentially throw the world into chaos.

Without a care in the world Tusk stated. "Now, time for the bad news."

Some of the listeners fainted, others panicked and some even convinced themselves that they heard incorrectly.

"Let's start with the unknown. We have no clue of what this status interface is. There is no logical explanation or direct correlation with mana particles.

Now for the spicy part.

The rifts that appeared around the world are unexplainable with science. The information we were provided with, was also very scarce and there was no time to dig deeper. We were only able to deduct a few things:

One, rifts lead to some form of pocket dimension; Two, only awakeners can enter those rifts;

Three, After the first person enters there is a 10 minute frame before the rift disappears;

Four, aside from the first 10 minutes whoever enters the rift is trapped until every monster has been slayed;

Five, after they came back, the rift disappears forever;

Six, the rifts are extremely unstable, we predict that the most unsteady one's will collapse in less than 14 Days. If they collapse they are most likely going to let out whatever there is inside. It's not to exclude that they could potentially terraform the land around them.

Do whatever you want with this knowledge. I'm going to bed. See you in 12 hours."


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