
please reset the booktitle Fulmineboltex 20231218092329 72

Ready to swallow the light? In September 2019, the world was thrown into chaos as a monster invasion began to overthrow everything we know – morals, politics, science and society. In the midst of this upheaval, a young man named Deimos finds himself at the center of it all. Despite his cynical nature, he must navigate this new reality and figure out how to adjust to this new environment. Disclamer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Fulmineboltex · Fantasía
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32 Chs

30 - Learning Mana Coating

Lele's efforts to convey the feeling to others were largely unsuccessful.

"When you activate mana counting, you create a shield around yourself, it's all like a swish with a fuzz at the end."

"That's not a very useful description…" Deimos said while rolling his eyes.

After nearly two hours of trying, they had made no progress. Albert suggested, "Perhaps our class is not compatible with this ability. While the dragon did not have the invictus class, it's possible that mana coating is a skill that can only be learned by those within a certain spectrum of classes."

"So, you're suggesting that tank classes may have the potential to learn it while wizard classes may not?" Deimos asked for clarification.

Albert nodded in agreement.

"I suppose you could be correct, however, there's something bothering me," Deimos said.

"What is it?" Albert asked.

"I don't know about you or Mase, but I have a feeling that I could learn this ability. Nonetheless, I'm missing a key component and I don't know what it is. " Deimos replied.

"I have the same feeling," Mase said. "There's something inside me that tells me I can learn this ability."

"I didn't experience anything like that. I couldn't even visualize my mana clearly. Personally, I think I'll stop practicing this ability today and focus on something more intriguing," Albert responded.

"Like what?" asked Mase, his curiosity piqued.

"I heard from Lara. She has found a way to make weapons using monster cores. She made a few prototypes and she wants us to test them."

"That's sick! Especially now that we have some understanding of our abilities, those weapons could be incredibly valuable," Mase replied, clearly excited.

"What do you think, Deimos? Want to join us?" Albert asked.

"Nah, I'll pass. Lara made those weapons for you guys, not for me. Besides…"

"Besides what?"

"Nothing. I want to focus on cracking the code around Mana Coating. I won't be able to sleep until I understand it. After all, I have the Gamer Grindset passive."

"Alright then, we're off. See you later."


After Mase, Albert, and Lele left the house, Deimos fell deep in thought.

"When I touched Lele's Mana, I clearly felt a dense, homogeneous current flowing around his entire body, without any specific origin. But when I try to replicate the same flow, it feels uncomfortable and wrong. They did mention how auras are unique to each individual, so maybe the deployment of Mana Coating is also unique. Void type mana is out of the question for now, as I have no idea how to control it without using my weapon as a catalyst. However, I do have another class, Aspect of Thunder. If that's the case..."

The room was bathed in a blue glow as crackling sounds filled the air, and an electrical aura of tiny sparks surrounded Deimos. The display lasted only a few seconds before fading away.

"THAT'S IT! Sure, it's incomplete, but that's a start!".

[Lara's Smithy]

The group approached the dusty shop and called out to see if anyone was there. Lara emerged from the backrooms, looking like she had been working day and night with a slightly shriveled face.

"Hey, are you alright?" Albert asked with concern etched on his face.

Lara replied, "Yes, I'm fine. I've just been forging non-stop for the past few days. Follow me."

The group entered the forge room, which was now much messier than the first time they had visited. Utensils useful for a smithy were scattered everywhere in the room.

Curious about how the mana weapons were made, Albert asked, "How did you manage to create these mana weapons?"

Lara explained, "It's actually quite simple. I tried to melt the crystals and create a weapon using that material, but I was unsuccessful. Instead, I created a weapon with a mana crystal engraved on it. There may be better methods in the future, but for now, this will have to do!"

As she spoke, Lara lifted the cloth covering a set of weapons on the table. A spear, a rapier, and a bow with a gem embedded in the handle were revealed.

"As for Lele, I still haven't found a proper solution. But if you guys can test these prototypes for me, I might be able to learn something more," Lara explained.

Mase interjected, "Are you implying that this is all for free?"

Lara nodded and replied, "Yes. I need to know how these weapons perform so that knowledge will be considered a payment. Plus, these are prototypes, so I can't guarantee their quality."

"Still I would feel bad to just take them," Albert stated.

"I have an idea," Mase proposed. "Since Lara needs to see the weapons in action, why don't we escort her to a rift? While we hunt down the monsters, Lele can protect her and ensure her safety."

Lara inclined her head "Why are you so sure that he can protect me?"


"Ah, I almost forgot that she doesn't even use internet," Albert remarked.

"We're not necessarily certain that Lele can protect you, but if he can't, then it's likely that humanity will face extinction. In that case, it wouldn't really matter whether or not you survive," Mase clarified.

"Alright, then I'll be in your care!" she exclaimed, looking at Lele with sparkling eyes.

"Since that's settled, when will you be free, Lele?" Albert asked.

"I should be free tomorrow after 5 PM," replied Lele.

"Great, then let's meet up at San Carlo Square tomorrow at 5:30. Does that work for everyone?" proposed Mase.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Short chapter.

Fulmineboltexcreators' thoughts