
1.The seas can see the beauty

Hello vera answered her phone....who is the fool calling by this time just to hang up on me . oh my God it's seven a.m am late for class, miss daffy is Going to kill me this the forty time am being late for her class ;oh God save me. I hate that woman she said to herself. After a long worm bath vera dressed in a blue and white gown👗 with her hair tied up side ways you can now see the love golden nackless she wore want down stirs. good morning mom,good morning dad.she greeted her parents while looking snacks🍪🍧 too eat.why don't you have breakfast🍛🍲 vera Mrs Ellen McCain asked her as she puts down the chicken soup she made for breakfast on the dinning table. no mom am late for class you no how that silly miss daffy behaves when I get to school I will buy something to eat...good morning mom dad. a happy voice coming for the left side of the house greeted her parents. good morning eve how was your night Mr and Mrs John McCain asked her at the same time. it was great ..hmmm she inhaled the aroum from the chicken soup. it smalls delicious mom. yes my dear said Mrs joy I made it for your father you want to have some.no mom am late I will have mine when I come back form school.she checks her watch it's half past eight am so so late,mom see you later bye ... yeah me too vera said take care.

vera why are you late again. daffy asked her.i over slept last night.... hold it there young lady.vera tries to defend herself but daffy shot her up. this is not a playing ground that you can come to when ever you like it's a dance school and I'm your dance teacher you are my student so always have that in mind even in your dreams remember it I'm understood. yes ma,now get out of my sight.ok ma vera run off .

"singing."you are my sun shine you are my dream... dream.. oh God my voice sounds terrible am trying to get but the more I try the more I fell.eve;beauty called her.why are you so worried just be yourself and you will see you will get it .eve gave a sigh of relief ok I will try one more time."singing. "you are my sun shine you are dream....dream. ....dream. now that's wat I call wow. beauty said you see I told you that your voice is amazing you are one hell of a singer eve . thanks beauty.

eww ; my stomach I think I need to eat something I've not eatan since morning. ..since morning no wounder you look so duly today. "yes I will go now,don't you want something to eat? " no eve am ok but if you want me to come the answer is yes."ok let's go. Am so hungry come work fast vera said to beauty ... I hate you mom an unfamiliar voice said out loud. stop did you hear that eve? hear what ?the shout?no I didn't can we go now.yes let's go.

da dad da.eve picks up her call. Hello. . hi David how are you?..am fine eve I need your help..what is it I hope all is well...yes am out of town am in LA now and my elder brother just arrived at downtown and he has been calling ...emm who is this your brother. ... viv the rock star. ..ohh now I see so what does he want.... look he needs someone to help him out around the town he wasn't born here so h its a little difficult for him here so I was thinking. ... let me guess you were thinking I should turn to his errand girl you know David I never knew you looked down at me so much to turn me into your brothers errand girl..... no its not it my brother is real nice he needs help around here.... no thank you am not interested bye... wait...bye I said. what was that all about beauty who was now paying for the French fries and butter meat and milk eve order for. it's David eve colleted the tare of food form beauty ... he said his brothers viv the rock star is in town... viv is in town oh my goodness. can I finish first before you start blushing over nothing. alright go ahead. he said he wants me to help him out like showing him around town and...and what eve what are you waiting for every other girl would never say know to that... that is it beauty am not every other girl am eve.ok eve now you need to be every other girl get you head of your ass it's not a hat girl you need to sit... da dad da eve's phone rung.girl you need to pick that call or I will.... no you won't. . watch me beauty reach for eve's phone . hello David. .. eve please I will do what ever you want..boy shut your mouth aren't eve it's beauty listen boy i can do anything ....beauty eve called her... I mean eve is ready to do it but she whispers I can do it much better. .... hahahah beauty thank you but I've already asked eve...why you all gonna treat me this way I hate you all get off the phone mother fucker. she hangs up on David. can you imagine that boy thinks that you are better then me. and is he wrong eve ask.wacth you saying girl you are not better then me not at all. ok I agree. eve ,you know you all are beautiful just like me,she came closer to eve you mind if I come with you meant need my help. no thank you I will be fine. like hell you will be fine am out of here.... no wait beauty ohh God she's a dream queen.

vera finished the water in her bottle can. I need to get water. exercise me miss daffy do you mind if I go get some water. how is that my business. ok I'll just go then. That woman is on believable am so tired of all this nonsense.hi watch where you are going.vera mistakenly step on a boys foot. am sorry vera said not looking at the boys face, reaching the tap she filled her water can as she tighten the water can her phone rung. she dropped the can on a table nearby.

hmmm,God mother what does she want vera thought. hello ; God mother.you want to see me?where?Kings restaurant? ok see God mother am in class now I will met there by 4 o clock I promise you.ok bye.....

what are you doing over there vera? don't you know that class will soon start and you are keeping the other students waiting .

"sorry daffy am busy right now; am coming."

" don't make me come at here ones again."

" ok daffy.i bet you will come out more then

once .....

did you say something?daffy asked.

nothing just go inside.

"Miss daffy I want to ask you something. vera carried her Park bag."

"what is it McCain vera."

"you see miss daffy my God mother just called me that she's sick and I need to take care of her. "

"vera McCain I hope this is not one of the escapeing lies form my class?"

"of course not...

"because if it is I will make you take extra classes do you understand? "

"yes miss daffy and your mouth smalls vera mummed to herself. "

"I heard that vera. she inhales her breath. well you..you can go now"

"thanks miss daffy.