

I had underestimated the stubbornness of the Viltrumites.

Well, it was more like I had underestimated their intelligence and relied too much upon my knowledge in the comics that I overlooked one very important detail. I had no real, concrete proof that Thragg was lying and therefore, the Viltrumites chose to believe the man who had led them for so many years and not me, the Kryptonian that had just defeated them.

It was unfortunate really, Kregg, Anissa and Thula would be good servants to possess for my new empire. I'd need capable warriors, especially if I was to face all the future threats that would come my way. Admittedly I don't know how the Viltrumites compare to the dangers of DC and Marvel comics, right now they're dangerous but that's because I'm still relatively new in my exposure to yellow sun radiation. I would continue to grow stronger whereas they, despite having lived for thousands of years had only achieved this level of strength.

Certainly not weak, each one was a planetary level being, it was how they had managed to conquer so many planets before being stopped by the Green Lantern Corps. But in a universe where planetary beings were a common sight, it wasn't all that impressive.

However, it would be a good starting point, especially when combined with the vast numbers of the Vrangs. If I could conquer the Citadel and then perhaps, leverage that to get my hands upon the Tamareans, then that would be even better. In fact, that would be perfect, it would be an excellent foundation for my empire.

"We're approaching Viltrum." One of my Vrang aids called, a tenseness upon the bridge. An understandable action considering the Viltrum fleet that Anissa had been a part of, led by the powerful Viltrumite, Conquest was approaching their home world of Mobile.

It was a race against the clock, could we conquer Viltrum and force the Viltrumites to surrender before Conquest destroyed Mobile? For me, this was especially important, if I failed not only would Mobile be destroyed, Viltrumite would be forever out of my grasp. They'd be revitalised by their victory and I'd be forced to retreat. Furthermore, the Vrangs whose distaste for me was very clear would rebel. I'd be able to quell them quite easily, but they might join the Viltrumites in their efforts to kill me.

No, I needed to win here because if I did, this achievement would cement my place as the strongest in the eyes of the Vrangs. Their rebellious thoughts and distaste would die down, I expect there'll still be a few murmurs here and there, but they'd be too small to do anything.

Then the problem would be upon ensuring that the Viltrumites didn't rebel.

And as the planet before me came into clearer view, I paused as I looked upon the ring surrounding it. "Zoom in upon that ring," I ordered and the image zoomed in and there was muttering that filled the bridge.

I remembered it now, the Ring was formed from the bodies of all the Viltrumities that had been killed. Whether it be by the Scourge Virus or through the Culling, it didn't matter. All their dead were placed upon this Ring, forever floating around the planet as a reminder of what had become of their race.

An alert then came up, dozens of Viltrumites flying towards our fleet, they were slow but from the zoomed-in image, I could see they were simply cruising in towards us. "Prepare the Trojan Horse," I ordered as I rose from my chair and exited the bridge.

Grand Regent Thragg would be here, I'd have to fight him and I would admit to being quite nervous. Anissa, Kregg and Thula hadn't been much of a challenge, they certainly weren't weak but they didn't possess the strength or speed necessary to match me. What they did possess was skill and intelligence, a different kind of enemy compared to Doomsday.

Thragg as the strongest of the Viltrumites, he'd be no less of a threat to me than Doomsday was. But I had no intention of allowing the rest of the Viltrumite race to gang up on me along with Thragg.

My plan, the Trojan Horse would ensure that the Viltrumite people would be incapacitated before they could get a chance. And as I made my way towards the airlock, I looked to see my three prisoners, clad in a small collar. They were docile having learned very early on what happened if they tried anything.

The frequency those collars emitted would be enough to make them very uncomfortable. However, should they try and remove them, the ship would automatically release a much more powerful frequency that would make them wish they were dead. Anissa had experienced such pain first-hand and had done so again when Thula had attempted to remove her collar.

Since then all three had been incredibly careful in how they acted. But the one who worried me the most was General Kregg, I had no idea what to make of the man. Whereas Anissa and Thula had outright refused to believe Thragg was lying, Kregg hadn't seemed so unwilling to believe it.

In fact, I'd go so far as to wager that maybe Kregg had already suspected, perhaps even knew that Thragg had been lying. But he probably recognised that as strong as Thragg was, no one would be able to properly challenge him just yet so had been biding his time. He could also simply not care, but I highly doubted that considering the way he acted in the comics.

But he seemed like an incredibly smart man so I wouldn't put it past him.

-X- Line Break -X-

Dodging to one side, I avoided the straight punch from one Viltrumite who plummeted down directly past me. His form obscured my view momentarily, but I easily picked up the sight of two other Viltrumites coming directly towards me, fists drawn back. Flying backwards I easily began to put distance myself and the, noticing five more converging upon me.

One from above, one from below, one from either side and one from behind me. It was impressive teamwork, especially considering they had to do so silently, they were able to communicate in space as they held their breath.

It showcased their ability to understand and work together, further proving to me how useful they could be as servants. However, it wasn't quite enough as I suddenly came to a halt. This sudden shift caught all by surprise, even more so when my heat vision lanced out, striking the two coming from my front knocking them back.

At the same time, my hands lashed out, wrapping around the faces of the two who came from my sides, bringing all their momentum to a halt. Spinning around, my feet struck out, smashing against the faces of the remaining three.

As I did, I squeezed down on their faces just a little bit till they floated in space, struggling to breathe as they suffocated in the vacuum of space. It was unfortunate that despite how strong they were, their weakness in space was quite easy to exploit if you knew how to do so.

They had trained extensively to do hold their breaths, that was obvious to see. Even when I struck them with powerful blows they tensed their muscles, clenching their jaws tight as they refused to lose the precious air they had stored within their lungs. It was impressive to see, but they had limits to what blows they could withstand. All I had to do was find the right amount of strength and hit them in just the right area that no matter how well trained, they couldn't stop their bodies natural reaction.

It wasn't fun or all that fanciful, but a fight wasn't always about that. It was about intelligence, pacing one's self and exploiting your opponent's weaknesses. Sometimes, the best way to end a fight was the simple and effective way.

Considering I was outnumbered, simple and effective was the best way to go, even if it meant sacrificing style and flare. I was a fan of style and flair, always had been, but I couldn't always rely on that.

Turning to my right where there was a sudden flash of light that was quickly snuffed out, I saw another Vrang ship being destroyed. Around me floated dozens of unconscious Viltrumites that were being collected by small Vrang ships. Each of them would be collecting the unconscious warriors and outfitting them with similar collars as the ones worn by Kregg and the others.

I didn't want to let them die.

However, the main fleet itself continued to fly towards the Viltrum planet. The planet's populace fighting against it with everything they had and doing some serious damage. But just as more Viltrumites branched off to come to stop me, this meant less would be stopping the advance of my fleet who would continue towards Viltrum.

There they could enact the Trojan Horse.

However one of my biggest threats was also over there, a figure I could easily make out by the fact he wore a deep red cloak which, unlike man, was pristine and smooth. Mine was rough and tattered, but I quite liked it that way.

That man was Grand Regent Thragg and I couldn't help but feel a little apprehension when I looked upon him. Just as I had imagined, he was strong. How much yet remained to be seen but I had a feeling that my battle against him would not be an easy one.

Though I would have to make sure to kill him at the end, I doubted I'd be able to make him surrender. He was too prideful and if he lived, he might go on to make an army of half-breed children as he had done in the comics.

That was something I'd like to avoid, recurring enemies was not my style. Not when routinely, villains would come back stronger and more dangerous than ever. No, killing Thragg would be necessary in order to ensure I'd have one less enemy to face in the future. Especially when I'd have to face many more enemies upon my journey throughout the universe.

Vast and powerful foes who would no doubt try and stop me at all costs for one reason or another. Eliminating one foe now would be important to provide some measure of security in the beginning.

-X- Line Break -X-

"Conquest, Viltrum has come under assault," Lucan informed the aged and powerful Viltrumite warrior. They had made quite a bit of progress, destroying a number of Vrang outposts as they made their way towards their homeworld, Mobile. The only stain upon their campaign was Anissa's loss to the Vrang fleet a strange occurrence that had puzzled many.

Anissa was perhaps the strongest warrior in Viltrum, surpassed only by General Kregg, Conquest and Grand Regent Thragg. There might be a few others in the Expansion Department, but they were off-world constantly so the true measure of power that some of their members possessed was not fully known.

Either way, her loss was surprising and confusing.

But it was a loss that became clear when it was also revealed that the Vrang fleet also defeated General Kregg and his fleet. That had appeared to be an easy victory for the supreme commander of the Viltrumite military. Kregg had proven himself to not only be an incredibly powerful warrior, but also an incredibly capable strategist and tactician. A man who even Conquest deferred to despite being the stronger of the two, that alone was a showcase of the respect and skill Kregg inspired and possessed.

His defeat was even more shocking to learn of and beggared the question as to what weapons the Vrangs possessed to gain victory in such shockingly quick means?

"Hmm, they arrived sooner than expected, they must have used a Jump Point," Conquest murmured, referring to various wormholes throughout the universe that allowed one to travel thousands of light-years in a matter of seconds, almost like teleportation. It was a preferred method of travel used throughout the universe.

"Grand Regent Thragg requests we move towards the nearest Jump Point in case aid is required." Conquest looked towards Lucan, a frown upon his face. "He explains that the conquest of Mobile is to be postponed until the Vrang Fleet attacking Viltrum has been defeated."

"Bah, he's been too careful." Conquest spat out, fist-clenching in anger before releasing a frustrated sigh. "Fine, move us to the nearest Jump Point. Waste of fucking time, but it's an order from the Grand Regent." The last part was muttered more to himself.

Lucan nodded his head as Conquest stormed out of the room. As soon as he did, many around upon the bridge released a sigh of relief. Conquest had a well-known temper at times, not as bad as Anissa's but he would not be happy with this change in plan. But Lucan could understand Grand Regent Thragg's decision. Despite Anissa's defeat, it had been brushed off more as Anissa making a mistake than anything the Vrangs did.

Therefore the lucky break by the Vrangs had been acknowledged but ultimately overlooked. Conquest and the main fleet continued for Mobile, making a show of conquering everything the Vrangs owned just as Thragg ordered. They were to make an example of the Vrangs so that all would know the power of Viltrum.

However the defeat of General Kregg, as shocking as it was, also made it very clear that Anissa's defeat was not down to luck. The Vrangs had a weapon that no one was fully aware of and with them now attacking Viltrum, it made sense to ensure that reinforcements could be called upon if need be.

The fact that Conquest had not ignored the order showed that he understood that as well.